Litigating a CERCLA Allocation Case – Pre-Trial Strategies and Trial Techniques
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Trial Techniques Session –
Tim Dekker, Ph.D., P.E.
Water Environment | Scientists Engineers
501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Office: (734) 332-1200
- Allocation Themes, Approaches and Topics
- Cost Causation and Technical Allocation Factors
- Modifying and Equitable Factors
- The Role of Cities and CWA in Superfund Allocations
- De Minimis Parties
- Orphan Contamination and Shares
- Background Contamination
- Role of Models – Uses and Limitations
- Role of other technical tools as lines of evidence
- Contaminated Sediment Site Allocation Examples - CERCLA
- Portland Harbor
- Based on contaminant release
- City is a major PRP
- Fox
- Transport is major issue
- Arranger share & equitable factors
- Kalamazoo
- All major shares are orphan except Georgia Pacific
- Party not local that may have liability as arranger
- Lower Duwamish
- CSOs and stormwater are significant sources
- New Bedford Harbor
- Allocation based on cost by subarea
- Underfunded, EPA and ACOE performing much of the work
- Commencement Bay (Hylebos and Thea Foss)
- Settlements/allocations based on location, quantity, and type of release
- Technical support commonly involved in allocations
- Historical Due Diligence on PRPs/Industrial Processes
- Allocations calculations
- Technical Experts
- Environmental Forensics
- Industrial Processes
- Risk Assessment
- Modeling
- Allocation Themes, Approaches and Topics
- Areas where expert support may be required:
- Establishing arranger shares: anyone who arranged for disposal or treatment, or arranged for transport with the intent of disposal or treatment of hazardous substance.
- Establishing, allocating orphan contamination / share: portion of haz. waste that is attributable to parties that are absent or not financially viable. EPA sometimes contributes.
- Establishing Nexus / Nexus Weight: degree to which contaminant release can be tied to an affected site
- “but for” analysis (related to COC contribution to RD/RA): demonstration of causation, as in “but for the release, the adverse impact would not have occurred.”
- Determining “Cost Causation” and Technical Allocation Factors
- “Cost causation”
- Definition: an assessment of how each party’s wastes affected the total cost of cleanup
- “The design of an allocation method based upon cost causation principles necessarily requires an examination of three questions”:
(1)What are the known or estimated allowable response costs?
(2)What conditions require, influence, or motivate those costs? and,
(3)To what extent, if any, did a party’s actions or involvement at a site create or contribute to those conditions?
- Stand-Alone Cost Method:
fi = SACi/ΣSAC
(1)Could be used to support equal shares, if any party alone could have required the whole clean-up
(2)Where remedial cost is roughly proportional to loads, supports allocation based on loads
(3)Could support weighting according to unit cost of clean-up by subarea
- Stand-Alone Risk Method:
fi = SARi/ΣSAR
(1)Gives weight to exposure and toxicity
- Common Technical Allocation Factors
- Quantifying Releases
- Magnitude x Duration x Nexus Weight
- Release Contaminant Properties
- Toxicity, Bioaccumulation, etc.
- What drives remedies?
- Fate and Transport of Party Releases
- Proximity, likelihood of release being present in Area of Potential Concern/Sediment Management Area (AOPC/SMA), spatial extents
- How is this translated into nexus weight?
- Modifying/Equitable and Other Factors
- ‘Gore Factors’
- Ability to distinguish releases by various parties;
- Degree of involvement in causing the contamination;
- Waste management practices/degree of care exercised by the party (current/historical);
- Degree of cooperation with regulating agencies;
- Relative benefits realized from site use or remediation;
- Contractual obligations between the parties respecting environmental losses or damages;
- Economic status of the parties or their ability to pay; and
- Other factors as may be identified in state law.
- Other Factors
- Role of Cities: Superfund / CWA overlap
- Combined Sewer Overflows
- MS4 and Municipal Stormwater
- ‘Arranger Share’
- Implications for Indirect Releases
- Large to De Minimis Party Shares
- Common De Minimis Party Approaches
- Typically based solely on mass loading
- Premium for early settlements
- Timing of group
- Role of Models – Uses
- Spreadsheet Models
- Define allocations based on factors (mass loading, physical factors, model output)
- Example: Lower Fox
- Hydrodynamic Models
- Estimate bottom shear stress (typical, extreme event conditions)
- Extent of horizontal transport
- Particle Tracking Models
- Release from source area(s)
- Extent of horizontal transport & initial deposition patterns
- Examples: Lower Fox (OU4), Berrys Creek
- Role of Models – Uses
- Sediment Transport Models
- Explicit representation of resuspension, deposition, horizontal transport processes
- Use of “components analysis” to understand fate of specific source material (external loading, sediment deposits) - e.g., Lower Duwamish
- Contaminant Transport Models
- Represent key contaminant transport pathways (resuspension, deposition, sediment-water dissolved exchange, etc.)
- Possible basis for “attenuation factors”
- Hindcasting applications (e.g., Fox River)
- Role of Models – Limitations
- Potential misapplication of RI/FS models for allocation purposes
- Often problematic due to mismatch in spatial scales
- Uncertainties are often significant:
- History of contaminant source loading (magnitude, timing)
- Limited historical water column / sediment data (e.g., pre-1980s)
- Potential significance of sediment-water diffusive exchange (often not represented by sediment transport or PTM models)
- Limited ability to represent / calibrate to extreme event conditions
- Allocation approaches may be anti-technical or anti- modeling
- Other Data/Spatial Viewing Tools
- Other Lines of Evidence
- Geostatistical methods for site characterization and source attribution
- Where is it, how much is there, and where did it come from?
- Geochronological methods for age-dating sediments and stability evaluations
- How old is it, and how far has it traveled?
- Contaminant fingerprinting and statistical unmixing
- Who is responsible for what?
- Post-interpretation of site characterization data
- How to reinterpret data to answer new questions about the site?
- Historical data review and model hindcasting
- What happened in the past, what are the implications for future site behavior?