CP Modern World History Name ______

Enlightenment Thinkers – Ch. 6, Section 2, pages 195-201

Book published & year:
Believed all humans were:
Without government, there would be:
And life would be (5 adjectives):
People had to hand over their rights to:
In exchange, they gained:
This agreement, by which people created a government, known as:
Ruler needed:
Best government had power of:
And was a(n):
which could impose order & demand obedience. / JOHN LOCKE
Book Published & year:
Two Treatises of Government (1690)
How did Locke’s ideas about human nature differ from Hobbes’ view?
And favored:
All people were born:
With natural rights of:
Purpose of government:
If government fails to do its job, citizens have the right to:
Government’s power comes from:
Locke’s ideas would inspire: / VOLTAIRE
Nationality: French
Published 70+ books of:
Who were his targets in his writings (opponents)?
Fought for:
Believed humanity’s worst enemies were:
Famous quote:
Studied political liberty & thought which nation had best form of government?
Called the division of power among different branches:
Book published and year:
“Power should be a . . .” :
This idea later called:
2 of his ideas that are in US Constitution: / JEAN JAQUES ROUSSEAU
Committed to:
What corrupted man’s natural goodness?
(idea of “noble savage”
“Man is born free, and . . .
Good government = one that was formed freely by people & guided by:
Best type of government:
Book published & year:
View of “social contract” different from Hobbes. For Rousseau, it was an agreement between:
Argued that all people were equal and what should be abolished?
Helped inspire revolution in: / MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT
Nationality: English
Essay published & year:
Disagreed with whom about what?
She argued that women:
And urged women to:
Her famous daughter . . . author of: