Curriculum Vitae · Ingrid E. Feeney
Ingrid E. Feeney
4810 Lincoln Avenue Apt. D
Los Angeles, CA 90042
(312) 619-2034
Environmental Justice; Environmental and medical anthropologies; critical anthropologies of race; political ecology of health;feminist political ecology; Diverse Economies research;degrowth; hunger; critical agricultural geographies and geographies of possibility; Marxian theory;anarchist theory; waste, value, and materiality; blasted landscapes; pesticides and environmental toxins; biotechnology; Latin America.
University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D., Sociocultural Anthropology with an Interdepartmental Emphasis in Environment and Society, expected 2020.
Dissertation:Desierto Verde, CosechaRoja: Power, Production, and Reproduction in the Republic of Soya.
Committee: Jeffery Hoelle (Chair), Casey Walsh, Barbara Herr Harthorn, David Pellow.
M.A., Sociocultural Anthropology, 2017.
University of Chicago, M.A., Anthropology, 2014.
Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences
Thesis: Reimagining the New Industrial City: Articulating an alternative ethos of waste and production through ‘closing the loop.’
Brooklyn College, B.A., Linguistics, 2011 (magna cum laude).
Thesis:¡Dame Cebollas, Güey!: Language and the racialization of Latinos in New York restaurant kitchens.
Charles J. Erasmus Fund Award. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017. $1,000.
Sociocultural Anthropology Graduate Student Research Grant. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017: $1,634.00.
Chemical Entanglements: Gender and Exposure Symposium Travel Grant.UCLA Center for the Study of Women, 2017. $150.
Excellence in Teaching Award.UCSB Graduate Student Association, 2017. Nominee.
SKILLS (School Kids Investigating Language in Life and Society) Teaching Fellowship. The Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016-2017. $2000.
CNS Research Fellowship in the Social Sciences and Humanities. NSF Center for Nanotechnology in Society at the University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016. $2,500.
Charles J. Erasmus Fund Award. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2016. $1,000.
Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2015-2020. $53,000.
Half Tuition Scholarship. University of Chicago, 2013-2014.$23,868.
National Science Foundation REU Grant Program. Brooklyn College; CUNY Graduate Center; North Atlantic Biocultural Organisation. 2010-2011. $6,000.
The Anne Touger Memorial Scholarship. Brooklyn College, 2009. Awarded for excellence in expository prose with a strong commitment to social justice. $1,500.
The Lawrence A. Madelon L. Rand Scholarship. Brooklyn College, 2009. Awarded for academic excellence to a student in the English or Linguistics programs. $1,000.
Special Merit Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Department. Brooklyn College, English Department, 2009. $500.
Carole Livingston Rose Memorial Scholarship. Brooklyn College, 2006, 2009. Awarded to a female poet of merit in good academic standing. $2,000.
Excellence Award in Italian.Brooklyn College, Department of Modern Languages, 2006.
Excellence Award in Spanish. Brooklyn College, Department of Modern Languages, 2005.
Courses Taught:
Anth 104: Language and Culture. Santa Barbara City College. Instructor of Record. Spring 2016.
Courses TA’d:
Anth 152: Environmental Anthropology. University of California, Santa Barbara. Spring 2017.
Anth 2: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. University of California, Santa Barbara. Winter 2017.
Anth 2: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. University of California, Santa Barbara. Fall 2016.
Feeney,Ingrid Elísabet. (2017)“Por una Vida Digna: Science as Technique of Power and Mode of Resistance in Argentina.” Alternautas – (Re)Searching Development: The AbyaYala Chapter. Vol. 4, Issue 1.
Feeney,Ingrid Elísabet.(2015).“Reimagining the New Industrial City: articulating an alternative ethos of waste and production through ‘closing the loop’.”Society & Space Open Forum. August.
"Por una Vida Digna: Science as technique of power and mode of resistance in Argentina" to be presented at the annual congress of the Latin American Studies Association in Barcelona, Spain in May 2018. Panel Title: "Agribusiness, (Neo)Extractivism and Food Sovereignty: Latin America at a crossroads."
“Ni una Fumigada Más: Burgeoning articulations of the environmental and reproductive justice movements in Argentina” presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers in Boston, MA on 7 April, 2017. Panel Title: “Organizing at the Intersection of Environmental and Reproductive Justice.”
