Annex A to


Dated 08 Feb 11


Establishment /Unit/Ship: / Army Orienteering / Assessment
No: / 1 / Assessment
Date: / 10Aug 10
Section/Department / Army Orienteering / Assessment Type
(Delete as appropriate; see Note 1)
* / Generic / Record of Dynamic Assessment
Activity/Process: Orienteering Course Longmoor Camp, 05 Sep& 31 Oct 10
Assessor / Line Manager Acceptance (See Note 2)
Name: / Name:
Rank/Grade: / Rank/Grade:
Signature: / Signature:
(Include Hazard Survey Number where applicable) / Who is at Risk? / Control Measures
(Specific existing Control Measures) / Risk Rating
(Likelihood X Consequence)
(See Note 3) / Additional Controls
(Each Control Measure is to be specific
and managed) / Residual Risk
(See Note 4) / Management Plan
Owner / Target Date / Comp
Rough and uneven terrain / All / Relevant and accurate mapping provided, course levels clearly explained, supervision to ensure adequate clothing/footwear / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Level of individual ability / All / Different levels of ability catered for by different courses, all competitors warned that compete at own risk and should have adequate personal accident insurance, encouraged to warm-up properly, supervision to ensure adequate clothing/footwear, safety brief provided verbally and in writing / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
UXO / All / Full route recce conducted, confirmation of clear area when complete HOTO / 1x4=4
Med / Identification and actions on included in full safety brief verbally and displayed in writing / 1 x 2=2
Low / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Equipment / All / Supervision to ensure adequate clothing/footwear, opportunity to purchase on sight / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Weather / All / Extra care to be taken in adverse weather conditions / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Fatigue / All / Courses cater for different levels of ability, cut-off time imposed, sweep of area at end of event / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Dehydration / All / Appropriate guidance provided in safety brief, adequate water supplies and refreshments provided / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Other users / All / Potential other users and how they could affect the event detailed in safety brief, supervision to monitor and continually reassess impact of other users / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Lost / All / Different levels catered for, controls clearly marked, accurate and relevant mapping provided, use of compass and whistle encouraged, actions on lost included in safety brief, cut-off time imposed, sweep of area at end of event / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Electric shock / All / Access to power supervised and controlled, licensed traders with suitable equipment, confirmed clear and safe during HOTO / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Food poisoning / All / Licensed, familiar and experienced traders, cleanliness of facilities inspected and reviewed by event organiser throughout / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Burns / All / Licensed, familiar and experienced traders, suitability and positioning of facilities inspected and reviewed throughout / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Slips/Trips and Falls / All / OOB areas clearly maked, accurate and relevant mapping, supervision to ensure adequate clothing/footwear, hazardous areas around the start/finish marked and penned-off / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Eye injuries / All / Accurate and relevant mapping provided, participants encouraged to wear eye protection in safety brief, / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Smoke Inhalation / All / Equipment emitting smoke placed at safe distance from main transit routes and congregating areas, inspected and reviewed by event organiser throughout / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Vehicles / All / Signs indicating possibility of ‘runners on road’ clearly displayed, car parking strictly controlled, participants briefed in safety brief / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Horse Riders / All / Participants encouraged to respect other users and briefed in safety brief, event organiser to review continually / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Dog-walkers / All / Participants encouraged to respect other users and briefed in safety brief, event organiser to review continually / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Model aircraft / All / Participants encouraged to respect other users and briefed in safety brief, event organiser to review continually / 1x2=2
Low / N/A / N/A / OIC Orienteering / 10Aug 10 / 10Aug 10
Line Manager Assessment Review
(See Notes 2 and 5)
Review Date: / Review Date: / Review Date: / Review Date:
Name: / Name: / Name: / Name:
Rank/Grade: / Rank/Grade: / Rank/Grade: / Rank/Grade:
Signature: / Signature: / Signature: / Signature:


1 If using a ‘Generic’ risk assessment, Assessors and Line Managers are to satisfy themselves that the assessment is valid for the task and that all significant hazards have been identified and assessed. If additional hazards are identified they are to be recorded and attached to the Generic assessment.

2 Line Managers are to note that they are responsible for production of the risk assessment and that they are signing to indicate that the risk assessment is suitable and sufficient and they consider the risks to be acceptable.

High / Common, regular or frequent occurrence. / 3 / 3 Med / 6 High / 9 High
Medium / Occasional occurrence. / 2 / 2 Low / 4 Med / 6 High
Low / Rare or improbable occurrence. / 1 / 1 Low / 2 Low / 3 Med
Risk Matrix
Likelihood X Consequence / 1 / 2 / 3
Minor injury or illness. / Serious injury or illness. / Fatalities, major injury or illness.
Low / Medium / High

3 When recording the Risk Rating ensure that both the Likelihood and Consequence scores are included.

High / Improve control measures; consider stopping work. Conducting work at this level of risk is to be reported up the Line Management / Command chain.
Medium / Review control measures and improve if reasonably practicable to do so, consider alternative ways of working.
Low / Maintain control measures and review if there are any changes.

4 Record the residual Risk Rating to demonstrate that the risk has been reduced to an acceptable level; record Likelihood and Consequence scores.

5 Risk Assessments are to be reviewed:

• Annually.

• If there is reason to doubt the effectiveness of the assessment.

• Following an accident or near miss.

• Following significant changes to the task, process, procedure or Line Management.

• Following the introduction of more vulnerable personnel.

• If “Generic” prior to use.


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