Tiered Assignments

6 caesars-caesar’s assassination


1.Upon what date was Caesar assassinated?

2.Where was Caesar assassinated?

3.name 1 conspirator.

4.name one modern country in the ancient area of Parthia.


1.How did Roman citizens feel about Caesar after the discovery that they were named in his will?

2.What were Calpurnia’s emotions before Caesar’s assassination?

3.How did Cleopatra feel after hearing Caesar’s death(She was in Rome)

4.How did C. Iulius Caesar Octavianus feel upon hearing of Caesar’s assassination?


1.What is a positive aspect of Caesar’s death?

2.what is a positive aspect for Brutus et al. at his death?

3.What is a positive aspect for Calpurnia at his death?(Cleopatra)

4.What is appositive aspect for Caesar’s soldiers at his death? no Parthia


1.what risk did Brutus et al. take in killing Caesar?

2.what is a negative aspect for Calpurnia at his death?

3.what is a disadvantage for Roman people at Caesar’s death?

4.what is a negative for Octavianus at the death of Caesar?


1.What did Brutus et al. hope would happen to the Roman government at Caesar’s death?

2.what if Cleopatra and son, had not been secretly removed from Rome in March?

3.What might have happened if Caesar had not dismissed his bodyguards for March 15?

4.What might the world situation be if Caesar had defeated Parthia per his planned march starting on March 16, 44 BCE?


1.why is Caesar’s death so important and remembered each year?

2.Would the world be different if Caesar had not been assassinated in 44BCE?

3.Why would Caesar dismiss his bodyguards?

6 Caesar questions

Julius Caesar(not a Julio-Claudian, but he starts the line)

1.When did Vesuvius erupt in 79 AD?

2.Why was Pliny the Elder at Misenum in 79AD?

3.Name 2 people visiting Pliny the Elder at the eruption of Vesuvius.

4.Who sent Pliny the Elder a note, begging for help?

5.What was the shape of the cloud, which arose from Vesuvius around the 7th hour.

6.What time to us is the 7th hour?


1.Describe 2 actions which demonstrate Pliny the Elder’s thoughts about the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD.

2.Describe 2 actions which demonstrate Pliny the Younger’s thoughts about the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD.

3.Describe 2 actions which demonstrate Pliny’s mother’s thoughts about the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD.

4.Describe 2 actions which demonstrate Pliny the Younger’s reaction after the eruption has ended.

5.Describe the feelings of the slaves upon discovery of Pliny the Elder’s body.

6.Describe 2 actions of the common people during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD.


1.State a positive fact about Pliny the Elder’s “naval duties” in connection with the eruption.

2.State a positive fact about Pliny the Younger’s study habits in connection with the eruption.

3.State a positive outcome because of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79AD.

4.State a positive outcome for archaeologists because of the eruption in 79AD.

5.State a positive outcome for Pliny’s mother because of the eruption in 79AD.

Caligula(Little Boots)

1.State a negative outcome for Pliny the Elder during the eruption.

2.State a negative outcome for Pliny the Younger in connection with the eruption.

3.State a negative outcome for the city of Pompeii etc. due to the eruption.

4.State a negative outcome for archaeologists because of the eruption in 79AD.

5.State a negative fact about Pliny the Elder’s naval duties in connection with the eruption.


1.What story from T. Livius’ history of Rome might Pliny the Younger have been reading?

2. What could have happened to Rectina?

3.How might Pompeii etc. be different if the volcano had not have erupted?

4.What might Pliny the Elder have done the next day if the volcano had only spewed forth lava, not the giant eruption which it did have?

5.How did Rectina possibly save Pliny the Younger’s life along with his mother’s life?


1.What comes next for the ruins at Pompeii etc.?

2.How does that volcano protect Pompeii etc.?

3.Why do so many people continue to live around Mons Vesuvius?

4.Why should archaeologists not unearth the rest of the site of Pompeii?

5.Why should archaeologists unearth the rest of the site of Pompeii?