TEXT:ElementaryStatistics, 2nd Edition,Guth
Approved:June2017 Effective:Fall 2017
graphing,averages,dispersionstatistics,andmeasuresofrelativeposition.(Optional:DataExploration-skewness,kurtosis,boxplots) / Chapter1
Optional:2.5 / 5Hours
Probability:fundamentals,additionrule,multiplicationrule,complements. / 3.1-3.2 / 4Hours
varianceandexpectedvalue.Propertiesofexpectedvalueandvariance.Binomialrandomvariable.(Optional:Moments,skewness,kurtosisforadiscreterandomvariable,thePoissonrandomvariable.) / 4.14.3
Optional:4.24.4 / 4Hours
ContinuousRandomvariables:uniform,non-standardandstandardnormalprobabilitydistributions.Findingscoreswhengivenprobabilities. / 5.1-5.3 / 4Hours
normalapproximationofthebinomialdistribution.Estimationofpopulationmeanandproportionthroughconfidenceintervals,samplesizeanderror. / 6.1-6.6 / 4Hours
difference(withmatched-pairsamples)usingthep-valueapproachandthecriticalvalueapproachwithz-andt-distributions. / 7.1-7.5 / 5Hours
independentsamples,comparingtwoproportions.(Optional:confidenceintervalsfordifferencesbetweenparameters.) / 8.1-8.3
Optional:8.4 / 4Hours
forNormality. / 9.1-9.29.4 / 2.5Hours
ApplicationsofChisquare:multinomialexperiments,contingencytables. / 10.1-10.2 / 2.5Hours
Analysisofvariance:one-waywithequalandunequalsamplesizes. / 11.1 / 2.5Hours
Optional:Nonparametrictests. / OptionalChapter12
*** One hour = 1 hour of face time. ****Thisoutlineallowsfor 4 hours of exams.
16 Week Term: 1 week = 2.8333 hours (face time) 6 Week Term: 1 week = 7.5 hours (face time)
Submittedby:Lancaster, Guth, Johnson, Kim, Sholars, Troxell, Kojima, Chan, Griffith
Math 110 Approved: June 2017Course Measurable Objectives:
1. Define basic statistical terms and notation.
2. Describe the proper methods in the collection, classification and presentation of
quantitative data.
3. Explain the basic concepts of probability theory and calculate probabilities.
4. Select the appropriate statistical methods for any application covered.
5. Employ the principles of inferential statistics in the areas of estimation and hypothesis
6. Utilize statistical techniques with a variety of applications that pertain to business, the
social, natural and physical sciences.
7. Utilize computer technology to aide in the solution of statistical analyses.
1. Two to four exams during the semester are recommended. The exams should generally
be closed book, covering large blocks of material (usually more than one chapter).
Students should demonstrate problem-solving skills by showing work for a significant
number of problems on exams. Students should demonstrate their communication
skills by writing their answers in complete sentence form for all application problems
and wherever else appropriate.
2. The final exam should be comprehensive and must be given during the time stipulated
in the college final exam schedule. It should stress the core material and should
comprise at least 25%, but not more than 50%, of the course grade.
3. Instructors should be sensitive to the level of the course, treat review material as
review, and teach to the level of the subject. Lack of proficiency in the prerequisite
material and/or lack of commitment to the course work on the part of the student
should not affect the content of the course, the level of instruction, or the difficulty of
the problems assigned and tested.
4. Grading Policy: For Math 50, 51, 51A, 51B, 71, 71A, 71B, 71X
At least 85% of the grade should be based on proctored, individual quizzes and exams
(including the final exam).
For Math 100 and 110H
At least 75% of the grade should be based on proctored, individual quizzes and exams
(including the final exam).
For all other Math classes
At least 80% of the grade should be based on proctored, individual quizzes and exams
(including the final exam).
Math Department: Approved 06/07/13