Emerging Companies MentoringProgramme 2018-19
Thank you for expressing an interest in being part of our emerging companies mentoring programme. This programme is supported by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation and aims to assist emerging theatre ensembles.
In order for us to glean some insight into your company and think about how we might work together, we’d begrateful if you could answer the following questions and email them to by Tuesday 9th January 2018.
If your company is newly formed please let us know about the individual members backgrounds/experience.
Company Information
Company name:
Company established:
Where the company is based:
Number of pieces performed professionally:
Number of people in the company:
Main contact:
Company position:
Reserve contact:
Company position:
In no more than 150 words per answer
1)How was your company formed?
2)What is the current structure of your company?
3)How would you describe the work you make?
4)What is you mission/ethos/ideology as a company?
5)What excites you as a company?
6)What is your aim/vision? Please answer both short and long term, e.g. one year and five years.
7)What are your current obstacles as a company?
8)What do you hope to get out of a mentoring partnership with Tangled Feet?
Tangled Feet welcomes diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity in all areas of its work.
We may use this information to report to the funders or to monitor the different backgrounds of people who join the Mentoring Scheme. We will not use this information to assess your application. If you do not know some of the information or you would prefer not to provide it, you can fill in the 'Not known/Prefer not to answer' box.
How many members are there in your company?Ethnicity
Any other white background
Asian or Asian British
Asian BangladeshiAsian Indian
Asian Pakistani
Any other Asian background
Black or Black British
Black AfricanBlack Caribbean
Any other Black background
Asian and whiteBlack African and white
Black Caribbean and white
Chinese and white
Any other background from more than one ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Not known/prefer not to answer
Registered charity number 1143406