Gem Lakes Recreation Association Annual Meeting

April 20th, 2015

Board Members Present: Gary Marozas, Lloyd Copenhaver, Bill Mathison, Orchid Grass, Susanna King, Carol Lepp, Vickie Murray, Kevin Armstrong.

Unable to attend: Bob Mell, Johnny Spears, Hai Nguyen.

24 Residents were present.

Gary Marozas gave the call to order.

The 2014 Annual minutes were reviewed.

All Board Members in attendance were introduced.

President’s Introduction:

Gary welcomed all present, and thanked them for coming out despite most residents being in the midst of a clean-up, from a tornado that hit the Gem Lakes area.

Vicki Thomas and Joyce Stanley were introduced to the residents, as the ladies that would be heading GLEE (Gem Lakes Engaging Everyone) which has replaced GLOW (Gem Lakes Organization of Women). At that time residents were invited to join GLEE and given the contact information to do so.

GLRA Secretary (Orchid Grass) reviewed the 2014 annual meeting minutes, (a copy of which can be found on the website).

A motion was made and passed to approve the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes.

President’s Report:

·  Gary mentioned that the new website was launched and requested that anyone who had comments or input please do so on the site itself, which is very user friendly.

·  Next, the Boy Scouts were acknowledged and thanked for the handrails and step repair work done on along both sides of Springwood Dr. It was mentioned that Eagle Scout Chet Taylor is offering to all residents lawn aeration during the summer, and his contact info, could be found on the website.

·  The new pavilion banners were introduced, that included the main banner and the smaller banners for each GLRA event.

·  The 2014 Fishing Rodeo and the July 4th, potluck was our best to date.

·  The Memorial Day picnic (with over 400 attendees) and Oktoberfest, (with over 500 attendees), were the largest attended events to date.

·  The new recycle system was introduced.

·  Gary thanked those who showed up to help on the workday, (Saturday April 18th,) despite the rain.

·  He also thanked those who helped assemble the new popcorn machine which is the most popular item on movie nights. Residents were reminded to check the website for dates on upcoming bingo and movie nights.

Treasurer’s Report: Lloyd Copenhaver

Lloyd presented the Treasurer’s Financial Spreadsheet (which was handed out to all present).

·  The past year (2014-15) we did collect initial fees from the final homes on the new extension.

·  This year we have recovered a greater percentage of past dues, due to the implementation of liens placed on properties which are greatly in arrears. Liens are removed once dues are paid up.

·  Residents were reminded that they get a 5% discount for dues paid before June 30th, unless they owe dues for prior years.

·  One of the factors that gave us additional income was the increase in dues, which is based on the GLRA covenants, which states that dues will be increased every 5 years based on the cost of living.

·  The larger expenses were explained, such as the purchase of our new mower, and our new refrigerator for the lifeguard house.

·  2015 net income is smaller than last year, due to aprox $35,000 in Capital expenses planned for the year.

·  Based on budget and taking into consideration, (expense vs. income) our end of year cash balance should be approximately $58,000.

Question: Did you say you wanted a reserve of $100,000?

Answer: That was the number mentioned last year, ideally it would be wonderful to have one year’s worth of expenses in reserve, however that is not practical, our total cash right now is about $76,000, but over the year we run on about $25,000 operating cash with about $60,000 in the reserve.

Question: What exactly is that $35,000 expenses for again?

Answer: Gary: (at this point Gary addressed the gathering and he explained the plan to revamp the Tennis and Basketball courts, with minor upgrades to the playground, and at the end motioned for a vote to accept the Budget and the Treasurers report (as stated and written). Both were accepted and passed by those present.

Question: Is that vote that we just took also to approve the $35,000?

Answer: Yes

Question: What exactly are you going to do?

Answer: We are looking to replace the Tennis Courts with a new surface, fence repair, net stanchions and cranks replacement, convert the small double basketball court into a good sized single half court, with a premium basketball goal on one end. There is a lot of leveling to be done. We may be able to save some on the playground, but there is also money slated for some needed tree service.

Question: On the playground, what are you planning to do / add?

Answer: The main intention is to make it safer, and possibly adding a small modular system for the kids.

