30 September 2015[1]

Overall Headcount and (Whole Time Equivalent) WTE

The overall headcount and WTE have increased to 14,439 and 11,957 WTE respectively from a headcount of 14,263 and 11,818 WTE last quarter, representing an increase of 176 people and 139 WTE respectively and 1.2%.

Compared to the same point last year, the headcount and WTE have also increased by 361 people and 312 WTE respectively at the same point last year for doctors, nurses, AHPs scientists and administrative staff.

Nursing/Midwifery Bank and Agency Usage

The year to date (April 2015 – September 2015) nursing agency spend is £885,000, which is approaching last year’s total spend of, £944,000.

The year to date (April 2015 – August 2015[2]) bank spend for Nursing/Midwifery has increased to £6.5M compared to £6.4M at the same point last year.

Medical Agency Locum Usage

The year to date (April 2015 – September 2015) agency locum spend is over £7.5M in comparison to last year’s total spend of around £9M.

Sickness Absence

ISD (Information Services Division) sickness absence for the month of August 2015[3] is 3.99%, which is lower than at the same point last year (August 2014 - 4.44%). The September monthly rate, was 4.38% which is lower than at the same point last year (September 2014, 4.57%)

ISD annualised sickness absence rate (August 2015) has increased slightly to 4.63% compared to 4.62% at the same point last year. This still remains above the 4% Local Delivery Plan standard.

Starters and Leavers

Over the past year there have been more starters than leavers (1,634 starters and 1,313 leavers). Compared to the same period covered last year (1,558 starters and 1,466 leavers) respectively. However, in the month of September 2014, there was a peak in the number of starters (219) compared to other months and this is higher than September 2015 (186).

Turnover and Stability

Turnover has decreased to 11.03% in September this year (YTD) from 12.14% in April.

Stability has increased to 91.01% in September (YTD) from 89.99% in April.


Vacancies in NHS Grampian are starting to show signs of reducing, although Nursing/Midwifery numbers have increased. The increase in Nursing/Midwifery figures is due to pending newly qualified nurses (NQNs) receiving their Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registration in order to move into Band 5 posts, therefore the vacancies they are to fill are still being counted.

There has been an increase in the number of Nursing/Midwifery vacancies from 355.5 WTE to 397.0[4] WTE as at 30th September 2015. There are plans to revise the process for counting vacancies to ensure greater consistency and accuracy.

The number of Consultant vacancies has decreased from 79.0 WTE to 43.7 WTE as at 30th September 2015. 16 WTE have been appointed but are not yet in post.

As at 30th September 2015 the vacancies within the Allied Health Professionals job family decreased from 76.6 WTE the previous quarter to 59.3 WTE. Of these vacancies, 13.8% have been vacant for more than 3 months.

Displaced Staff

At the end of September 2015 the total number of employees on the Redeployment Register has decreased to 15 compared to 16 in the previous quarter. From the people currently on the register 20% are as a result of temporary contract, 46.6% ill health, 20% Organisational change and 6.7% for reasons of capability.

Learning and Development

e Learning Update on New Projects

There are a number of eLearning courses under development, the following are those which have been initiated over the last 3 months and are illustrative of the diverse subjects covered by this learning method.

·  Accountability, Capacity & Consent

·  Pressure Ulcer Prevention

·  Radiation Protection Training for Nuclear Medicine

Management Development Training

The Management Development Training project has now progressed to the stage where there is a draft timetable in place, along with aims and objectives for both the supervisors’ and middle managers’ courses. To pilot the concept, a supervisors’ course is to be run at Inverurie on the 2/3/4th November 2015 with a middle managers’ course arranged for the 8/9/10th December at the Suttie Centre, Aberdeen.

Medical Induction workshop

NHS Grampian is hosting a workshop on 28th October 2015 to review the corporate 2015 medical induction processes and continue to provide and improved induction for new medical staff.

Modernisation and Organisational Development

The revised organisational development plan is currently being developed. There has also been the commencement of discussions on revising the Leadership and Management Development Strategy. A new cohort of Talent Management started in September 15 2015 which will be supported through the establishment of the Talent Forum.

Occupational Health (GO Health Services)

Pre-employment Health Screening

In response to the increase in recruitment within NHS Grampian, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of pre employment questionnaires received by the service for screening in the past year.

Management Referrals to Occupational Health

The average time taken from receiving a referral to it being triaged to an appropriate pathway (in 2014/15) was 1.72 days. In the period April – June 2015 the average time taken was 1.57 days, however the average for July – September 2015 has been 2.81 days, due to the increased volume of activity across the service.

Health and Safety

Management Standards Audit and Improvement Tool

The Corporate Health and Safety Department has continued to engage with psychologists from the Health and Safety Executive in relation to NHS Grampian’s Management Standards Audit and Improvement Tool. We are now in the position that the tool is recognised for functional use by teams.

Fire Safety Management

The continuing progress in improving Fire Safety Management arrangements across NHS Grampian has resulted in Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and NHS Grampian agreeing to move from the requirement for monthly updates of all improvement action plans to three monthly updates.

The first of these updates took place in August 2015 with 51 ‘no improvement required’ action plans being submitted to Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

Responsible Executive Director
Dr Annie Ingram
Director of Workforce / Contact for further information
Gerry Lawrie
Deputy Director of Workforce

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[1] All figures unless otherwise stated are as at 30september 2015

[2] Bank spend figures up to August only (September not available at date of report deadline)

[3] ISD sickness absence figures up to August (September not available at date of report deadline)

[4] Vacancy figures are not yet published by ISD.