IAPS 2006 CONFERENCECall for Papers
Heather Reid, President
The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport invites the submission of abstracts to be considered for presentation at the 34th annual 2006 IAPS meeting. The conference will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada between September 14 and 17, 2006. More details about the conference will follow in upcoming IAPS newsletters.
Abstracts are welcome on any area of philosophy of sport, including metaphysics, epistemology, aesthetics and ethics, and from any theoretical approach, including analytic philosophy and critical theory. In addition to abstracts for papers, proposals for round table and panel discussions, including a tentative list of participants, are also welcome and should follow the same format as paper abstracts. Graduate students and emerging scholars are encouraged to submit works in progress.
Abstracts should be 300-500 words long and must be received by April 1, 2006. The preferred mode of submission is by e-mail. Please send the abstract as an attachment, preferably in Word. Contributors who do not have access to e-mail should feel free to send a hard copy instead.
Please submit e-mail copies of abstracts to the Conference Chair at:
Please send hard copies (only if e-mail is not available) to:
Danny Rosenberg
Department of Physical Education and Kinesiology
Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario
FAX: +905-688-8364
Abstracts will be reviewed by a Program Committee of three IAPS peers. Contributors will be notified about the status of their abstracts by May 15, 2006.
Please visit the IAPS website for future notices and conference information at:
IAPS 2006 Conference Site
The Honors, Awards and Future Sites Committee is pleased to announce that the 34th Annual IAPS Conference for 2006 will be held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada between Thursday, September 14th and Sunday, September 17th at the Doubletree Resort Lodge and Spa, a Hilton Hotel affiliate. This venue will combine the accommodations and conference in a single facility and provide delegates a wonderful opportunity to visit one of most popular tourist destinations in the world. Not only are there many sites to see in and around the Falls, including two world-class casinos, but the region offers many exciting excursions and places of interest. All those planning to attend the annual meeting are encouraged to extend their stay to fully enjoy their visit. The 2006 Conference will be hosted by the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences at BrockUniversity in nearbySt. Catharines, Ontario. Danny Rosenberg will serve as the Conference Chair and head the Site Organizing Committee. More detailed information about registration, costs, accommodations, transportation, etc. will be forthcoming. For now, please note in your calendar Niagara Falls, Canada, September 14th to 17th 2006, for what should be a spectacular and inspiring IAPS meeting.