Question: Is there a reason that we need money for the website this year but we don’t next year?

Answer: (Susanna) We have a 5 year agreement, so we only spend money every 5 years.

Recreation Area Manager’s Report: Johnny Spears

Due to a previous commitment, the recreation manager who was unable to attend had his report read by Gary Marozas.

·  Johnny thanked the residents that showed up for the Annual Meeting

·  Also thanked those who braved the rains to help on the Saturday workday.

·  We have had two different young men from two different scout groups request to perform duties here.

·  We have plans to construct rails along the stairs, from the parking lot to the beach in the near future.

·  Each resident is in encouraged to call ADPS at 642-7620, if you see a non emergency in the area.

Security Manager’s Report: Bill Mathison

·  Bill reiterated the need to call ADPS if there is a non emergency situation, or 911 for emergencies such as a fire…and the address for the Recreation area is: 108 Recreation Dr.

·  If the pavilion is reserved it will remain open until 10:00 PM.

·  There are special circumstances where scouts may stay overnight.

·  If in doubt of what is going on, please call (Bill Mathison).

·  The website has the calendar which shows when the pavilion is reserved and for how many hours.

Question: I know that once upon a time we had to sign in at the beach area with our name and address, and I have noticed that that is not being done constantly anymore!

Answer: (Gary) That has been addressed with Johnny and he assures me that he will speak to the lifeguards to ensure that that policy is enforced. The lifeguards are provided a new resident list each year.

Webmaster Report: Susanna King.

(Gary thanked Carol Lepp for maintaining the website and calendar.)

·  Website has just gone through its 2nd, big upgrade, making it easier to make posts, and for residents to access the site from their phones and tablets.

·  We still have a Gem Lakes Facebook page as well as an e mail list that you can sign up for on the website.

·  PayPal has now been added to the website to allow for paying your dues. Note: a small charge is added for using the PayPal option.

Projects: (Gary)

·  We plan on doing a handrail down the concrete stairs.

·  We are working diligently with some contractors to upgrade the Tennis and Basketball courts.

·  We plan to convert the small double basketball court into a good sized single half court.

Projects: (Vicky)

·  We have decided to repaint the play equipment currently in place.

·  Sand or mulch will be added to the area around the merry go round.

·  We are looking into the possibility of adding a game called Gaga ball or Panda ball to the

play area.

·  All residents were informed of and invited to :

Fishing Rodeo May 2nd at 10AM ( Lunch provided)

Memorial Day Picnic May 23rd at 1 PM

Independence Day July 4th at 5PM (Potluck)

Oktoberfest Oct 24th at 5PM ( Music and Food provided)

Comment: The playground is in great shape, the emphasis should be on the Tennis and Basketball courts.

New Business:

·  Gary made a motion for all current Board to be re-elected.

·  Bill Mathison will give up his Vice President position but remain as Security Manager.

·  Bob Mell current board member to be elected as the new Vice President.

·  Susanna King is leaving the board but will remain as our web master, and George King will replace Susanna.

·  Kevin Armstrong is leaving the board, and we are nominating Dal Stanley as the replacement.

·  Duane Berning was then nominated to the board.

Gary requested the above changes and additions to be seconded and received same.

Nominations were then made as stated above, and all approvals received.

Question: Are there building codes for the new homes, such as quality of home detail etc:

Answer: Yes, there are minimum requirements based on square footage.

Question: Can a family camp out in the area.

Answer: Yes, simply notify Johnny to reserve the date

Question: Do we know if the handrails are secure and not in danger of us being held liable for any accident.

Answer: Yes, we believe the oversight afforded the installation made for good instillation, and you are invited to review them yourself.

Question: Is there a time of year when the gates are open to allow use of the facility?

Answer: There is an official opening of the facility which coincides with Memorial day.

Question: Last year the device to keep the geese away worked well, it does not seem to working now.

Answer: The device is working , a new central unit was sent to replace to ensure that the device is keeping the geese away.

Question: Any plans to fix the stairs on the upper side of Springwood, where the handrails were installed?

Answer: We will take that into consideration, and have any possible repairs scheduled.

Meeting adjourned: