Leiden, 26 September 2014
Subject │ Minutes of the WG3 meeting of COST Action IS1305 “European Network of e-Lexicography (ENeL)”
at EURAC, Viale Druso, 1, 39100 Bolzano / Bozen – Italy
on 19 July 2014, from 14h30 till 16h45
1. Welcome to participants
Simon KREK (SI) opens the meeting and welcomes the participants. The topic of the meeting is the workflow of corpus-based lexicography.
2. Appointment of minutes secretary
Carole TIBERIUS and Simon KREK are appointed as minutes secretary.
3. Minutes of the Leiden meeting
The minutes of the Leiden meeting are approved without changes.
4. Presentations
16 contributions were received for the meeting which were presented in 16 short presentations. They were divided into three sessions:
· workflow of monolingual and bilingual general language dictionaries;
· workflow of projects covering a subset of language or a specific construction;
· user involvement In the workflow of corpus-based lexicography.
The full programme can be found on the elexicography website.
A deliverable will be prepared on the basis of the presentations for the January 2015 meeting in Vienna.
5. Round-up
Simon KREK concludes the meeting with some general issues (see Annex 1)
• STSMs. Simon explains the procedure for STSM applications. For WG3 an STSM proposed by Simon Krek (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and Andrea Abel (Bolzano/Bozen, Italy) has been approved. The STSM will produce a detailed questionnaire on dictionary writing systems and corpus query systems used by the participants in the action, together with and overview of existing publications on the topic. The purpose of the STSM is the preparation of the next WG3 meeting.
• The possibility of organising specialised workshops is discussed, e.g. a special workshop on the automatic extraction of good dictionary examples will be organised in conjunction with the January meeting in Vienna.
• The topics for the WG3 meetings up to July 2016 are set. Which topics do we miss and should preferably be treated in the last two meetings of this COST action, e.g. presentation, layout, design issues of e-dictionaries, access routes.
• The format and the length of the meetings is discussed. The general impression is that more time for presentations and discussion is needed.
• The need of organising subgroups is discussed. A subgroup related to Linked Open Data is defined. Thierry DECLERCK (DE) is appointed as the head of this subgroup.
Simon KREK asks the participants to think about these issues and to let the Chair and vice Chair of WG3 know their ideas.
6. AOB
7. Closing
Simon KREK closes the meeting at 16h45.
List of Annexes
Annex 1: WG3: Innovative e-dictionaries – July 2014