Application for allotment of ready building in SuRSEZ
M/s Diamond & Gem Development Corporation Ltd.

(Developer of Surat Special Economic Zone)

141 Atlanta, 14th floor

Nariman Point

Mumbai 400 021

Sub : Application for allotment of plot/ready building in Surat

Special Economic Zone (SuRSEZ) for setting up a Project

Based on our visit to Surat Special Economic Zone, Sachin (SuRSEZ / discussions with your officials and full understanding of the concessions, waivers and facilities in a Special Economic Zone, including the procedures, rules and regulations to be followed by a unit-holder and after having done due diligence, we have decided to set up a Project in SuRSEZ For that, we need allotment of readymade unit, admeasuring ……………sq. ft., no. ….. , on plot no……… Kindly do that and issue us a letter. We agree to the consideration payable. Our particulars and some information relating to the Project are enclosed herewith in the Annexure – I to this letter.

As first part of the full consideration payable by us, we enclose herewith cheque/Demand Draft bearing no……….. dated … drawn on …. Bank, for an amount of Rs….. (Rupees …)

We confirm to apply to the Development Commissioner, SuRSEZ for the Letter of Permission (LoP) for the Project, within sixty days of the issue of Letter of Earmarking/Letter of Allotment in our favour by you. We also undertake to pay immediately the consideration amount as agreed between us.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
Annexure – I

Sub : Application for allotment of plot/ready building in your
Surat Special Economic Zone (SuRSEZ) for setting up a Project

1) Name & address of Applicant

i) Applicant's Name : ______

ii) Permanent Address : ______

Tel # ______

Fax # ______

Website ______

Email ______

iii) Name of the contact person :

Tel # ______

Fax # ______

Email ______

iv)  Nature of present business

v)  PAN: ______

2) Present operation at SuRSEZ : Yes/ No

If yes :

(i) Name of Company :

(ii) Plot/Unit No. :

3) a) Nature of proposed business

in SuRSEZ (Please X )

Manufacturing / Services
Trading / Others (specify)

b) Proposed name of the firm / company

to undertake business in SuRSEZ

c) Legal Status i.e. Proprietor / Partnership/

Ltd. Company / Public Ltd :

d) Estimated investment in the Unit : INR ______

US$ ______
4) Allotment sought for

Land : ______sq. meter

Ready building : ______sq. ft.

5) Estimated requirement of other Inputs

a) Power : ______KVA

b) Water : ______kilo-litres per day

c) Warehousing : Area (if needed)

d) Manpower –Skilled &

Unskilled , no. :

6) Name of the Banker :

Branch : ______

Address : ______

Contact number : ______

I/we hereby declare that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the particulars furnished above are true and accurate. I/we agree to abide by rules and regulations prescribed by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India for Surat Special Economic Zone
Yours faithfully,