of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

of 28December 2017

on fees for paid full-time studies in English at the Ludwik Rydygier Collegium Medicum
of the Nicolaus Copernicus University foreach year of studies for students commencing studies in the academic year 2018/2019

Pursuant to Art. 99, art. 160a sec. 3 the Act of 27July 2005 r. on the Law of Higher Education
in Poland (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 2183) and to § 137 sec. 1, clause 4, 5 and 6
of the Nicolaus Copernicus University Statute of 22 October 2013, (Biuletyn Prawny UMK– Legal Bulletin of the Nicolaus Copernicus University of 2017, item 252 as amended)

it is ordered as follows:

§ 1

1.For paid full-time studies in English conducted at NCUCollegium Medicum, hereinafter referred to as “studies in English”, the following charges are binding:

1)guarantee fee (appliesonly tostudents entering and undergoing studies on the basis
of the Rector’s decision);

2)tuition fee (payment for classes covered by the Plan of Study);

3)payments related to the repetition of the classes, resulting from unsatisfactory learning achievements, or to making up for curricular differences, and for classes not included
in the Plan of Study;

4)additional payments for documents related to the course of the studies.

2.Students qualified for studies in English make an additional payment for the preparatory course organized by NCUCollegium Medicum.

§ 2

  1. The amount of the guarantee fee charged to students of the first year of studies in English
    in the academic year 2018/2019 is PLN 2,000.

2.Tuition fee charged tostudents of studies in English commencing the studies
in the academic year2018/2019and binding for thetotalduration of studies shall for each semester be as follows:

1) at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Programme (Medicine):

winter semester –PLN 22,500,

summer semester –PLN 22,500;

2) at the Faculty of Health Sciences:

a) Physiotherapy:

winter semester –PLN 15,000,

summer semester – PLN 15,000;

b) Nursing:

winter semester –PLN 16,000,

summer semester –PLN 16,000;

3) at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Laboratory Medicine:

winter semester –PLN 10,000,

summer semester –PLN 10,000.

§ 3

The amounts referred to in § 1 sec. 1 clause 3 charged to students of studies in English commencing the studies in the academic year 2018/2019and binding for the total duration
of the studies is PLN 50 per onehour of class instruction.

§ 4

1.The amounts referred to in § 1 sec. 1 clause 4 charged to students of studies in English commencing the studies in the academic year 2018/2019 regulated by applicable provisions
are as follows:

1) issue of the Electronic Student ID Card –PLN 17,

2) issue of the University Diploma with two authorized copies –PLN 60,

3) issue of the University Diploma copy translated into English – PLN 40.

2.The charge for the issue of a duplicate document is 150 percent of the original document price.

3.The charges referred to in sec. 1 and 2 shall be incurredbefore the issue of adocument
or its duplicate.

§ 5

The fee for the preparatory course organized by NCUCollegium Medicum charged
to students of studies in English commencing the studies in the academic year 2018/2019
is PLN 2,000.

§ 6

The Office of the Centre for Medical Education in English at NCUCollegium Medicum is obliged to:

1)inform the Vice-Bursar for Collegium Medicum about the number of persons participating
in the preparatory course, not later than until 15 September preceding a givenacademic year;

2) provide the Vice-Bursar for Collegium Medicum with updated lists of students (data divided into individual years, faculties and programmes).

§ 7

With regard toissues not governed by this Directive, respective regulations binding
at the University shall be applicable.

§ 8

This Directive is effective as of 28 December 2017.


Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Tretyn