Interactive Resources / Software
on the Internet
These resources are free to use on the internet and are especially suitable for use with the Interactive White Board (IWB). To directly visit an online resource, place the cursor over the link, press the “Control” (ctrl) button on the bottom left of the keyboard and click. The website should open in your default web browser.Don’t forget that teachers should always view internet content before allowing children access to a website.
1. / WoodlandsJuniorSchoolLots of interactive resources in all subject areas. Go to “Interactive Activities” section.
2. / Homemade Powerpoint Games
Download games as Powerpoint files. Learn also how to make a classroom game in Powerpoint format.
3. / Interactive Websites
Links to lots of sites with interactive games
4. / Powerpoint Games
Free games in Powerpoint format to download.
5. / Interactive White Boards in the Classroom
Links to lots of games and resources for use with the IWB
6. / Maths Teacher’s Toolkit
Excellent resources for the teaching of maths. Includes number lines, clocks, calculator, 100 Square etc.
7. / CoxhowPrimary School
Go into each curricular area to see links to lots of online resources.
8. / Virtual Teacher Centre KS1
Links to lots of interactive resources across all curricular areas from the National Grid for Learning (NGfL)
9. / Crickweb
Lots of free resources and games to play
10. / Smartboard Resources
Lots of links for Smartboard resources, but lots can be used on any IWB
11. / ICT Games
Lots of interactive games in Literacy and Maths
12. / Teaching Money
Interactive games for integrating with the teaching of money
13. / Mathsnet
Interactive maths resources
14. / Maths Is Fun
Fun interactive games for maths
15. / CSF Software
Some free games to download including the Channel 4-based Countdown letters and numbers game
16. / Class Tools
Free resources to download on the right including the Random Name Picker and the Countdown Timer
17. / White Board Resources
Resources across all curricular areas from Birmingham City Council
18. / The Hippo Helper
Links to websites suitable for the IWB
19. / Discover Primary Science
Movies to show on the IWB with a science theme
20. / CBI (Cláir Bhána Idirghníomhacha) Project
Irish site dedicated to resources for the IWB
This is a Seomra Ranga resource. It is free of copyright for classroom use. All other uses are strictly © copyright. All rights reserved.