Abstract Submission Guidelines for the GEMS 2017 Fall Meeting
Human Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Toxicants
Tuesday, November 7th, NC Biotech Center
Abstracts need not be directly related to the meeting topic
Abstract submission:Submit your abstract (or questions) to GEMS President, Brian Chorley, Ph.D.:
Please send your abstract no later than Tuesday, October 24th
Title: Capitalize main words, title should be in bold.
Authors: Please use full names - first, middle initial, last. Underline the presenting author’s name.
Affiliations: Please use superscripted numbers to indicate affiliations. Include institution, city, state, and zip code.
Abstract text: Limited to 250 words, use 1.15 line spacing, use Times New Roman font, 11 pt.
In your abstract submission email, indicate whether you wish the abstract to be considered for a platform presentation (15 min slots:12 min presentation + 3 min Q&A) or poster presentation.
Poster Size: Ideally, posters should be no more than 48 inches (4 ft) high and 72 inches (6 ft) long.
Title of Your Abstract
John D. Science1, Sally R. Method2, Beth Z. Investigator1
1Institute of Higher Learning and Technology, Paradise City, OH 43001;2Acme, Inc., Carlsbad, CA 92008
This is the section to place your abstract. Start with a couple of sentences of introduction, purpose, and background. State your hypothesis. You can use italics to provide emphasis. Describe the methods you used to test your hypothesis. You don’t need copious detail here. State your results. Statistical information supports these results and makes the data believable. Briefly discuss the results and add a concluding remark that summarizes the overall scientific impact of the study. If space available, describe future efforts of the study and overarching goals of the scientific program. Add a disclaimer, if your institute requires it. In case you were wondering how long 250 words appear, I will add in gibberish to fill in this abstract. Fefwefewffrth 6 xxs ty t rt g gege. Fefweefweffdsf treregerki l rg e grtjytjtujtgegeggg. Yuytffwkfslk fkjfdsmdkfmkfdsfdkfdfdkfkk ep ld. Fdffwefwe dsdfsdfsdf ehrlyk kejfiufwemljedljfjflllkjfdljlkfjdslk mfmfkkjedjl. Khfwelhmdoewoudjhfdhofkscfjdoj. Klfdjljifldjhfkljfdljnlkfdjljlfdjljfljoiwejfjwijifdjlkjkjfdjpjfejpejfpewfjewpfjp. Yuytffwkfslk fkjfdsmdkfmkfdsfdkfdfdkfkk ep ld. Fdffwefwe dsdfsdfsdf ehrlyk kejfiufwemljedljfjflllkjfdljlkfjdslk mfmfkkjedjl. Khfwelhmdoewoudjhfdhofkscfjdoj. Klfdjljifldjhfkljfdljnlkfdjljlfdjljfljoiwejfjwijifdjlkjkjfdjpjfejpejfpewfjewpfjp.Yuytffwkfslk fkjfdsmdkfmkfdsfdkfdfdkfkk ep ld. Eight more words until this is 250 total.