Canada: A Water Rich Nation – Web Quest
Please write the responses to the following questions pertaining to water; our most precious resource.
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Answer the following questions from the website to gain a richer knowledge of water in Canada.
Home Page
1. Canada’s freshwater lakes and rivers cover ___________________ square kilometers, a bountiful percent portion of the country.
2. Name three early uses for water.
3. What are three more recent uses for water?
4. What are two concerns about water in Canada?
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: Glaciers”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
Glacier Page
5. What is a glacier?
6. How many times did ice cover Canada in the last 2 million years?
7. In the Rivers of Ice box, click on 18000 years ago. Watch the short animation. What did you learn?
8. Close the animation and click on During Glaciation. What was deposited over the land through streams from glacial lake water?
9. Click on After Glaciation. What is different now? What does fertile mean?
10. What is the only remnant from the distant icy past?
11. Open a new tab in your internet browser and do a Google image search for this reminder. Find a map pointing it out. Cut and paste the image into this document now.
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: At-a-glance facts”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
At-a-Glance Facts Page
12. From the facts listed on this page, list one that you learned something from and then create three trivia questions to stump your classmates!
13. What the heck is that a picture of at the bottom of the page?
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: Drainage Basins”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
Drainage Basins Page
14. What does Canada have five of?
15. Name all five.
16. What is the longest of all the rivers on the Drainage Basins interactive map?
17. Which river is closest to our home? Which Drainage Basin does this river use?
18. What two directions do most of the water flow?
19. Where is this direction most obviously different?
20. Why is this the case?
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: Sources and Uses”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
Sources and Uses Page
21. One fact from this page, one we already know. Depending on where you live, where do residents draw their water from?
Look to the left of the page. Click on the Watersheds theme from the menu on the left.
Watersheds Page
22. What is a watershed?
Look to the left of the page. Click on the “Watershed Awareness” theme from the menu on the left.
Watershed Awareness Page
23. Fill in the blanks
Canada is a country synonymous with water, with over ___________ lakes and ____________________of the world’s ___________________lying within its borders. While Canada’s land mass stores _________________of the world’s freshwater supply, it is gifted with only __________________of the world’s _______________________each year, and that figure shrinks even further to 2.6 percent in southern Canada, where the majority of Canadians live. In order to conserve the nation’s water heritage for future generations, Canadians need to live within the constraints of the country’s renewable-freshwater budget.
24. How many deaths and illnesses and deaths are attributed to poor water quality in Canada every year?
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: Past”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
25. Watch the Remembering Walkerton animation on this page. Write a brief description of what happened in Walkerton, Ontario in the year 2000.
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “On the next page: Power to Protect”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
Power to Protect Page
26. By examining the Monitoring our Waterways animation, tell me where in Canada experiences the lowest levels of water.
27. Click on the “Water Quality: Local” tab and tell me how the water quality is in our region.
Look to the right of the page. There should be a box there that reads “Rural Watershed Issues”. Click the arrow pointing to the right.
Rural Watershed Issues Page
28. Watch and listen to the Virtual Water animation. Which of the listed items uses the most water to produce. How much water does it take to produce this item?
29. Click on the Games and Quizzes tab on the left hand menu. Find the Watersheds section in the Games and Quizzes menu. Work on the Watershed crossword for the remainder of class.
30. Only when you have finished the crossword and have proven so to Mr.MacSwain, may you go on to play on of the following games at
Have fun!