CHAPTER MEETING MINUTES/Isabella County Central Dispatch
April 20th, 2017
Meeting called to order by APCO president Sandra Nielsen at 10:05 am.
Pledge of Allegiance led by President Nielson
Thank you given to Marc, Rob and Isabella County Central Dispatch for hosting the meeting today was extended.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion asked for approval of Agenda by APCO President Nielsen: Motion made by Che’rie Baldwin- White and seconded by Rich Feole. Motion carried.
APCO Sgt. At Arms Christine Collom started introductions. Those present were:
April Heinze / Chad Chewning / Marc GriffithsDave Rapacz / Joni Harvey / Karen Chadwick
Rich Feole / Marc Gramlich / Keith Bradshaw
Che’rie Baldwin-White / Sandra Nielsen / Jill Kummer
Phyllis Fuller / Chris Collom / Terry Vogel
Michelle James / Kim Ostin / Lisa Flask
Don Glasgow / Rich Rybicki / Brent Williams
Michelle Nettle / Theresa Hart / Lara O’Brien
Stephanie Lehman / Dave Hayhurst / Ray Hasil
Michelle Katt / Rob Jarman / Jason Bernard
APCO New Membership Michelle James 44 new members: 1 Allegan County, 10 Barry County, 2 Calhoun County, 1 Eaton County, 1 Farmington Hills Police, 1 Ionia County, 5 Onstar, 10 Ottawa County, 1 Portage DPS, 9 Wayne County Airport Authority, 3 Wexford County Sheriffs Central Dispatch.
Total Memberships: 450
53 Associate Members
17 Commercial Members
122 Full Tier Members
9 Group Commercial Members
97 Group full Members
152 Group Online Members
APCO Minutes were prepared by NENA Secretary Stephanie Lehman and presented by Secretary David Rapacz Christine Collom moved to accept the February 2017 minutes as presented. Supported by Michelle James. Motion carried.
NENA Minutes Same as the APCO minutes, prepared by NENA Secretary Stephanie Lehman, and presented by APCO Secretary David Rapacz.
APCO Treasurer Report:
Phyllis Fuller reviewed the APCO treasurer’s report. Michigan APCO has a combined savings, checking and investment balance of:
Checking: $19,354.86
Schwab account: $83,732.03
Grand total $103,086.89.
Marc Gramlich moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented, supported by Karen Chadwick, Motion carried.
Michelle Katt reviewed the NENA Treasurer’s report. Michigan NENA has a
Checking balance of $14,613.38
Savings: $42,546.86
Grand total: 57,160.24
TERT savings balance of $11,277.27
Sandra Nielsen moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented, supported by Christine Collom. Motion carried.
APCO President’s Report:
President Nielsen mentioned and discussed the need for the membership to read the email in regard to the petition to reclassify Communications Specialist from the National Level.
NENA President’s Report
President Gramlich advised that the NENA national was doing an audit that occurs every 5 to 6 years and when the report is complete in December they will share the information. The NENA conference Chad has been working extremely hard and would like to remind everyone to register ASAP especially with the hotel by May 1st as rooms are filling fast in the hotel.
Committee Reports
Dave Rapacz gave a report on the Frankenmuth training that was held March 8th & 9th in Frankenmuth. We had 28 participants over the 2-day course. Day one was the Active Shooter class with Trp. Smith and Sgt. Casanova from the Michigan State Police leading the class. The participants were very engaged and gave the class exceptional ratings. The second day training was led by MACNLOW Eric Waddell and Kim Ostin. Again the participants were very engaged and gave the class exceptional ratings. The Bavarian Inn was a joy to work with and the people of the Inn were there and attended to any needs or wants they we had over the 2-day course. The participants loved the location as well and we will consider it again in the future. After the expenses each group made a profit of $2649.93.
Professional Development:
APCO:No report
NENA- Don Glasgow reported that there 1 new ENP’s. Julie Withers from Livingston County. Michigan now has a total of 47 Emergency Number Professionals in the State.
The next ENP testing period is scheduled for July 15th – 29th, 2017 with a June 16th, 2017 deadline to register for the exam. The scholarship period is open and applications will be accepted until August 1st, 2017.
Dave Hayhurst reported the following:
- T1 circuits
- AT&T telling agencies they are dropping support on copper T1’s and expecting customers to move to an Ethernet connectivity. We’ve not heard that from Frontier (Verizon) yet.
- Consider the costs to implement Ethernet such as burying fiber to a building / tower vs. the cost of implementing a Point-To-Point solution and the time it takes for return on investment.
- Agencies will probably incur additional costs associated with the conversion of the customer owned interfaces from T1 to Ethernet by their vendors.
- Pagers
- $1500 per paging Talkgroup.
- Pager does sound an “Out of Range” tone unlike traditional VHF/UHF pagers.
- Pages / messages must be sent out individually (Ie; Fire Dept, EMS, xxF911, each user group to be notified) on a standalone (not integrated into the MPSCS network) which results in the voice message being repeated multiple times.
