Draft – 2/22/14

U.S. Department of Education

Program Integrity and ImprovementNegotiated Rulemaking Committee

Meeting Summary

February 19-21, 2014


Acting Undersecretary Jamienne Studley welcomed the members of the Committee and thanked them for agreeing to assist the Department in developing regulations on issues under the Higher Education Act.


All members who were present introduced themselves.

Overview of the Negotiated Rulemaking Process

The facilitators provided an overview of the negotiated rulemaking process. They explained that the Committee’s discussions will focus on developing consensus regulatory text for the Department’s proposed rules on several issuesspecified in issues papers distributed by the Department.

Review and Adopt Protocols

Committee members discussed and adopted the draft organizational protocols, which will govern the Committee’s activities throughout the negotiated rulemaking process.


The membership of the Committee was discussed. The following memberswill serve:

Federal Negotiators

U.S. Department of Education / Carney McCullough and Pamela Moran
U.S. Department of Education

Non-Federal Negotiators

Community of Interest / Primary /


Students / Chris Lindstrom
Higher Education Program Director
U.S. Public Interest Research Group / Maxwell John Love
Vice President
United States Student Association
Legal assistance organizations that represent students / Whitney Barkley
Staff Attorney
Mississippi Center for Justice / Toby Merrill
Project on Predatory Student Lending
The Legal Services Center
Harvard Law School
Consumer advocacy organizations / Suzanne Martindale
Staff Attorney
Consumers Union
State attorneys general and other appropriate State officials / Carolyn Fast
Special Counsel
Consumer Frauds and Protection Bureau
New York Attorney General’s Office / Jenny Wojewoda
Assistant Attorney General
Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office
Financial aid administrators / David Sheridan
Director of Financial Aid School of International & Public Affairs
Columbia University in the City of New York / Paula Luff
Associate Vice President of Financial Aid
DePaul University
Business officers and bursars at postsecondary institutions / Gloria Kobus
Director of Student Accounts & University Receivables
Youngstown State University / Joan Piscitello
Iowa State University
Minority serving institutions / David Swinton
Benedict College / George French
Miles College
Two-year public institutions / Brad Hardison
Financial Aid Director
Santa Barbara City College / Melissa Gregory
Chief Enrollment Services and Financial Aid Officer
Montgomery College
Four-year public institutions / Chuck Knepfle
Financial Aid Director
Clemson University / J. Goodlett McDaniel
Associate Provost for Distance Education George Mason University
Private, non-profit institutions / Elizabeth Hicks
Executive Director
Student Financial Services
Massachusetts Institute of Technology / Joe Weglarz
Executive Director
Student Financial Services
Marist College
Private, for-profit institutions / Deborah Bushway
Chief Academic Officer and Vice President of Academic Innovation
Capella University / Valerie Mendelsohn
Vice President
Compliance and Risk Management
American Career College
Institutional third-party servicers / Casey McGuane
Chief Operations Officer
Higher One / Bill Norwood
Chief Architect and Director
Heartland Payment Systems
Distance education / Russ Poulin
Deputy Director
Research and Analysis
WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies / Marshall Hill
Executive Director
National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements
Business and industry / Dan Toughey
TouchNet / Michael Gradisher
Vice President of Regulatory and Legal Affairs
Pearson Embanet
Lenders, community banks, and credit unions / Paul Kundert
President and CEO
University of Wisconsin Credit Union / Tom Levandowski
Senior Company Counsel
Wells Fargo Bank Law Department
Consumer Lending & Corporate Regulatory Division
Accrediting agencies / Leah Matthews
Executive Director
Distance Education and Training Council / Elizabeth Sibolski
Middle States Commission on Higher Education

Agenda and Review of Issues

The Committee reviewed the draft Agenda,discussed but did not approve several additional issues for possible inclusion, and discussed in detail the six substantive topicsaddressed in the issues papers distributed by the Department.

Public Comment

Opportunities were provided each day for members of the public in attendance to provide comments.Several comments from the public were received at the end of each day.

Next Meeting

The next Committee session will be heldon March 26-28, 2014at the U.S. Department of Education in the 8th Floor Conference Center located at 1990 K St. NW in Washington, D.C. Sessions will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 5:00 p.m. each day.

Next Steps

The Committee established two subgroups to meet by telephone prior to the next Committee meeting. These were the Distance Education Subcommittee headed by Russ Poulin and the Debit CardSubcommittee headed by Whitney Barkley. Each group was to explore possible advice and draft regulatory text for the full Committee and the Department to consider.

Members Present

Draft – 2/22/14

Non-federal Members:

Whitney Barkley

Deborah Bushway

Carolyn Fast

George French

Michael Gradisher

Melissa Gregory

Brad Hardison

Elizabeth Hicks

Marshall Hill

Chuck Knepfle

Gloria Kobus

Paul Kundert

Tom Levandowski

Paula Luff

Suzanne Martindale

Valerie Mendelsohn

Leah Matthews

Casey McGuane

J. Goodlett McDaniel

Toby Merrill

Bill Norwood

Joan Piscitello

Russ Poulin

David Sheridan

Elizabeth Sibolski

David Swinton

Dan Toughey

Joe Weglarz

Jenny Wojewoda

U.S. Department of Education:

Carney McCullough

Pamela Moran