December 10, 2014

English 7R/Read 180

Aim: How can we use argumentation to build background knowledge about themes in A Christmas Carol?

Do Now: Complete the 4 Corners Activity Handout you received upon walking in to class—be sure to EXPLAIN your responses!

Homework: “Illustrations from A Christmas Carol” handout

Materials: Chart paper, markers, A Christmas Carol 4 Corners Activity Handout, ACC Illustrations Homework Handout, Handout E55.


  1. Distribute the Do Now handout as students enter class.
  2. Explain the directions on the handout and allow students time to complete it.
  3. Ask a student to read the Aim aloud, and pause briefly to address the meaning of “argumentation.”
  4. Have students find a familiar word within argumentation (argument) and brainstorm words that end in –tion in order to determine what part of speech “argumentation” is.
  5. Briefly review what theme is, eliciting responses from students, and asking them to come up with examples from texts they’ve read this year.
  6. Explain the “4 Corners Activity.”
  7. For each statement on the handout, they will have to move to the corner of the room with the chart paper statement that reflects what they circled (completely agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree, completely disagree).
  8. Once students are grouped together, they will discuss their written responses as a class, building off of one another’s ideas, and trying to convince their peers to change their opinions.
  9. Any student who is able to argue their point successfully enough to change the mind of a peer will receive extra credit.
  10. Facilitate the activity leaving a few minutes left for students to complete the summary.

Read 180 Extension

  1. If enough time remains, Group A will work on the computer software, Group B will read independently, and Group C will begin Workshop 2 in the rBook by viewing the video in small group and answering the corresponding pre-reading questions.

Summary: Based on the discussion we had today, what themes do you think we will encounter in A Christmas Carol? Try to come up with at least two and explain them!

Name: ______Date: ______

Illustrations from A Christmas Carol

Directions: Below are a few illustrations that were drawn for A Christmas Carol. Using the illustrations, their titles, and any background knowledge you have, put the illustrations in order by placing numbers in the boxes to the left of their title, and then write a summary of the plot on the given lines.

Scrooge and Bob Cratchit Marley’s Ghost

The Last of the Spirits Scrooge’s Third Visitor

The Second of the Spirits

Summary of A Christmas Carol





