/ Each Home Counts Implementation Plan
31st August 2017

1.Name of Workstream

Measurement, Monitoring & Verification

2.Purpose and Objectives

Establishing the performance of candidate buildings before and after improvement to ensure and verify that the improvement measure(s)and work(s) undertaken deliver, and where appropriate continue to deliver, the intended improvement outcomes. The overall objectives is therefore to provide stakeholders with data at system, individual building and building stock level to inform actions and decisions and track progress.

MM&V will enable the financial, carbon and perhaps social (e.g. in terms of health and comfort improvements for fuel poor) return on investment to be assessed for individual dwellings and/or improvement programmes across multiple dwellings.

Individual building performance data would be held in data repositories according to common protocols to provide a basis for progressive and long term planned improvement programmes for specific properties and to enable meta-data to be assembled to track overall improvements in building energy and carbon emissions improvements across the domestic building stock. Cutting data another way would enable the installed success of technologies to be established, informing learning for installers and providing confidence to financers and insurers.

The primary impact of this workstreamwill be felt in addressing three of the key areas for improvement listed in Table 1 of the EHC review report. These are:

  • Better use of property assessments
  • Ensuring consistent and robust monitoring (especially in relation to building performance)
  • Making better use and availability of data

It also contributes to delivering Recommendations 1 and 4,Recommendations 5, 6and 7, Recommendation 16, Recommendation 18,Recommendation 22 and Recommendation 27.

3. WorkstreamLead

Dr Kerry J Mashford,National Energy Foundation ()

4.Members of the Workstream

The members of the core working group (CWG)for MM&V remain unchanged and comprise the workstream lead Kerry Mashford, together with:
Richard Fitton, University of Salford & Building Performance Network

Simon Green, VRM Tech
Andrew Pease, Energy Systems Catapult
Alan Cochrane, Retrofit Design Services
Martyn Reed, Elmhurst Energy
David Glew, Leeds Beckett
Vasileios Sougkakis, Nottingham University

A wider consultation group stands ready to comment on and contribute to the work of the CWG. Several additions to this group have been made in the last month. Additional members are welcome.

5.Connection with other workstreams

Early work under this workstream has identified strong intersection with the workstreams listed below. Focussed engagement has already taken place in many areas and the nature of future collaboration with others is being shaped. See next item for more detail.

Quality Mark

Compliance & Enforcement

Data Privacy & Protection

Finance & Insurance

Smart Meters

Advice & Guidance (Information Hub and Data Warehouse)
Skills &Training
Energy Technologies
Insulation and Fabric Technologies
Design & Installation

6.Key Activities (with timings and outputs)

Following feedback by individual members of the CWG on discussion with other workstreams the MM&V group has updated its implementation plan and indicative timeline.

Future activities include:

  1. Developing a universally applicable MM&V framework –

-baselining, design predictions, outcomes (Fabric, HET workstreams) –Jan 2018

-four stages of BPE escalation, triggering (Compliance and Enforcement) – November 2017

  • remediation
  • retraining
  • revision of design assumptions
  • enforcement action
  • benchmarking
  1. Draw up Matrix of Performance Parameters vs Improvement Measures

-identifying which parameters are expected to be affected by each measure or combination

-also parameters that may be negatively affected – October 2017

-carry out performance risk assessment out for all measures/combinations leading to the % deviation allowable under MM&V regime (with Fabric and HET workstreams)- Q1 2018.

  1. Techniques and methods – including standards where available –

-Review of existing (and emerging) tools and techniques for testing and monitoring together with what insight they provide in isolation and combination - November 2017

-Check compliance with formal standards where these exist – December 2017

-Develop/adopt informal standards and methods where required – gap analysis (Standards workstream) – Q2 2018

-Map to BPE approach in MM&V framework with costs/time/invasiveness/skills – Q1 2018

-Gap analysis – Q2 2018

  1. Skills and competencies- for Building Performance Assessors/Evaluators

-‘quality mark’ for MM&V professionals – links to Quality Mark workstream due to be implemented first half of 2018. – Q2 2018

-Consider requirements for a certification body of MM&V professionals? – April 2018

-Training and qualifications for four levels of BPE.(Skills workstream) Q2/Q3 2018

These are presented as the first level MM&V implementation plan –for consideration by the EHC Implementation Board in September 2017.


Core working group members backed by consultation group. Following the initial exploratory and decision phase, membership of Core Working Group may change to spread burden of pro bono work.

8.Risk Management

1) Disruption to other workstreams as MMV topics come late to the table. Delays in getting constructive dialogue with other workstreams – mitigation is for the workstream lead and working group members to liaise directly with interdependent workstreams to gain mutual understanding. – underway and ongoing, good will on all sides.

2) Ideal MMV technologies, the majority of existing methods and analytics are too expensive or not fit for purpose – mitigation is to follow two scenarios – what MMV we can do now, and what the ideal future MMV ‘toolkit’ needs to do. This ideal scenario will form the basis for a ‘call to action’ w.r.t. targettedinnovation. Ideally, R&D grant funding could be directed to help achieve this.

3) Resources available in the core working group are insufficient to progress at required pace – mitigation is that additional members join (invitations welcome) and a call for secondee/ research officer etc. to devote human resource to support this activity (offers invited).

Other risks may become apparent as the workstream progresses.

9.Activities in the last month

Second Core Working Group session held and tasks shared amongst CWG members.
Collation of CWG contributions on content and approach – broad agreement

Draft of MM&V framework for further development.
Further bilateral discussion with other workstreams e.g. data warehouse, finance, smart meters, HET, Quality Mark.
Participation in 2ndCompliance and Enforcement workshop and plans for small cross workstream session to unpick and reconstitute technical monitoring, compliance, test and verification.
Participation in Fabric Workstream meeting and better understanding of intersection with MM&V and standards, plus design and advice.

10.Activities in the next month

Third working meeting of MMV core working group.

Further development of MM&V framework

Drawing up matrix of performance parameters vs improvement measures

Clarity of intersections with other workstreams and EHC recommendations (currently under development)

Participation in HET workstream meeting including presentation of MM&V framework.Participation in working session with Compliance and Enforcement