Leadership Team Notes
October 13, 2010
Page 3
October 13, 2010
Leadership Team Notes
October 13, 2010
Page 3
Joseph Hubbard
Carol Webster
Karen Louis
Kay Toombs
Lisa Clark
Jocelyn Hamilton
Sheila Brown
Leadership Team Notes
October 13, 2010
Page 3
Joe Hubbard:
Joe will be in CIT training next week. Ginny Travis will chair the meeting.
· Distributed Medicaid Audit results.
· Reminded team that performance evaluations are due by the end of October. Supplemental employment requests must also be reviewed at this time.
· Given the current information on authorizations and Medicaid, a one-time increase will not be requested at this time, until there is more of a record of getting the information back from staff that we are collecting what we should be collecting. There is no money being allocated for localities for the one-time increase. Joe is not opposed to taking the proposal of a base increase to the Board for the 2011-2012 fiscal year, though there would be no new money for that, there is enough in the reserves to cover this for a few years in the event that no new money is coming in. This is just a possibility and there is no input regarding this from any board members at this time. Carol asked if there was a due date for the Medicaid. Joe stated that reports that operations staff had prepared were sent to the division managers that included billing for each consumer and the status, including payments received. These reports were to be reviewed and updated with regard to status. This is the methodology for tracking these items. It is imperetive that these reports be reviewed and returned. Carol noted that some names had been left off of the report. Joe advised that the names of these consumers should be given to Ginny. Joe stated that these reports should be reviewed by the managers and returned as soon as possible, initially every 2 weeks. Carol asked if they would be getting updates on a regular basis. Lisa Clark stated that the changes should be updated in the system and reflected each time the report is run. Ms. Clark stated that there are a lot of authorizations that have been keyed and should reflect in the system.
· Though not set in stone, office space has been looked at for PACT and Crisis at SVTC once the current lease expires and, if it works out that can be done, there will be significant savings for the CSB. It is also possible that Human Resources, Joe, his administrative assistant and the CIT Coordinator could move to a building at SVTC as well. This will free up office space at the Bank Street building. It is contingent upon the ability to connecting to the computer network. Joe is also going to discuss with SVTC the possibility of getting additional space in the building that PACT and Crisis may be located. This additional space can be used to develop a “drop off center” for the CIT program. Joe is going to explore resources to help fund the development of additional CIT supportive services. There is no additional funding at this point, but something needs to be put into place that addresses what happens once a police officer has a consumer in custody. Petersburg has received a grant for a coordinator to develop a Mental Health docket for the General District Court to put them in a special path to keep them out of the criminal justice system. Brian Carpenter is the coordinator for this program and is working out of the Substance Abuse offices.
· Joe stated that he has received feedback from several managers that PRN staff need to be able to do more than sit and answer the phone, specifically enter data into CMHC. An issue with this is that we don’t want temporary, untrained staff to enter information into our systems. Do we need to create a new class of PRN people who are “D19 certified” who have been trained to enter information, etc., when full time staff are going to be out for a week or more? Jocelyn suggested a full time floater who is trained in various areas and can fill in anywhere. Carol stated that oftentimes multiple staff are out at the same time, such as during the summer months. In these cases you would have to use the floater to catch up the work and still have PRN staff to answer the phones. Lisa recommended that if we are going to hire someone as a floater, it should be done soon so they can attend the Profiler training in March, April and May of 2011. An issue that was brought up was the integrity of the data entered. The internal PRN pool is down to 2 staff and they enter it after hours, resulting in overtime. Additionally, they are not always available to work after hours. Lisa stated that processes will change with the implementation of Profiler, so we would want to consider that. Joe stated that we want to explore this further within the context of looking at operations that will be in effect post implementation of Profiler. Kay noted that if Central Intake is implemented, a lot of the demographic information would be entered prior to assignment of the consumer to a program or service. Joe stated that this topic (PRN staff) should be a topic of the next Unicare Meeting, since it will impact implementation.
Jocelyn Hamilton:
· Provided a copy of the Late Serious Injury and Death Reports from 6/1/10 to 9/29/10.
· Requested that if there is any other equipment needed for the All Staff, please email MIS.
· Petersburg Alarm was here yesterday and will be here again today to upgrade the systems in Suites 5 and 6.
· Stairwell code has changed.
· Community Action Alliance Luncheon needs our RSVP by October 15th. Laura Kuchinsky and Diana Barnes will be attending.
· Finance is going to review records for destruction in the storage room. Human Resources and Procurement needs to review their records as well.
Carol Webster:
· Interviewing for Malaika’s position today.
· Joe will get with attorney to discuss hourly limits for part time people. No new part time people should be hired at more than 20 hours per week. No changes to part time people who were hired previously. Carol had concerns that some part time people were working over the 20 hours because of the need to cover shifts. Joe stated that if it was necessary to go 21 or 24 hours to cover shifts that was fine, as long as the hours are kept in the general area of 20 hours a week.
Karen Louis:
· Interviewing for Pharmacy Tech position this week.
· Polycom will be utilized for doctors starting in January. Emporia will be the first locality to use this. Joe stated that Karen should go through procurement to purchase a smaller version of Polycom to put into Dr. Byrne’s office. This will cut down on the travel time for the doctors if we can use this successfully. She is looking at using Polycom one day a month for the Petersburg area with any of the outlying clinics for missed appointments. Joe stated that, in those cases where the doctor feels he has to see the patient, it will be much less costly to transport the patient here rather than the doctor traveling to the outlying clinics.
· Dr. Fawaz is still not back. Karen is continuing to work with the other physicians to provide coverage until Dr. Fawaz is able to return.
Sheila Brown (SAC):
· Sheila questioned if we were having refreshments for all staff since it was after lunch and Joe stated that we should have refreshments.
· SAC will take care of the sign in sheets.
· Agenda was prepared by the Leadership Team and will be given to SAC.