“Exploring Perceived Health Risks of ‘Fracking’ for Shale Oil and Gas Extraction in Public Deliberations in the US and UK” presented with Barbara Herr Harthorn, Tristan Partridge, and Laura Halcombat the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, “Evidence, Accident, Discovery,” in Minneapolis, MN on 18 November, 2016. Panel Title: “Examining Health Risks and Public Perceptions/Responses: The contributions of medical anthropology.”
“Las Madres y el Monocultivo: Mobilizing motherhood and memory against GM soy and agrochemical contamination in Argentina” presented at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, “Evidence, Accident, Discovery,” in Minneapolis, MN on 18 November, 2016. Panel Title: “Scattered: GMOs in Ethnographic Context.”
“Vivas Nos Queremos, #NiUnaMenos: Organizing at the intersection of environmental and reproductive justice in Argentina” presented at the Anthropology Graduate Colloquium at the University of California, Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA on 7 November, 2016.
“A Tale of Two Sofias: Contested visions for an Argentine agriculture in 2050” presented at the Environmental Humanities Center Conference “The World in 2050: Creating/Imagining Just Climate Futures,” at the University of California, Santa Barbara on 24 October, 2016. Panel Title: “Just Agricultural Futures.”
“Las Madres y el Monocultivo: Agrochemical Drifts and Women’s Resistance in Argentina” presented at the 4th Anthropology Graduate Student Symposium at the University of California, Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA on 20 May, 2016.
“Reimagining the New Industrial City: Articulating an alternative ethos of waste and production through ‘closing the loop’” presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers in Chicago, IL on 22 April, 2015. Panel Title: “Making Other Worlds Possible IV: Discards, Degrowth, and Diverse Economies II.”
“Reimagining the New Industrial City: Articulating an alternative ethos of waste and production through ‘closing the loop’” presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, “Producing Anthropology,” in Washington D.C. on 5 December, 2014. Panel title: “Waste, Materiality, and Ecological Imaginations: Addressing Social and Environmental Processes in Burgeoning Wastescapes.”
"Disco Sticks and Catcher's Mitts: gender and terms for the genitals among New Yorkers” presented at the HULLS (Hunter Undergraduate Linguistics and Language Study) Conference in New York, NY on 11 May, 2011.
“Reclaiming Identity, Rebuilding Community: the resilience of Garifuna Culture in NYC” presented at the Brooklyn College English Majors’ Tea and Awards Ceremony in Brooklyn, NY on 22 April, 2011.
“What is Environmental Justice?”presented in AP Environmental Science class at Academia Avance High School in Los Angeles, CA on 24 August, 2017.
“Paths to Careers in Anthropology and the Environment”presented at career day, Academia Avance High School in Los Angeles, CA on 23 March, 2017.
“Ethics in Feminist Ethnography” presented in ANTH 129 Ethnographic Research Methods at the University of California, Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA on 15 February 2017.
“Commodities” presented in ANTH 2 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara in Santa Barbara, CA on 21 November 2016.
Ethnographic Research: Argentina, 3 months; Chicago, 6 months; New York City 6 months.
Archaeology and Historical Ecology: Iceland, Barbuda, and Serbia.
American Anthropological Association, Student member.
AAA Anthropology and Environment Society, Student member.
Association of American Geographers, Student member.
CERN Community Economies Research Network.
LASA Latin American Studies Association, Student member.
UCSB Climate Justice Project.
UCSB Graduate Scholars.
UCSB Hoelle Culture and Environment Lab.
UCSB Interdepartmental Emphasis in Environment and Society.
Union of Concerned Scientists Network.
Journal of Political Ecology, Editorial Assistant.
Nexus: The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology, Reviewer.
UCSB Anthropology Graduate Student Association, Diversity Committee Chair. 2015- 2017.
UCSB Next System Project Teach-in, Steering Committee Member. 2016.
UCSB Department of Anthropology Search Committee for Sociocultural Anthropologist, Graduate Student Representative. 2017.
UCSB Search Committee for the Dean of Social Sciences, Graduate Student Representative. 2017.
Brooklyn College Learning Center, Writing Tutor. 2007 - 2011.
Advanced Spanish.