Training Documentation
Version 1.0
Name / Title / Date of Issue / Version
Version 1 / Justyna Krysińska-Geisler / PMx Business Operational Support / 20.04.2015 / 1.0
Version 2
Version 3
Version 4
Version 5
Table of Contents
NCR Process Flow
Supplier NCR process flow – Tracking 8D progress
Suppliers NCR – Scope
Glossary and abbreviations
NCR Roles
Trouble Shooting Guide
Common issues – which can be solved yourself
Useful Contact information
Specific Scenarios
Country Specific appendices
Country–Specific Information
Document Version
NCR Process Flow
Supplier NCR process flow – Tracking 8D progress
Suppliers NCR – Scope
The system will classify each NCR with the Incident category (described above) using the following parameters assigned by the VERIFIER (see attachment):
- Detected at
- Detected during process
- Origin process
The system will propose a «NCR Scope» which reflects the management requirements for that NCR (i.e. need an D3, D6 or D8 management), but the Internal 8D Contact can upgrade it: e.g. if D3 is determined based on the table above, the Internal 8D Contact can decide to request a D6 or a D8. Down-grading the status i.e. requesting a D4 or D6 when the system proposes a D8 will not be allowed.
Glossary and abbreviations
ERS / Experience Response SystemNon-Conformance / Non-Conformity / Non-fulfilment of a requirement. It can be any observed non-conformance to specification, procedure, or other stated requirements
NC / Non Conformance
NCR / Non Conformance Report
KKS Number / The KKS Power Plant Classification System is a standardised system for the classification of power stations. It serves during engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of power stations for identification and classification of the equipment. The system is known in short as KKS which is the abbreviation of the German term Kraftwerk-Kennzeichensystem.
IQS12 / Transaction for the approval of NCR tasks
LE / Lead Engineer
LN / Lotus Notes
MDM / Master Database Management
PowerMax / Global ERP solution based on SAP technology. See PowerMax intranet page at this link
PMx / PowerMax
PMx Transaction / “Transaction” is any functionality in PMx which allows the user to perform actions on business data, such as production orders, purchase orders, master data, quality notifications, etc.
Each transaction is associated to a transaction code which uniquely identifies in PMx the type of object and action performed. E.g. “Create Quality Notification” is a transaction and its transaction code is QM01.
Transaction codes are NOT case sensitive.
PSD / Power Solve Database
PSM / Power Solve Manager
(Quality) Notification / NCR in PowerMax application
QM01 / Create Quality Notification ( create a NCR in PMx)
QM02 / Change Quality Notification ( change a NCR in PMx)
QM03 / Display Quality Notification ( display, just read only access to a NCR in PMx)
ZQM11 / Extraction of list of NCRs
NCR Roles
Observes a non-conformity and informs the relevant person (Issuer) of the details of the issue.
Organization (Site, Factory, or Supplier) issuing an NCR.
Can be Internal employee or external Supplier.
Individual(s) assigned to each project to coordinate internal processing of an NCR. Responsible to ensure a high level of data quality in the NCR by checking that all fields are completed correctly before moving to the next status. The Verifier forwards the NCR to the most appropriate individual depending on the status of the NCR and the next action to be performed. The Verifier can only be an internal GE user.
After each action is taken, the Verifier reviews the NCR and adds relevant details using QM02 – Change Notification transaction.
The Solution Provider is a user responsible for proposing a technical disposition that will resolve the non-conformity.
The Level 1 Solution Provider is the first point of contact assigned to provide a solution to the NCR (e.g. Engineering, etc.). This user can be a GE employee or external Supplier user.
The Level 2 Solution Provider can be used when additional information to provider a solution for the issue is needed from another entity within the organization. The Level 2 Solution provider can only be assigned when the Level1 Solution provider is an internal user. Also, the Level2 Solution Provider can only be an internal user.
Reviews the proposed Disposition and confirms the solution is valid, realistic and cost effective. In the new solution the approval of the disposition can be provided by the VERIFIER.
The approver can only be an internal GE employee.
Implements the recommended disposition and provides feedback of the implementation evidence back to the Verifier.
For external NCRs, Suppliers may need to implement the disposition.
This role is typically assigned to a Supply Chain contact point (Internal GE employee) who communicates the need for 8D documentation to the supplier. Once the supplier provides documentation, the internal 8D Contact also has to review and validate this documentation. The Internal 8D Contact is assigned by the Verifier when the correction process is completed.
Only Internal GE Employees can be assigned as an “Internal 8D Contact”.
The supplier 8D Contact is a Supplier user assigned by the Internal 8D contact as the Supplier-side responsible for the 8D progress.
Only external Supplier user can be assigned this role.
Responsible to re-assign NCRs in case of unavailability of any user involved in the NCR (primarily the Verifier).
Trouble Shooting Guide
Common issues – which can be solved yourself
Useful Contact information
PMx Business Operational Support (email):
Specific Scenarios
Country Specific appendices
Country–Specific Information
Document Version
Version # / Description of change / Who / Date1.0 / New Document created / Paweł Duszniak / 22.08.2014
Note: Whole version numbering indicates a significant change i.e version 1.0 to version 2.0 complete sections or process change, Minor change i.e version 1.0 to version 1.1 signifies small updates or the addition of a new appendices for example additional country specific