BBI120 International Business Structures

International Business Structures

·  Obviously a large world outside of Canada’s borders

·  We are a ______country in terms of population when compared with other countries

·  Companies usually expand because they want to reach more ______and make more ______

Forms of Business Structures for International Markets

·  Joint Ventures

·  International Franchises

·  ______

·  Mergers

·  Offshoring

·  Multinational Corporations

Time to Complete Some Research

·  Open up the MS Word document entitled “Researching International Business Structures”

BBI120 Introduction to Population

Using the Internet, find the most recent population statistics for the following countries and summarize the information in the table below.

Country Name / Population
United States

BBI120 Researching International Business Structures

Required: You will work in small groups to complete research on one of the following forms of international business structures:

·  Joint Venture

·  International Franchise

·  Strategic Alliance

·  Merger

·  Offshoring

·  Multinational Corporation

You will collect information that includes:

·  The definition of the form of business structure (you can use the glossary)

·  A summary of the form, e.g. what is it, are there any businesses that typically organize in this manner, etc.

·  Advantages and disadvantages

·  Examples

Your group will present your findings to the class and your presentation will form the class notes on this topic.