Hello from Colin. There are 4 pages. Please fill in your answers, save it, and send it back to me.
We’ll open your file and based on your circumstances we’ll send requests for other information.

About MS Word: enable editing and simply type in your answers, this method is more secure than using on-line forms. When you are ready save your new doc and send it to as an e-mail attachment.

About you

My e-mail address is:

What is your gender?

Is there any chance of reconciliation?

My full legal name is:
(in Quebec you will use your pre-married name)

My full address is:

My trade is:

What is your date of birth?

What is your place of birth?

If born in Quebec, what were the names of your parents?

You have lived in Quebec since what date?

If you live in another province, how long have you lived there?

About your spouse

What is his/her gender?

Full legal name:

Full address:

His or her trade?

Date of birth?

Place of birth?

It born in Quebec what are the parent’s names?

My spouse has lived in Quebec since:

Or, He or she lives elsewhere since what date?

About your relationship

We married on this date:

Our place of marriage was:

We did not marry but formed a civil union on this date, at

Do you have your marriage certificate?

Do you have a written cohab agreement or marriage contract?

Do you have a court order for separation from bed and board?

Do you have a written separation agreement?

What is your date of separation?

Will your spouse help by signing things and giving information?

Is spousal support or an allowance an unresolved issue?

Has real property been resolved?

About children. If you do not have children then skip this part.

The names, age, sex, and date of birth of the children of this marriage are:

Family Name / Given Name / Age / Sex / Date of birth

Child custody arrangements

The following children of the marriage reside with YOU more than 40% of the time.

Family Name / Given Name / Age / Date of birth

The Following children of the marriage reside with YOUR SPOUSE more than 40% of the time.

Family Name / Given Name / Age / Date of birth

The following children of the marriage reside with both parents 50% of the time.

Family Name / Given Name / Age / Date of birth

I understand my information is confidential and secure, and you will not share any information I provide with anyone but me. I acknowledge that I have not received legal advice

The legal process for legal separation in Quebec requires a significant amount of details and supporting documents.

The court requires this information, but our policy is to keep this information as private as possible, so some information forms will be sent for you to complete. We have made it easier with fill-in-the-blank forms in Word format. Even so, your paperwork must be reviewed and double checked.

Your paperwork is not completed overnight because it takes time to get things correct. It is vital that every form be correct and that you give the court the required supporting documents.