Week One, Art 1 Portfolio First Day
Art One Outline
Ms. D. Williams, room A208
Students may purchase required supplies at cost from their teacher.
Exact change may be required. Pencil: $ 0.20 Handheld pencil sharpener: $0.15Large Vinyl Eraser: $0.75 Sketchbook: $4.80
Units of Study
Elements of Art, Principles of Design,
Art Criticism, Aesthetics,
Art History, Ceramics
Your teacher may need to move you, but you start out sitting where you want.
If the class follows the Expectations well, you will never have assigned seats however the teacher reserves the right to move you.
Here's a little about your teacher. Please call me Ms. Williams. This is my 20th year teaching and my 2nd year at NIHS. I grew up near Chicago, Illinois, in a small town called Plano. If you are familiar with Plano tackle boxes they are made there. I have a BS in Art Education from NC A&T State University. I graduated from there in 1990. I studied drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, and graphic arts. In 2011 I got a Masters in Educational Leadership from Gardner Webb University.
My hobbies are knitting, crocheting, drawing, painting, listening to music, ceramics, gardening and taking care of my animals, ham radio, and participating in 16th century reenactments
Discussion: Why are you here in art one?
What careers can you follow with an art major in college?
What is art? What is creativity?
Creative exercises-
This is for a grade, so do your best!
Student Info and Expectations contract are due today.
Required materials are due Tuesday Sept. 3, 2013 for a grade.
Cleanup is five minutes before the bell.
Turn in all papers (Student Info, Expectations Contract, drawing) to the Turn-In Box
Every student is responsible for a clean, organized art room.After you clean up your stuff, help someone at your table clean up.When your table is clean, help someone else in the room.Check your floor as well as your sink and table for trash and art materials that must get put away.Don't forget: be silent if announcements come on, someone calls on the intercom, or the phone rings.
Your teacher would be so disappointed to keep you after the bell for disrespecting folks!After you clean up, sit in your seat. You may talk quietly until the bell.
1. Drills: fire, tornado, lockdown
2. Sinks, paper towels, soap: proper use
3. First week notes, absentee issues: work missed, extension date
4. Introduction to your textbook, Art Talk.
Read and take notes on pages 4-15, Art in Your World, Chapter 1, lessons 1-3
Do activities (and label them) on pages 5, 7 (tool), 9, 15, 16, 19
5. Memorize the elements of art for your quiz on Monday! Look above the whiteboard and copy them down.
1. 3-D Letters (in preparation for the portfolio design)
Videos on 3-D letters
Mark Kestler Letters.
Practice Drawing your name and Art 1 in 3-D letters
2. Learn about the grading rubric for this project. What is artistic vision?
On the back of this paper, write down ways you can get those artistic vision points!
3.This project is due Friday. You may finish it after your baseline test tomorrow.
1. Take the baseline for Art One. Do your best because if you pass it, you will not need to retake it later!
2. Finish your portfolio design. Remember artistic vision!
1. Elements of Art quiz!!!
2. Create a portfolio by folding white posterboard in half. Hand it to your teacher to cut down to 20".
The leftover strips will make viewfinders later. Use packing tape to secure the two short sides.
3. Spend the rest of class designing your portfolio. Your name and 'Art One' must be legible and created using 3-D letters. You may copy, trace, or redraw the letters you used previously. You are notrequired to use a ruler, but aim for straight lines. Please use 1-3 colors only! You may add other images toeither side of the portfolio. You will be graded on how well you tape your sides, write your name and Art One in perspective, and how you use the space in your drawing in an artistic way.
4. Your portfolio is due first thing Tuesday.
Don't forget! All your required materials are due Monday!!!
Rules and procedures
1. Hall pass, how to ask for work missed, how to behave when coming into art room, proper addressing (yes, ma'am; no, ma'am).
