MEETING 4thNovember 2014
ATTENDANCE: Mike Morgan-Jones, AngelaSillence, Robin Hewlett, Colin Burrows, Colin Campbell, Mike Taylor, Tren Torode
No public questions.
- APOLOGIES: Mick Brown,Edna Webb, June Pennell, Richard Chalmers
Minutes agreed.
Two minor corrections were agreed and the minutes have been amended. - CORRESPONDENCE
Covered in items below. - TREASURER’S REPORT
No change from last month. Awaiting costs associated with Celebrate Winterslow Day - ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION
- 3rd November Site Allocation DPD meeting with WC Sarah Hughes and Christopher Miner
Phase 1 is initial Settlement Boundary review. PC has responded to an informal consultation.
Phase 2 is Site Allocations and they haven’t started on this yet.
We left them with a full pack of info (Latest summary of NP findings, full list of all sites considered, list and map of proposed sites, appraisal summary for each proposed site)
Our input was welcomed and WC said we were ahead of the curve. Without such input WC approach to site allocations would be entirely based on an analysis of SHLAA sites with little community consultation.
We can forget doing an SEA. They will do it as part of their Site Allocations DPD.
Next step is formal consultation by WC on proposed allocations in the New Year. There may be an informal consultation with PCs.
End date remains Dec 2015.
Next steps for us are to:
- update our proposals after Celebrate Winterslow Day
- seek landowners views on our proposed development sites
- present amended information to WC
Mike T reported on the WC meeting at the Parish Council at the 3rd November meeting.
- Status of all Actions in Progress
The list of outstanding actions was discussed and updated. See attached
- Celebrate Winterslow Day
Final arrangements were discussed and agreed, including:
presentation content
advance publicity
recording number of visitors and feedback
manning of our display
7.30, Tuesday 9th December 2014 at the Pavilion, Recreation Ground.
Meeting closed at 9.30 PM
NP Steering Group ACTIONS IN PROGRESS Nov 2014
- Complete reports from initial contacts with groups/organisations, including noting those who did not want to be involved.
- Raise profile of CWD with groups/organisations.
- Produce relevant (soft) maps
- Identify potential landowners that may consider providing land for Affordable Homes
- What other (non VDS or SHLAA) sites should be considered?
- Census data and trends: population, age groups, employment, anything else relevant.
- Current data on house prices and types of property bought/sold in last 5 years.
- Current data on house rental prices and types of property rented in last 5 years.
- Data/trends from the Surgery without hitting data protection issues? Potential for local ‘care in community’ facility?
- Footpath network. What additions to the network might reduce car usage, increase pedestrian safety, improve access to village facilities?
- Pre- school data, trends, forecasts and future needs (We already have a summary from the school)
- Youth Zone data, trends, forecasts and future needs
- Village Hall booking trends, capacity constraints and future needs
- Analysis of historic planning application in the Parish.
- Preparation for CWD
Core Strategy Policy Reviews
- Employment, economic regeneration
- Retail, Tourism, Accommodation
- Low carbon energy, renewable energy
- Affordable homes, housing needs
- Rural life, community facilities
- Biodiversity, landscape, green infrastructure
- Air quality, contaminated land
- Design and conservation of historic environment
- Transport
- Flood risk, water resources