- Pages / Messages (ie; Fire Dept. Page, EMS Page, xxF911) can go out at the same time (no need to repeat the message with each user group) with only 1 voice message using an integrated MCC7500 console.
- Coverage is similar to 800 MHZ portables. (If an 800 MHz radio doesn’t work deep in the hospital ER, the pager won’t work either).
- Over 3000 pagers have been purchased by Michigan agencies. 2000 of the 3000 pagers are already in service.
- $250 initiation fees
- The one-time 800 MHz subscribe initiation fee is $250. This is only for mobile and portable 2-way radios.
- Pagers do not incur an initiation fee. (Unlike a 2-way radio, the pager does not affiliate to the MPSCS network.) The cost for the paging service is incurred when the paging talkgroup is established in the MPSCS network.
- Talkgroups for normal voice communications (not paging) do not incur a charge to be implemented. These are covered within the $250 subscriber initiation fees.
- Templates will not be released until past due fees and the current initiation fee is paid to the State.
- 700 Mhz & up
- FCC has sold the 608 to 696 spectrum for $19B. (The hoped for $21B!)
- MPSCS 700 MHz channels will not be affected.
- TV RF channels above RF channel 36 (TV stations are allowed to keep their old TV channel name even though they operate on a new RF channel.) will be required to move to lower channels.
- Radio Certifications
- Harris portable in testing phase.
- Questions surrounding security now showing up with Wi-Fi enabled radios
- Harris indicating their new portable will switch between 800 MHz & LTE (cellular) using W-Fi.
- Some Motorola radios have Wi-Fi programming options for downloading templates and need to be retested for security.
- Interface to the MPSCS radio network to allow your smart cell phone access to MPSCS talkgroups.
- Beta testing in process.
- Estimating at least 6 months before available for use.
- MPSCS to review policy on existing Letters of Concurrence for this new service.
- Programming / updating cycles still to be worked out with Motorola.
- Motorola to manage the programming / accounts / billings.
- Monthly / quarterly / yearly user costs yet to be determined. (Not included or part of the $250 MPSCS subscriber initiation fees.)
- Disabling Radio IDs
- When a radio is lost, stolen, traded-in, etc., notify the MPSCS RPU () so they can turn off the ID.
- We have seen radios traded in being resold to another agency still programmed with the old agency template and the IDs were still active in the MPSCS radio system.
- We don’t reuse IDs when a radio is traded in / sold / given to another agency.
Frequency Coordination:
Keith Bradshaw reported:
CAP-RAD changes: They will be freezing the 700 MHz between May 1st & May 3rd, 2017. After May 3rd, 2017 the Spectrum site will handle all applications and this will include those for 800Mghz so please watch for further information on this in the coming day.
There will be 2 people attending a face to face training in Dallas for Spectrum Watch Training.
The Band 14 issue has been resolved and a new channel has been assigned.
The FCC is taking comments on change to the air to ground channels. The 700 plan is up for revision. Canada wants their own 700 to use at 10,000ft that is different than the US and also a common channel for each of them.
APCO National:
Kim Ostin reported on the plan to get 100,000 signatures for the petition by May 7th for the reclassification push. The national conference lodging is open for Denver for APCO National. There will be an open webinar for the Pulse Club shooting that occurred in Florida.
National APCO Conference is August 12th thru 16th, 2017.
APCO Awards:
The APCO national awards are closed at this time.
The Michigan Chapter awards are now open and you can submit your nominations via the website until September 1st, 2017.
Anyone that is interested in working on the awards committee with scoring please send an email to Sandra and she will get you on the list.
APCO Fall Conference:
Fall APCO Conference September 20th thru 22nd at the Kenutten Center in Tustin MI.
Call for papers is currently open until May 1st, 2017. The committee is working on getting the details finalized soon and will update as they are available.
APCO Historical:
Rich Rybicki reported that on April 7th, 1928 79 years ago Detroit Police went on the air to dispatch cars to calls. The 90th Anniversary is approaching and they are looking to rededicate the marker on Belle Isle. The committee is looking for support from the board as well as the National board and the IAFF.
NENA National:
April Heinze reported on the NENA National Expo is June 3rd thru the 8th in San Antonio Texas.
Mark Gramlich reported on National Elections for the North Central Region 2 candidates were running and were strong candidates from the area.
9-1-1 goes to Washington was a small but a powerful presence and the lawmakers took notice. Working on a draft bill of Net-Gen 9-1-1 which is supported by our Michigan Senator Gary Peters. Would like all 9-1-1 centers to invite their local officials, congress, and senators to visit their 9-1-1 centers so they can see what they are working for in the Next-Gen 9-1-1 Bill.
NENA board will be sponsoring 1 person to go to the EXPO and work out reimbursement costs.
NENA Michigan Conference:
Chad Chewing reports the conference will be held May 22nd thru 25th 2017. Monthly meetings on getting secured plans for the week. Chief Rick Lansky Texas and Gordon Graham will close the conference. Events: Lugnuts game sponsored by vendors. Motorola picked up Young Heroes and other ideas. Information will be out after the first of the year and the call for papers is open as well. Crown Plaza sad to see Michigan NENA leave and been great to work with the group on activities.
