Work in co-operation with other organisations
/ This standard is about developing and sustaining effective working relationships with other organisations, including public, private or voluntary sector bodies. This is essential for effective multi-agency working in planning for, responding to, and assisting recovery from emergencies.
Target group
The standard is particularly suited to those who work with people from other organisations in planning for, responding to, or assisting recovery from emergencies. It may also be used in other justice sector settings.
Performance criteria
You must be able to: / 1 identify roles, responsibilities and authorities of different people and organisations you work with in line with organisational requirements
2 agree and record arrangements for joint working appropriate to the nature and purpose of the work
3 maintain arrangements for joint working appropriate to the nature and purpose of the work
4 confirm shared responsibilities and authority to act, including any limitations in line with organisational requirements
5 agree information to be shared, reasons for this and how to maintain security of information in line with legislative and organisational requirements
6 undertake your role in multi-agency working in ways that are consistent with agreements made, your own job role and organisational policies and standards
7 interact with people in other organisations in line with organisational requirements and in ways which
7.1 encourage effective relationships and participation
7.2 respect their views, roles and responsibilities
7.3 promote equality and value diversity
7.4 acknowledge the value of multi-agency working
8 represent your organisation's views and policies in line with organisational policies and standards
9 identify how your organisation can support multi-agency objectives
through contributions to joint working
10 agree how multi-agency work will be monitored in line with organisational requirements
11 agree when multi-agency work will be reviewed in line with organisational requirements
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: / 1 relevant legislation, organisational policies and procedures that apply to your own organisation
2 relevant legislation, organisational policies and procedures that apply to multi-agency working
3 relevant legislation and guidance that apply to information sharing, data protection and information security
4 the nature and purpose of Integrated Emergency Management (IEM)
5 principles and benefits of joint working between different organisations
6 roles and functions of organisations involved in civil protection at local, regional and national level
7 governance arrangements relevant to multi-agency working
8 how partner organisations are organised
9 capabilities of partner organisations
10 how organisations' structure and culture can affect multi-agency working
11 factors likely to help or hinder multi-agency working
12 effective methods of identifying and resolving tensions and issues
13 methods of reviewing the effectiveness of multi-agency working relationships
14 your own abilities in multi-agency working and when to seek further support
Additional Information
Behaviours / Listed below are the main generic behaviours which need to be applied. These are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the standard and are listed here as additional information:1 collaborative
2 community minded
3 constructive
4 open minded
5 realistic
Skills / Listed below are the main generic skills which need to be applied. These are explicit/implicit in the detailed content of the standard and are listed here as additional information:
1 communication ·
2 influencing
3 liaison
4 negotiation
5 networking ·
6 organising ·
7 presentation
8 problem identification
9 problem solving
10 prioritisation
Glossary / Integrated Emergency Management (IEM)
An approach to preventing and managing emergencies which entails six key activities – anticipation, assessment, prevention, preparation, response and recovery. IEM is geared to the idea of building greater overall resilience in the face of a broad range of disruptive challenges. It requires a coherent multi-agency effort.
Public, private or voluntary bodies.
Links to other NOS / This standard is designed to relate to all other standards where multi-agency working may be an essential component of work.
Senior managers who are involved in developing and managing multi-agency partnerships should also refer to Skills for Justice standard SfJHG4 Develop and manage multi-agency partnerships.
Developed by / Skills for Justice
Version number / 2
Date approved / November 2014
Indicative review date / November 2019
Validity / Current
Status / Original
Originating organisation / Skills for Justice
Original URN / SFJCCAA1
Relevant occupations / Firefighters; Health professionals; Police Officers; Public Services and Care; Public Services; Public Service and Other Associate Professionals
Suite / Civil Contingencies
Key words / Developing; sustaining; develop; sustain; effective working; relationships; emergency; emergencies; emergency management
SFJCCAA1 Work in co-operation with other organisations 5