New Patient Contact, Demographic and History Information Harris Chiropractic PLC
Date: ______Patient Information Page 1
Legal First Name: ______MI: ______Last Name: ______
Street: ______Apt: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Social Security #:______Marital Status: S M W D Spouse:______
Language: _____English, _____ Spanish, _____ Indian, _____ Japanese, _____ Chinese, _____ Korean, _____ French,
_____ German, _____ Russian, Other______
Race: _____ White, _____American Indian or Alaska Native, _____ Asian, _____ Black or African American,
_____ Hispanic or Latino _____Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific, Islander, _____ Decline to Answer, Other______
Ethnicity: _____ Hispanic or Latino, _____Not Hispanic or Latino, _____ Decline to Answer
DOB: ______Home Phone: ______Work Phone:______
Cell Phone: ______Cell Carrier______
Please check your contact preference: _____Home, _____ Work, _____ Cell, _____Email, _____ Postal Mail
Email home: ______Email work: ______
Emergency Contact:______Phone Number: ______
Whom may we thank for referring you to our office? ______
Occupation: ______Employer: ______
Employer Address: ______
Insurance Information
We will make a copy of your insurance card/s. However, please complete the following information.
Are you the policy holder? Y N If no, who is policy holder: Spouse Parent Employer Other
Primary Policy Holder's Name: (if its you write: same)
First Name: ______M.I. ______Last Name: ______
Policy Holder's Date of Birth: ______Policy Holder's SS#: ______
Policy Holder's Employer: ______
Do you have SECONDARY insurance coverage? Y N If yes, please complete the following:
Policy Holder's Name:
First Name: ______M.I. ______Last Name: ______
Policy Holder's Date of Birth: ______Policy Holder's SS#: ______
Policy Holder's Employer: ______
Patient History Page 2
Are you seeing anyone else for other problems or health conditions? □ Yes □ No
Please list the problem/s, date problem/s began, and Provider/s treating you for the condition/s:
Past health history
Have you…ly Yes No If yes, include date & provider seen
...been hospitalized in the last 5 years? □ □ ______
...been diagnosed with Diabetes? □ □ ______
Type I____or Type II_____
…been treated for hypertension? □ □ ______
Do you smoke? □Never □Former Smoker □Current/Every Day Smoker □Current Some Day Smoker
What medications are you currently taking? Include vitamins, herbs, minerals…
List Date Started, Brand Name, Generic Name, Strength, Dosage, Frequency, Duration, Quantity, Refills Available, Prescribed by ______
Please be as specific as possible. We can copy a list if you have one.
Do you have allergies? □Food □Environmental □Medication
List Type of Allergy and Reaction (example: hives, itching, anaphylaxis)
Assignment & Release
Insurance Information
I understand and agree that health and accident insurance policies are an agreement between an insurance carrier and myself. Furthermore, I understand that this office will prepare any necessary reports and forms to assist me in making collection from the insurance company and that any amount authorized to be paid directly to this doctors office will be credited to my account upon receipt. However, I clearly understand and agree that all services rendered to me are charged directly to me and that I am personally responsible for payment. I also understand that if I suspend or terminate my care and treatment, any fees or outstanding balances for services I have received will be immediately due and payable.
Patient's/Parent's/Guardian's Signature: ______
Consent of Professional Services and Release of Information
I herby authorize and release the doctor and whomever he/she may designate as his/her assistants, to administer treatment, physical examination, x-ray studies, laboratory procedures, chiropractic care or any clinic services that he/she deems necessary in my case; I furthermore authorize him/her to disclose all or any part of my patient record to any person or corporation which is or may be liable under a contract to this office or to the patient or to a family member or employer of the patient for all or part of the clinic's charge, including, and not limited to hospital or medical service companies, insurance companies, worker's compensation carriers, welfare funds, or the patient's employer.
Patient's/Parent's/Guardian's Signature: ______
Past Health History
Name ______Date______
Auto crashes ever? No Yes if so when ______
Other injuries including falls ______
Prior fractures/ broken bones ______
Prior illnesses ______
Hospitalizations: dates and reason______
Surgical history ______
Current prescription medications (or give a list)______
Current non-prescription medications ______
Herbal remedies/ vitamins ______
Treated by a doctor for any health condition in the last 12 months? No Yes if so specify______
Serious childhood illnesses ______
Birth defects______
Family and Social History
Do you smoke? Yes No Occasionally Do you drink alcohol? Yes No Occasionally
Indicate the presence of these diseases in family member or cause of death if deceased.
