Lincoln Branch Submariners Association

Minutes of meeting held on:-Sunday 17th January 2016

1.Chairman opened the meeting at:-The meeting was opened by the Treasurer at 1230

2.Members present:- There were 12 members present.

3.Apologies:-Received from:- S.Unwin. F.Powell. D.Bussey. M.Bugg. R.Frankish. H.Hunter.

4.Obituaries:-The list of Obituaries from the last month were passed round for all to read.

A minutes silence was held.

5.Minutes from the previous meeting:-Were approved and accepted.

6.Matters arising:-Rick Elrick made reference to the Chairmans report on Hemswell Court, as a possible venue for our Christmas Party in December 2016. (See last months minutes)

7.Chairman's report:-

a) Re:- The Charity who is to benefit from our Christmas collection. M.Bugg sent an E-mail suggesting the Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance, this was unanimously

agreed on.

b)Not a positive response as to where we support A.F.D. this year. Finally by a narrow majority it was decided to go to Cleethorpes. M.Williams will forward forms to the Secretary which have to be completed with details of members who will be attending, and wish to march with veterans on the day at Cleethorpes. This is an M.O.D. requirement.


Details of the funeral of Dave Summers were read out. M.Bugg has indicated that he will be attending, having served with Dave. In view of the fact that our branch is being represented and having confirmation from the Secretary of Nottingham Branch, our Standard will be paraded.

9.Secretary's report:-

Nothing to report.

10.Treasurer's report:

Monthly Statement 20/12/2015

Opening Balance £3,052.35

Meeting collection 49.55

Donation A.Scott/S.Reader 15.00

Auction of items donated,

bought by M.Williams 150.00

Monies paid out last month

Xmas Rum Drinks 17.50

Xmas Meeting food 60.00

The sum of £49.55 from Decembers meeting was added to this months collection of £45, the resulting figure being £94.55, this was rounded off to £100, this being the amount that was donated to our chosen charity, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance

11.Social Secretary's Report.

a) Venues for 2016 Christmas Party.

Rick Elrick asked all members to put forward ideas for venues for our Christmas Party, and again put forward Hemswell Court, this was proposed by the Chairman at Decembers meeting. 1) Christmas Dinner at Pyewipe Inn, Lincoln. Based on a Saturday night either December 10th or 17th.

Dinner and Disco in shared function room£26.40 per head.

Dinner in Restaurant own tables£25.00 per head

Corkage on own Rum and Fortified wine£10.00 per bottle

Wine on the table£14.95 per bottle

Accommodation is available:-

Double room£80.00

Single room£70.00

Jack Hobson will update members at our next meeting.

2) Christmas Dinner at The Lincoln Hotel Lincoln. Based on Wednesday night December 7th or 14th.

Christmas Dinner£30.00 per head

Wine on table at£16.50 per bottle

Corkage on own Rum and Port at £15.00 per bottle

Special Function rates on rooms:-

Standard Double£85.00

Double with Cathedral view£95.00

These prices include Full English Breakfast.

The Long Room with its own bar together with the whole package is being held until 21st February 2016 (our next meeting) then a deposit of £250 is required.

There is ample free car parking at the rear of the hotel.

12.Welfare report:-

Nothing to report.

13.LExSA report:-

M.Williams reported that it is all quiet at the moment. Now that the Memorial Railings plans are off the agenda, all focus will now be on A.F.D. in Lincoln on June 26th. 2016.


a) Michael Williams announced the death of his Father a week last Friday(8th January), telling the members present that "A matelot his Father never was although he was desperate to join the Royal Navy. Having lost an eye when he was 11years old, never achieved this. However I, his son am living the life he wanted". Michael then issued a tot of rum to everyone present to honour the memory of Jack Williams.

b) M.Williams thanked all those that attended Dennis Churchill's funeral. Dennis had written a 6 page letter to be read out at the service, but not before the vicar had done some editing.

c) Jack Hobson had sad news, his parrot had died. (Someone said "does that mean another tot then"?)

Meeting shut at:- 1315

Date of next meeting:- 21st February 2016

Please be advised that these notes of the meeting taken by the secretary cannot in any way be regarded as official minutes until they are approved at the next meeting.