2. Late work will not be tolerated except that absentees get five days extension for every one day out, when students ask for an extension before the duedate if you have excellent class participation grades, or for family emergencies
3. Students with extensions must commit to extra work time outside of class. Students are expected to stay current with class work, so students must catch up using time at home. Students may come to the artroom before and after school, during homeroom, and lunch to catch up work and use art room supplies.
Students may borrow supplies for up to a week by signing the materials out on the Borrowed Art Materials list. Some expensive or unique items may require collateral.
4. Bathroom/locker hallpasses are limited to one each half of a semester for a total of two passes a semester.
Students may use the pass during work times or after cleanup, not during teaching, tests, or the first ten minutes of class. Students are permitted five minutes and no longer. Abuse of the privilege necessitatesrevocation. Students with a doctor's note allowing unlimited bathroom passes may use the pass whennecessary.
5. To use the hall pass, students must first discreetly ask and acquire permission to leave the room. Then they must fill out their hall pass with the date (look on front wall calendar), destination, and time (look oncomputer) and then present to the teacher to sign. No hall pass/agenda means no permission to leave theroom. Replacement agendas are available in the guidance office for $5.
6. First period tardy students must present a pink admit slip to the teacher before sitting down quietly. If a tardy student does not present a pink slip, they must acquire one immediately and accept a twenty pointdaily participation penalty for missing more class. If the tardy reason is unexcused, a twenty point dailyparticipation penalty is applied. All other tardies up to three minutes will receive a twenty point daily participation penalty. Tardies over three minutes will receive a referral for skipping class. On a student'sfourth tardy, the student receives a 45 minute detention. On the fifth, the student will receive a 90 minute detention. On the sixth the student will receive a referral. This tally starts over at the next report card.
7. If a student was absent they should present a pink admit slip the first day back. See tardy policy above.The student must then consult the white board or weekly folder to see what work she has missed. Duringwork time, the student should consult with the teacher to clarify work missed and to ask for the extendeddue date.
8. Students are expected to be in their seats and quietly working on their daily sketch by the bell each day.This allows the teacher to take accurate attendance. Students must remain quiet for the first five to ten minutes of class to allow other students to complete their sketch or writing assignment. The teacher willsignal when to stop sketching or writing and to listen to instructions. Students must have available intheir drawers every day: sketchbook, pencil, and pencil sharpener with reservoir.
9. Students must remain in their assigned seats until the teacher signals they may rise to gather materials to start work. Students should gather their materials efficiently and quietly and return to their seats withoutexcessive socializing. Students are not permitted to socialize during work times, but must remain quiet
so everyone may do their best work. Talking during work times will result in disciplinary action
10. Students are expected to participate appropriately in class discussions,critiques, and group projects. Extracredit points are given to students who participate in particularly meaningful ways.
11. Clean up time will be signaled by the teacher, generally five to ten minutes before the bell. At the signal, students should end their work and clean up their own area, then help with cleaning up the table, floor,and sink they used, and then help at other areas around the room. Clean up participation is worth twentydaily participation points.
12. Music rules
Headphones and electronics remain hidden until teacher says you may take them out.
You may listen to audio only, no video, no games, no texting, no calling, and no photos. If your teacher sees you using it for video, games, texting, calling or photos, (without permission), you phone will be confiscated and sent down to the office. If one phone is confiscated privilege will be revoked for everyone!
Your teacher must be allowed to view what you are listening to at any time during class to check for appropriateness. No bad lyrics! Lil Wayne, for example, is not allowed ever. No whining.
When the teacher needs to talk to the class, take your headphones or earbuds completely off your head so she can see she has your attention. Music may be out only during seatwork, when allowed.
You may never have your music out during the beginning of class, when the teacher is instructing the whole class, during clean up, or during announcements.
No singing, please. Keep the room quiet for everybody to do their best work.
You must put away your electronics and headgear when teacher asks you to.
This music privilege will be revoked for everyone if even one person cannot follow these expectations. Don't ruin it for everybody else!
Essential Standards
High School Visual Arts Essential Standards Sequence: Beginning
First Quarter Beginning
B.V.1.1 Use art vocabulary when discussing art and artistic styles.
