Completion of CourseRequirements–Dual Degree Program

B.Th. / M.Div.

Name: ______Date of Entry: ______

University of Enrolment: ______

Advisor: ______

Bachelor of Theology Years 1-3

Theology Courses (30 credit units)
Completed / Credit
Hours / Course
Number / Course Title
3 / BA 010 / Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
3 / BA 055 / Introduction to Early Christian Scriptures I
3 / BA 056 / Introduction to Early Christian Scriptures II
3 / SA 013 / Introduction to Christian Theology I
3 / SA 014 / Christology
3 /

HA 011

/ Christian History: Early & Medieval
3 / HA 012 /

Christian History: Reformation & Modern

3 / SA 052 / Introduction to Christian Ethics
3 / PA 010 or
PA 060 / Introduction to Christian Worship or
Introduction to Christian Education*
3 / Upper-level Hebrew Scriptures or Ethics/Church & Society**

*Admission to PA010 and PA060 prior to Year 3 is by instructor’s permission only.

**Hebrew Scriptures: BA 221, BA 226, BA 229; Ethics/Church & Society: SA 262, SA 282

Undergraduate Courses (60 credit units)
Completed / Credit
Hours / Course
Number / Course Title
3 / (English)
3 / (Humanities)
3 / (Humanities)
3 / (Social Sciences)
3 / (Social Sciences)
3 / (Sciences)
3 / (Sciences)
3 / (Fine Arts)
3 / (Fine Arts)
3 / (Language; may be Hebrew or Greek through STU)
3 / (Language; may be Hebrew or Greek through STU)
3 / 100-level BTh minor (University Major)
3 / 100-level BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)
3 / BTh minor (University Major)

Note: During BTh Years 1-3, students will normally participate in Orientation and the Inclusive Language Workshop each year, as far as their schedules permit. Students are also strongly encouraged to participate in the BTh Student Group orgranized by the Dual Degree Program Directory, and to participate as far as possible in the life of the college.

Master of Divinity

Year 2(30 credit units)
Completed / Credit
Hours / Course
Number / Course Title
6 / PA 235 / Clinical Pastoral Education*
3 / PA 110 or
PA 160 / Introduction to Christian Worship or
Introduction to Christian Education (whichever is remaining)
3 / PA 212 / Preaching: The Word in Worship
3 / PA 230 / Theological Foundations for Pastoral Care in Congregations
3 / SA 370 / Integration Seminar
3 / Upper-level Hebrew Scriptures or
Upper-level Ethics/Church & Society (whichever is remaining)
3 / Elective
3 / Elective
3 / Elective
Year 2 courses = 30 credit hours, Required before Ministry Residency except in unusual circumstances
*CPE – taken either the summer before or after the other Year 2 courses.
Year 3 Ministry Residency (30 credits)
Completed /


Hours / Course
Number /

Course Title

15 / PA 380 / Ministry Practicum – 20 month – ½ to ¾ time
3 / PA 381 / LC 1
4 / HA/SA 382 / LC 2
3 / SA 383 / LC 3
2 / PA 384 / LC 4
3 / PA 385 / LC 5
Program-Based Credit Requirements – PA 100 MDiv (0 credits)
Additional MDiv program requirements (non-credit) beginning at the start of MDiv Year 2
Entry Colloquium at the beginning of MDiv Year 2
Orientation (including orientation retreat) each year of full-time study on campus
Core Group each year of full-time study on campus
Committee Work each year of full-time study on campus
Chapel Leadership each year of full-time study on campus
Inclusive Language Workshop each year of full-time study on campus
Boundaries Workshop once during MDiv program
ReJunevation attendance and participation two years
Ministry Residency Preparation (winter semester prior to Residency)
Residents’ Return (during Ministry Residency)
Graduating Student Surveys

Note: PA 100 Program Based Credit Requirements has an associated fee equivalent to a 3 credit course. Students must register for PA 100 within Year 2 of MDiv studies.


  1. A 60% average must be attained.
  2. No more than half of the credits required for the degree may be a combination of transfer credits, PLAR, online courses.
  3. MDiv Year 2 requires 2 full-time semesters resident at St. Andrew’s College.
  4. * Electives – total of 9 credit hours need to be earned.

HONOURS:______75 % average attained

______50 - 75 page thesis

______Competency in second language or special preparation in the area of the thesis research

RevisedDecember 2, 2016