NENA Public Education:
Jill Kummer set up bi-monthly meetings. Working on set up on how to start public education in their communities. Has a access to an online forum with ideas to share on the site for PSAP’s to use. Please send any ideas or names to Jill on who to contact to share with others.
NENA Legislative:
NENA Young Heroes Award:
The Young hero has been picked and will be attending the The Lansing Lugnuts game to throw out the first pitch and all the other festivities with the Conference.
APCO- Trade Show season is approaching and they advised they were looking forward again to Lansing and Tustin Conferences. Looking at a save the date cards for the conferences so they can schedule appropriately.
NENA-No report
State 9-1-1 Committee:
Rich Feole reported:
The SNC has a new Chairman and it is Jeff Troyer.
The MCDA has selected Greg Clark as their new Chairman.
Richard Beneke is now the representative from the Sheriffs association.
Christine Markus is now the representative from the County Association Group.
Recent Certification Inspections: Monroe County and they passed.
The next round will be in the UP to include Mackinaw, Chippewa, Luce for May Site Review
Manistee will be in June
Clare County is currently going through the process.
State 911 Administrator:
April Heinze reported:
Emerging technology was held at the Bavarian Inn in Frankenmuth on April 18th and 19th, 2017. The location was great and the conference went great.
Theresa Hart Reported:
The FTE approval for training will be 1,742 as Detroit did not apply for funds this year.
The payback from Flint City of $88,000.00 was received.
59 PSAPs -Smart 9-1-1 within the state. Looking for help in promoting the plan / working with Tim Smith in a work group for a PSA. Future funding issue $4169.00 is out there as well.
MCDA new board members as of January 1st, 2017.
Mike Armitage has been appointed to the training committee as of June 1st.
Looking to hold a new directors school in Kalamazoo in the Fall sometime.
TERT: Lisa gathering information to get started back up.
Chad Chewing reported:
Holding pattern at this time / Fire Marshall issues at this time and until it is resolved not much will be happening.
TIM Report:
Scott Talmadge sent in report:
HE attended the 22nd Annual Michigan Traffic Safety Summit in East Lansing. Primary themes throughout the conference were improving highway safety, reducing residual traffic crashes and the future of autonomous driving. They also look to reduce responder deaths during traffic incidents.
The goal is to train 20% of traffic responders in the State TIM program. As of March 27th, 2017 only the fire/rescue discipline has exceeded the 20% goal. There are still 100 dispatchers in the state trained in TIM. MDOT will be holding train the trainer session early in the summer. Scott is looking for those interested in taking the training with him and assisting on training the dispatchers in the state. Please contact Scott if you are interested in assisting in the group.
Nominating Committee:
Phyllis Fuller reported nominations were open in February for NENA.
Joint Conference Committee: Information will be discussed under APCO new business.
APCO Old Business:
Bylaws: Kim Ostin reported they are being placed in a working template with the hopes of the draft being out by the July meeting for the first reading.
The next is to have a policy book revised and ready to go by the annual meeting in September.
NENA Old Business: Executive Board Elections: Closed and the current board will remain the same as there were no other nominations.
9-1-1 Goes to Washington Report.
APCO New Business:
National Public Safety Telecommunicator Week is dedicated to the public safety men and women who respond to emergency calls and dispatch emergency professionals and equipment during times of crisis. Michigan APCO would like to thank 9-1-1 calltakers, dispatchers, technicians that maintain radio and emergency phone systems, communications staff trainers, communications center personnel, and other public safety telecommunications staff across the country who work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, for helping citizens and visitors during their time of need.
As a small token of our appreciation, we are giving away five (5) paid 2017 Fall APCO Conference Registrations. Congratulations to the following agencies/entities which operate Primary PSAPs and were selected as recipients of this give-away:
- Allegan County Central Dispatch
- Berrien County Central Dispatch
- Benzie County Central Dispatch
- Jackson County Central Dispatch
- Montcalm County Central Dispatch
Michigan APCO encourages the above PSAPs to randomly select one of their
dispatch center staff (excluding management positions) this week to attend the Fall
APCO Conference in Tustin, MI at the Kettenun Center September 20th – 22nd.
Once this individual is selected, I ask that the PSAP Administrator please email me by
June 5, 2017 the recipient’s name and contact information at
Brent Williams representing Federal Government as Senior EMS advisor of FirstNet. AT&T is the winner of the bid to build the network for the private sector in a tune of 6.5 billon. The total cost of the build will be approximately 40 billon for the entire network. All AT&T options will be readily available for the state after they opt into the program. AT&T will allow for the First Network users to preemptively use the network over non emergent traffic on the current systems they have in place while they build the network.
NENA New Business:
National Conference the board has chosen to support 1 person to attend the conference.
The next APCO/NENA meeting is scheduled for Thursday July 20th, 2017 @ Eaton County Central Dispatch 10:00 am
911 Courthouse Dr, Charlotte, MI 48813
Che’rie Baldwin-White motion to adjourn Rich Rybicki seconded @1242 motion carried.