B.V.1.2 Apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art.
B.V.1.4 Recognize how Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in art.
B.V.1.2 Apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art.
Common Core
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats and media, including visually andquantitatively, as well as in words.
B.V.1.4 Recognize how Elements of Art and Principles of Design are used in art.
B.V.2.1 Understand the role of planning in solving artistic problems.
B.V.2.2 Understand the relationships between sensory awareness and artistic expression.
B.V.3.1 Understand the appropriate and safe use of tools, media, and equipment.
B.V.3.2 Use a variety of media, including 2-D, 3-D, and digital, to produce art.
B.CR.1.2 Use teacher-generated criteria to evaluate personal art.
B.CX.2.1 Apply skills and concepts developed in art to daily life.
B.CX.2.2 Apply skills and knowledge learned in various disciplines to visual arts.
B.CX.2.3 Apply collaborative skills to create art.
Second Quarter Beginning
B.V.1.3 Classify art according to specified styles.
B.V.2.3 Create personal, symbolic expression as a means of communication (original, visual language).
B.V.3.3 Exemplify characteristics of different artistic processes.
B.CR.1.1 Understand the art criticism process.
B.CX.1.1 Use visual arts to explore concepts in world history and relate them to significant events, ideas, andmovements from a global context.
B.CX.1.2 Explain how art influences historical perspectives on society.
B.CX.1.3 Understand how art is used to document human experience.
B.CX.1.4 Interpret art in terms of cultural and ethnic context.
B.CX.1.5 Explain the effect of the geographic location and physical environment on the media and subject matter of art.
B.CX.2.4 Analyze how digital design affects communication in art.
Discuss Discipline Log
1. Treat others as you like to be treated.DO NOT TALK WHILE THE TEACHER IS GIVING INSTRUCTIONS!
2. Stay seated, getting up only when necessary and allowed.DO NOT WANDER THE ROOM. DO NOT GET UP AND GET SUPPLIES WHILE THE TEACHER IS TALKING!
3. Use supplies properly and do not abuse or waste them.
4. Keep personal belongings away from work tables.
6. Clean up and help others.
7. Accept responsibility for your education and your own actions.
8. Stay on task. If you are at fault, apologize and strive to do better next time.
9. Demonstrate integrity in all you do. Do your best!Do not lie, plagiarize, or cheat on any school assignments.
My signature below, means that I promise to abide by the expectations above and that I understand the consequences of my actions. I understand that by not signing below, I will not be permitted to use any art roommaterials and must provide my own.
Student's Signature Student's Printed Name
1. Follow all school & classroom rules; stay on task, and keepthe art room clean, and receive 100 Daily Participation pointsevery day
2. Late work: Receive an extension of 5 days if:
a. You were absent from class for a good reason (illness,family emergency, field trip, testing, ISS, OSS). Late work will not be accepted if you were skipping class ormerely slept in that day.
b. You request an extension from your teacher before thedue date for the assignment, and you have excellent participation grades. Students must fill out an extension request paper. No verbal requests will be honored.
3. Tardies: Students who are tardy without a signed teacher's note with a time will be docked twenty dailyparticipation points. Students tardy over 5 minutes without a note will be sent to the office or given detention.
4. ISS & OSS work: Students must make up all work. These students lose all 100 daily participation pointsbut can receive full credit project grades for making up work.
5. Students receive two bathroom hall passes this semester; one first quarter and one second quarter of class.
6. Students will not be permitted to use the water fountain or their lockers during class. This is not study hall!
7. Art show/Final exam: Your art show display is your final exam and is due on MAY 22nd. THE ART SHOW IS ON MAY 29THFROM 3:05-7PM. ATTENDANCE AT THE ART SHOW IS REQUIRED.
No late displays will be accepted; failing the final exam may mean failing the class! Extra credit will be givenfor students who were never tardy, never absent, and never used any hallpasses.