Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities (cIcu) Questionnaire

Summary of Responses for Mid-Hudson Region

Six (6) Institutions Responded

Q1. Ways institutions currently planning for/working on preparations for the revised NYS certification frameworks

  1. Faculty attending workshops/training/webinars on CCSS, data-driven assessment, edTPA, and academic language
  2. Revising curriculum, fieldwork, and assessment systems
  3. Created curriculum map to align current coursework with edTPA tasks and rubrics
  4. Identified more diverse settings for students’ fieldwork
  5. Added one-credit course on data-driven instruction
  6. Created new lesson plan format to align with new certification frameworks
  7. Created monthly professional development session for faculty/adjuncts
  8. Held information/orientation sessions for faculty and students on certification changes
  9. Participating in edTPA pilot

Q2. Ways institution is currently incorporating/planning to incorporate instruction related to the P-12 Common Core Standards into Teacher Education programs and related Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum

  1. Incorporating into all education and education related courses
  2. Created new lesson plan format to reflect CCSS and focus on academic language
  3. Revised syllabi and assessment system rubrics to align with CCSS
  4. Requiring all candidates to use CCSS in coursework and student teaching (lesson plans, and unit plans)
  5. Using EngageNY as a resource to help candidates with lesson planning
  6. Separate workshop for students to learn how to unpack the standards
  7. Meetings with arts and sciences faculty who teach education candidates. Providing resources for their use
  8. Seeking information from school partners on district implementation of CCSS
  9. Having school district personnel provide professional development on CCSS for teacher education and arts and sciences faculty

Q3. Ways institution is currently working/planning to work with any Pre-K programs or K-12 schools or otherwise assisting in the implementation of the P-12 Common Core Standards to ensure college readiness, and if so, with which schools and how?

  1. Have one to multiple professional development schools to assist with the implementation
  2. Liaisons provide information to teaching staff about CCSS
  3. Created residency program with local school to work together to prepare for students’ college readiness
  4. Established partnership with NYC school to create Saturday program to assist students with college readiness
  5. Coordinated literacy and special education practicum in local school to assist special needs students with academic language and literacy
  6. Forming an advisory board with K-12 stakeholders to discuss college readiness
  7. Use faculty-supervised course-embedded fieldwork to work with teaching staff on implementing CCSS

Q4/Q5. Rank the extent to which your Education faculty, staff, instructors, and students are informed of; Rank the extent to which your Arts and Sciences faculty, staff, instructors, and students are informed ofNYS teaching standards, ISLLC standards, NYS CC learning standards, data-driven instruction/inquiry, new teacher and school leader certification, educating all students assessment frameworks, and requirements for APPR.

  1. Overall, education faculty are more informed than arts and sciences faculty
  2. Some education faculty are experts in some areas, and others know little in the same areas.
  3. Education faculty who work in schools to revise the curriculum and assessments for the CCSS share this information with other education faculty
  4. Education faculty who work with students and teachers and in the field have a better understanding of the standards, requirements, and frameworks than those who don’t teach methods courses or work with student teachers
  5. Work with arts and sciences faculty varies. Education faculty work as closely as possible with arts and sciences faculty, and work to inform them of NYS requirements, standards, etc. However, such work is often not consistent, and arts and sciences faculty do not know the standards

Q6. No Faculty/Adjunct Instructors who would benefit from training/participation in some PD relating to the revised certification

  1. Education faculty: 267 (numbers vary from 10 to 153)
  2. Arts and sciences faculty: 125 (numbers vary from 6 to 41)

Q7. What information, PD training and resources will help your faculty, staff, instructors in your Education School/Division/College and in your Arts and Sciences Divisions/Colleges/Schools to be ready for the changes?

NYS Teaching Standards

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Information about ELLs and students with special needs
  3. Video library resource of model teachers to illustrate the standards in our courses
  4. Information about the accountability measure for each standard

ISLLC (Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium) Standards

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Information about the best practices associated with each standard

NYS Common Core Learning Standards

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, case studies, online/digital resources, consulting, materials
  2. Getting resources for all the new required texts. Adapting existing resources to meet CCSS.
  3. Video library resource of model teachers to illustrate the standards in our courses
  4. Expand the EngageNY site to include resources for teacher education programs preparing teachers for CCSS
  5. Information about how CCSS impact high school education and how they will guide colleges in developing appropriate course content
  6. More in depth knowledge for faculty on CCSS
  7. Training for new faculty

Data-driven instruction/inquiry

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Expand resources on the state website to provide samples that can be used in courses
  3. Applying data information into instruction
  4. Understanding of CCSS assessment results and how they will inform college instruction from NYS and other states

New teacher and school leader certification

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Funding resources for video equipment and other costs associated with edTPA and certification exams
  3. Figure out ways to help candidates who are struggling financially to pay for the new costs of certification
  4. Practical information regarding videotaping and permission and security
  5. Understanding of best practices associated with each of the edTPA tasks and respective rubrics
  6. Access to variety of teacher assessments being used in area schools to help faculty better understand the climate and pressures teachers currently facing

Educating All Students Assessment Frameworks

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Information about the scope and breadth of knowledge needed to do well
  3. Understanding of responsibilities of arts and sciences faculty for modeling and instructing the content of the EASA frameworks
  4. Opportunity to see the frameworks to know what candidates need to know

Requirements for Annual Professional Performance Reviews

  1. Continuous PD in person, webinars, consulting, materials
  2. Information on what constitutes the different ratings, who’s responsible to prove or document items within lesson, and how to see all elements in single observation
  3. Implications of APPR on teacher preparation
  4. Ability for faculty to see APPR frameworks used in area schools

Resources comments

  1. Arts and sciences faculty need to start at square one
  2. Concern about ability of ELLs and special needs students to pass the tests
  3. Concern about climate created in schools

Q8. EXPERTISE What expertise do you have to offer to this initiative?

  1. Faculty involved in developing new curriculum with new state standards and edTPA
  2. Workshops on templates created for new certification requirements