Mustang Club of West Central Florida -August 2017 Meeting Minutes

President Lee Fitzstephens called the August 7thmeeting to order at 7:10 PM at AutoNation Ford in Bradenton with 21 in attendance.

Reports of Officers

The minutes of the June meeting were accepted as amended by RJ Munson to reflect his crash occurred on a bright sunny winter day in a yet icy tunnel.

The treasurer’s report was given by club treasurer, Della Overholt and approved as read.

Guests: We had no guests at this meeting.

Reports of Committees

Upcoming shows (not a complete list) and Club events and activities:

8/12 – Joey D’s Pizza show – Manatee Ave W, Bradenton 6:00-9:00pm

9/4-10 – Mustang Week –Myrtle Beach, SC

10/21 – Lakeland Auto Show – Lake Mirror 10am-3pm

1/6/18 - Final Silver Springs show - Ocala

MCA: We had no MCA report this month

November Show Report:

Show chair Tracey Fitzstephens had a number of items to share as the November 19 show date approaches:

  1. She reminded everyone to go on line through the club website to register a car via Eventbrite.
  2. She reviewed classes and awards and reminded members that we had voted to approve only 1st and 2nd place awards in the following classes: 64-73, 74-78, 79-93, 94-04, 05-11, 12-current, Specialty Mustangs, Trucks, Ford-powered non-Mustangs, “under restoration”. She expressed concern about how to evaluate a car in the last category. Awards will be by popular vote.
  3. We will be charged $500 this year by Lakewood Ranch. Previous years were free. So, Tracey mentioned that we may want to keep our eyes open for a new site next year. It was also suggested that one or several restaurants may want to contribute to help with this payment.
  4. Tracey was approached by a potential sponsor who is a wine merchant. We felt she should not be distributing or selling her product at our show in part due to our contract. A wine tasting party may be in the offing for the club in the future, however.
  5. Fliers and registration materials are available now. Tracey had a box of them and told us to take them and distribute them.
  6. Sponsors and raffle items – Dayton Amey has coordinated this for a couple of years. He needs help in soliciting sponsors and raffle items. He keeps a data base of who is contacted to sponsor. Let Dayton know if you are contacting a potential sponsor.
  7. Larry Brunatti mentioned we need baskets for raffle items. If members have them or find them at garage sales, etc. bring them to the next meeting.
  8. We discussed the weekend getaway big raffle item. We have decided to sell tickets in advance this year rather than just at the show. Tracey plans to keep a strict accounting of the numbered tickets.
  9. Port-a-potties were missed last year. Dave Bishop volunteered to shop for good prices for some for this year’s show.
  10. National media has received publicity releases from publicity chair, Dave Bishop. Local releases will go out closer to the show date.
  11. Susan Foreman will again handle sale of club merchandise on show day.
  12. Tracey asked members to look at the Eventbrite site to see if there are problems with it. She asked that any registration questions or issues be referred to her.

Old Business

  1. Larry Brunatti reported that we have a new supply of club t-shirts. Plenty are available.

New Business

  1. Dayton Amey presented a list of possible club outings in the near future. It was decided that we should go the Tampa Bay Auto Museum in Pinellas Park. He will try to book Sunday, August 20 for that event.
  2. Dayton also contacted Peridia Country Club where we enjoyed last year’s club Christmas party. It is filing up fast so he booked December 17 at 11am.

Tech Talk/ Film Time

  1. Dave Bishop mentioned a planned trip to Detroit in mid-August for the annual Woodward Dream Cruise.
  2. Bill Sheffel told the club about Ford’s plan to introduce a 7 liter V-8 in 2018. It may be available for Mustangs.
  3. RJ Munson knows of a driver quality 69 Mach I for about $13000. He also has a number of 67-68 parts for sale.
  4. Matt Costanza is restoring an early 80’s Mustang and needs a hatchback gate for it.

This month's 50/50 winner was Mark Rehder who took home $25.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:23pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

David Bishop, Secretary