Applying for Free School Meals for Universal Infant Free School Meal Pupils
Q. Why do schools have to apply on behalf of pupils?
A. Whilst all infants will automatically qualify for UIFSM, to obtain Pupil Premium, pupils will still need to be registered for Free School Meals. It is clear thatonce free meals are offered universally there will be challenges in identifying pupil premium pupils as parents will no longer be incentivised to apply for free school meals as they will be in automatic receipt of them.
The challenge of identifying Pupil Premium pupils was discussed with Schools Forum earlier this month and it was concluded that schools would need to work with parents of the new reception cohort to encourage and support registration on the Herts Direct Free School Meal Page at Forum suggested that HCC should provide a template leaflet/letter for schools to send to parents to support registration by schools on behalf of parents. The template is attached to foot of these FAQ’s.
Schools can still choose to ask parents to apply online as in previous years.
Q. How do I make an application?
A. To make an application visit
Q. Can the Customer Service Centre input the data?
A. It is the responsibility of schools to apply on behalf of parents where they choose to make applications on behalf of pupils. The CSC check eligibility and do not make applications.
Q. What information do I need to make an application?
A. HCC has developed a suggested template for schools to obtain the information needed to apply that has been refined following feedback from schools. The DfE has developed a very similar form that David Laws has emailed to all Headteachers. Both forms have been developed with the intention that all parents will be asked to complete it as part of the normal school enrolment process, regardless of their level of income.
The form is attached to these FAQ’s as Appendix 1.
Q. I used the original form and did not ask parents whether they are in receipt of working tax credit, what should I do?
Parents that receive child tax credit but also receive working tax credit are not eligible for Free School Meals. In order to process applications for parents in receipt of child tax credit, schools will need to establish whether they are also in receipt of working tax credit. Clearly schools should seek to do this in a manner that is as un-invasive as possible.
Q. Who qualifies for Free School Meals?
A. The table below shows what financial help parents can get depending on benefits received:
Q. A pupil does not live in Hertfordshire, but does qualify for FSM, what should I do?
You can apply for free school meals and the PPG, but you should advise the child’s parents to contact the local authority where they live to apply for any other benefits it offers, which may be different to those available from Hertfordshire.
Q. Do we need to renew applications next year?
Schools will not need to renew an application as long as a pupil remainseligible and PPG will continue be received as the child will qualify as an Ever6. HCC automatically check all applications for continuing eligibility at the end of each academic year, and will inform parents if they need to reapply.
Appendix 1-
Suggested template
Dear Parent/Carer,
In addition to school funding received from HertfordshireCounty Council/ the Education Funding Agency (insert name of school), is able to claim a £1300 grant from Governmenteach year called the Pupil Premium for children whose parents or carers receive any of the benefits below:
- Income Support
- Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit element) or (Income Related) Employment Support Allowance
- Child Tax Credit
We are asking all parents and carers of reception children to complete the slip below and return to the office by xx/xx/xx in order that we can register the details provided and access the grant.
If you are in receipt of qualifying benefits your information will be renewed each year meaning that unless your circumstances change entitlement to free school meals from Year 3 and other educational benefits will be automatically registered.
The information you supply will be treated confidentially and destroyed once processed.
Name of Child ______
Class ______
I am or my partner is in receipt of the following benefits: (please tick)
Income Support
Income Based Jobseeker's Allowance
Pension Credit (Guarantee Credit element)
(Income Related) Employment Support Allowance
Child Tax Credit with income below £16,190
Working Tax Credit[1]
Name and Date of Birth of person receiving the benefit:
National Insurance Number: ______
Asylum Seekers Number: ______
I give permission for (name of school) to register my details
[1] Please note that if you receive both child tax credit and working tax credit we will not be able to claim the Pupil Premium Grant.