January 18th, 2016
In attendance: Daljit Gill Badesha(City of Surrey/CP), Terry Campbell(Scouts),Sukh Shergill(SD 36) Alex Gist(YMCA), Harpreet Brar(Big Brothers), Frank Frigon(Community member), Helgi Remmelg(Children’s Foundation), Erol Olcay(Surrey Libraries), Sharlene Wedel(Options CCRR) Danielle Jimeno(SHCCS), Laura Soon(MCFD/CP), Penny Coates(Coordinator)
1. Approval of Agenda / Agenda approved. Added refugee update as part of member updates2. Approval of December 2015 Meeting Minutes / December Minutes approved
3. Business Arising
3.1. Development Guide Task Group/Training/ Professional Development / Sub-committee developed an Orientation and In-Service training spreadsheet to collect information about the different modules provided by agencies specifically for their MCM staff and whether these modules could be shared with others, presented to other agencies or whether there is interest amongst agencies to develop a new module or improve an existing one. Spreadsheet was piloted with the committee members and is now ready to be sent out to all MCM agencies for information gathering purposes. ACTION: Penny to send out to all members asking for their assistance with completing the form. Karen Admin support to compile results for sub-committee analysis.
3.2 Position Paper presentation of latest draft and discussion of next steps / Some important new research and further analysis being incorporated into the position paper. Final draft will be distributed by March 23rd and discussed at the April 11th MCM meeting
3.3 Child Care Taskforce Update / First meeting to held Feb 16th. SBOT, private operator and Poverty Reduction Strategy membership still to be confirmed. Children First officially sponsoring the Taskforce. MCM school age care issues well represented through Daljit, Rhea, and Sharlene. Anyone interested in participating in a school age care focus group, please let us know
3.4 MCM Structure – review of terms of reference, potential co-chair model, link with CP / Reviewed a first draft of an MCM terms of reference based on the CF model. Historical background of MCM precedes CP involvement and info in CP files so Penny looking for some help with dates, the original MCM terms of reference etc. ACTION: Sharlene to lend Penny her early MCM binders.
Information about the CF Community co-chair model and nomination shared. Members agreed that they would like to adopt a Community co-chair model as well. ACTION: Penny to adapt CF documents for MCM purposes and initiate the nomination process. If needed, an election will be held at the MCM meeting on April 11th. If acclamation, members will simply be informed. Deadline for nominations Noon, Feb 22nd.
4.0 New Business
4.1 CP Coordinator RFP and transition / Daljit noted that the RFP for the CP Coordinator contract has been sent out and posted on Charity Village. Extended deadline is Feb 28th. Encouraged MCM members to encourage potential applicants from their networks to apply
4.2 Summary Workplan Spreadsheet / Penny provided overview of CF, MCM and CP summary workplan spreadsheet. Change made to reflect that as part of the 10th Kids Conference, a parent component may be added.
5. Member Updates / Scouts: Planning for 5 afterschool programs and 2 lunch hour programs. Partnership with Schools re Spring Break programs
YWCA: 4 programs Feb -April to support Grade 7 transition
Big Brothers: Waitlist for program. RCMP getting more involved in in-school mentoring program
Children’s Foundation: Working to attain trauma informed practice accreditation. Running a foster parent CONNECT program in collaboration with SFU combined with a self regulation program for the children. Moving location in 2017
City: 6-12 committee will decide on next Kids Conference location and will get back to MCM for joint planning. Talking about adding a parenting component for 10th Annual. Currently offering a once a month parent education night at a community centre in collaboration with MCFD and Children’s Foundation. Parks and Rec discussing their role in meeting the critical hours of “after school”. Now 8MYzone sites.
Library: Activities being planned for Chinese New Year, Valentines and Spring Break. Reading Buddies Program in later March/April. Working with the School District to improve access to resources for students with a print disability
Options CCRR: Children Heart of the Matter Conference 2016 successful. Planning starting for next year’s 20th conference.
Refugee update: Refugee families now housed at Sandman Inn while doing 2 week orientation. FHA assisted by Bridge Clinic doing health checks at Guildford Community Centre. Finding housing a real concern.
Community Refugee Forum being held Jan 20, Fleetwood Park Secondary 6:30 –8:00
6. Next Meeting / CHANGED April 11th 10:00 – 12:00 Noon, Chuck Bailey Rec Centre
June 6th 10:00 – 12:00 Noon, Chuck Bailey Centre
Items for future agenda: Kids Conference Planning/Potential Parent Conference for 10th year