Alive / Age at death / Stroke / Heart or lung disease / Cancer / Diabetes / High blood pressure / Kidney disease / Accident or other / Spinal problemsFather
Father’s Mother
Father’s Father
Mother’s Mother
Mother’s Father
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
Sibling 3
Steven R. Harris DC ______
Patient's name ______Date ______
Problem Descriptions
[Please mark all sites on the reverse side picture]
1. Circle ALL your problem areas: Headache Neck Upper-back Mid-back Low-back Left-Shoulder Right-Shoulder Arm Hand Wrist Buttock Hip Knee Foot Other
Circle and Describe for your #1 problem only
2. The single #1 one worst problem area is: Headache Neck Upper-back Mid-back Low-back Left-Shoulder Right-Shoulder Arm Hand Wrist Buttock Hip Knee Foot Other: ______
3. If painful, it is: Sharp Dull/achy Burning Numbness Pins and needles Throbs
4. Mark the Worst Pain level recently: no pain- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -extreme
5. Your problem is worse on which side? Left Right Center Both
6. The pain goes down your arm or leg? No Yes If yes-describe______(over)
7. Date the problem recently started or worsened: ______***
8. Caused by: A fall Car accident Old injury Sudden movement Over doing Traveling Work injury Exercise lifting Other ______
9. During waking hours, the pain or problem is present: 0-25% 25-50% 50-75% 75-100%
10. Pain came on: suddenly over-hours over days over weeks over months
11. The problem is Worse with: Walking Standing Getting up from sitting Sitting Movement Exercise Rest Other ______
12. Better with: Walking Standing Getting up from sitting Sitting Movement Exercise Rest Other ______
13. For relief you have tried: Ice Heat Prescription-drugs Drugs Exercise Other ______
14. For this problem you have had: X-ray MRI CAT-scan other ______
15. Have you had treatment for this exact same problem in the last three years? No Yes
16. May we send a report to your local family doctor? Yes No
If so: Dr's name ______
17. The #2 worst problem area: Headache Neck Upper-back Mid-back Low-back Left-Shoulder Right-Shoulder Arm Hand Wrist Buttock Hip Knee Foot
Other ______
18. The doctor should also be aware of: ______
Signature X ______
Date ______HARRIS CHIROPRACTIC PLC copyright ©2013 Steven Harris DC
How Often Does Your Pain Occur?
Patient Name: ______Date:______
1. How often is the pain present :
Constant Frequent Intermittent Occasional
2. What time of day does your pain bother you :
No Change Morning After Noon Evening At Night As Day Progresses
3. What time of day does your pain seem to go away or is not as severe:
No Change Morning After Noon Evening At Night As Day Progresses
4. Do you have any Weakness or Numbness? YES NO
If yes please describe:______
5. Have you noticed any swelling? YES NO
6. Are you having any pain when bending forward or leaning backwards? YES NO
If yes please describe:______
7. Do you have any pain twisting your neck or back to the LEFT or RIGHT? YES NO
If yes please describe:______
8. Do you have spasms? ______
9. Please give a brief description of what activities may be aggravating your pain. ______.
10. Is there anything else you would like to tell Dr. Harris so that he might be able to help you with your treatment process? ______.
11. What kids of adjustments have worked for you in the past?______.
Harris Chiropractic PLC Finical Policy Statement
Thank you for allowing Harris Chiropractic PLC to assist you with yourhealth care. In the interest of good practices, it is desirable to establish a credit policy toavoid misunderstandings. Our primary responsibility is to help our patients experience good health andwe wish to spend our time and energy toward that end. Our goal is to make the financial aspect of yourrecovery as stress‐free as possible. As a courtesy to you, we will bill your insurance. If there are any changes in your insurance, please letus know immediately so we can submit your claim properly, avoiding delays and possible lack of payment.
AtHarris Chiropractic PLC we will do everything we can to verify your insurance policy prior to your visit if possible. Most verifications can be done within 24 hours.
We cannot accept responsibility forcollecting on an insurance claim after 60 days or for managing a disputed claim.Insurancereimbursement is a contract between you, your employer and your insurance carrier. You areresponsible for portions of charges that your insurance does not pay.
1. Payment of co-pays and deductibles are due at the time of service. We do NOT bill these. If you have any questions about your charges orstatement, please contact our office at 623-972-9223. Balances are due within thirty(30) days.
2. *Please contact the Harris Chiropractic PLC if you are not able to keep your scheduled appointment. Appointments shouldbe cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. There will be a missed appointment charge of 15.00 dollars for repeat no-show/no cancel. Yourappointmenttime is reserved for you. You can request a reminder call if needed to help you keep your appointments.
Please bring the Patient Financial Responsibility Agreement
form below with you to your appointment.
Financial Responsibility Agreement
I, the undersigned: (Patientsname)______have insurance coverage, and authorize direct payment from that insurance carrier to Harris Chiropractic PLC . I agree to be responsible for charges for services, explained to me before the service is delivered, if not paid by the insurance company.
Harris Chiropractic PLC cannot accept responsibility forcollecting on an insurance claim after 60 days or for managing a disputed claim, you the patient arethereforeresponsible to Harris Chiropractic PLC for the payment of all charges or portion of the charges your insurance does not payregardlessof the reason.
I, the undersigned: (Patients name)______accept fullresponsibilityforpaymentof the sum of my care at Harris Chiropractic PLC and understand the above statement and will cooperate with payment for Chiropractic care rendered.
Note: Harris Chiropractic PLC willmake an effort to inform you if a supply or service is not covered by your insurance.
If you do not have insurance: I (Patients name)______do not have insurance coverage and understand that I am responsible for payment of charges explained to me before services are rendered.
Patient:______Print name:______
Staff Signature: ______Date:______