Serving Fleggburgh, Billockby & Clippesby

MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on

Thursday, 15th September 2016 at 7.00pm

Present: Frank Brown - Chairman Jennifer Colman – Parish Clerk

Councillors: David Woollard, Barry Hall, Jean Lindsay, Richard Sewell,

Rachael Tait, June Pratt

Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle

PC Dick Cook,

Members of Public: John Clements, Nick Fountain

Apologies: Helen Scott, Jonathan Roper,

County Councillor Michael Carttiss Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle advised he would be late.

The Meeting began at 7.00pm with a presentation on how to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan given by John Clements, Principal Strategic Planner with GYBC and Nick Fountain. A Neighbourhood Plan is a Policy about Development within a parish. The Chairman asked how much it would cost? John Clements said very little or enormous, depending on what you do and the time to achieve it plus consultants costs, if employed.

Barry Hall arrived at meeting at 7.15pm

As the Government is encouraging development, it is possible to obtain a grant plus officer’s time. Asked if GYB Planning Department take notice of it, John Clements replied, yes, if relevant policy is within it. David Woollard asked if Broads Authority land would be included and was told any part or the entire Parish. Rachael Tait asked if affordable housing/elderly housing could be specified within a development, John Clements replied it couldn’t be insisted upon if unviable. No other parishes within the Borough have started a plan, but presentations have been given. GYBC are open to suggestions for development land until 30th September.

The presentation ended at 7.40pm and the Chairman thanked them for coming.

It was agreed to itemise Neighbourhood Plans on the Agenda for the meeting on 24th November 2016

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.40pm and welcomed PC Dick Cook and thanked him for attending the meeting.

Public Discussion: No questions had been received. No members of public present.

Declaration of Interest: None

Apologies: Helen Scott, Jonathan Roper, County Councillor Michael Carttiss

Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle advised he would be late.

Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting on 21st July 2016 were taken as read and proposed for signature by David Woollard and seconded by Richard Sewell, all in favour.

Police: PC Cook gave a parish statistics report: 15th July – 15th September 2016 – 28 calls for services, primarily road related issues, various concerns for safety and domestic related matters. In the same period there were five recorded crimes – two domestic related assaults, two thefts and a criminal damage to a vehicle.

The Chairman asked again, when something would be done regarding excessive speed on Rollesby Road. It is a very dangerous spot approaching from Rollesby into the 30mph and numerous RTCs have occurred. As this is not a Police matter PC Cook will request the Community Camera Safety Partnership to contact the Clerk. This would require volunteers from the Parish Council to man the cameras and log speed. Rachael Tait says that she walks her children to school along Rollesby Road, there is no footway and she is scared they will be hurt. June Pratt asked if drivers would be prosecuted by this method. PC Cook said no, but a letter would be sent to them and if they offend again a letter would be sent to the Police Traffic Department. The parking outside the King’s Arms public house obstructing the footway was discussed and PC Cook said he had visited and spoken with the landlord.

Jean Lindsay arrived at meeting at 8.05pm

June Pratt asked why they don’t use the Village Hall car park. The Village Hall do not want it used as an overflow for the pub as too many vehicles may obstruct genuine users of the Village Hall.

There were no other questions. The Chairman thanked him for attending and PC Cook left the meeting at 8.10pm

Highways: a) The grass verge adjacent “Jasme” on Town Road has still not been cut back but this is on Highways list of jobs.

b)  The potholes on Town Road have been reported.

c)  Fly tipping on Tretts Lane. The Chairman said that although the Rangers GYBC had 2 names and an address of the alleged fly tippers this had not been followed up.

David Woollard asked about the damaged lamppost that was still in situ. The Clerk advised that she had chased the matter and was told by NCC they had advised GYBC would be dealing with it. The Clerk will try to get the matter expedited.

Barry Hall said there was a damaged 30mph sign in Town Road.

Planning Applications: a) Erection of 9 dwellings Rollesby Road. Approved subject to conditions

b) 2 Bygone Close, rear extensions. Approved

c)  “Hilre” Marsh Road, raise roof and install rear balcony. Approved

d)  Broiler Farm Mill Lane, domestic garage. Approved

e)  White Gates Main Road, 4 dwellings. Refused

f)  “Falgate Farm” The Common, Cart Lodge & garages. Approved

g)  “Bridge Farm” Tree Preservation Order. Parish Council No Objections.

There was a short discussion regarding the developers of 9 dwellings on Rollesby Road supplying a plot of land with a bench for use by the parish. Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle had requested this as part of the Conditions. Following a majority vote the Clerk was asked to send an email to the Planning Department saying the Parish Council had not requested this land.

Finance: a) Cheque received and banked £208 land rent July 2016

b) Cheque received and banked £208 land rent August 2016

c)  Cheque issued for £244.57 to Zurich Insurance for 5 year policy renewal

d)  Cheque for signature £195.93 annual subscription to NALC

e)  Cheque for signature £501.25 Clerk’s quarterly salary and expenses

f)  Cheque for signature £9.00 glass recycling. (Reclaimed from NCC)

The Clerk advised that the certified annual audit return had been received from Mazars. Invoice to follow.

Footpaths/Hedging: The overgrown hedging on Pound Lane/A1064 has been cut.

Complaints: a) Parking on footway outside King’s Arms public house. PC Dick Cook has satisfactorily dealt with this matter.

b)  Fires on Town Road allotments. The Clerk had passed this complaint to Richard Jordan, Secretary of the Poor’s Trustees, owners of the allotments. However, he passed this to Councillor Barry Hall to deal with as he has an allotment. Barry Hall said he had spoken to the complainant and also the fire lighter, whom he did not wish to name.

c)  Tipped wood on field allotment, Main Road. The Clerk had passed this complaint to Richard Jordan, Secretary of the Poor’s Trustees, owners of the allotment. The Clerk understood this had again had been dealt with by Barry Hall, as having requested an update for both allotments complaints for the Council Meeting had received an email from Richard Jordan “Barry Hall is taking care of it!” Barry Hall advised he was not asked to deal with this complaint. The Clerk will again contact Mr Jordan.

Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle arrives at meeting 8.40pm

d) Parking on St Margaret’s Way residents’ car park. The Clerk had passed this complaint on to Haydn Thirtle who had emailed the complainant asking for more details, but to date had not received a reply.

Correspondence: a) Invitation to Service of Farewell: Rev’d Steel. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk. After a short discussion the Clerk was asked to send a letter from the Parish Council, thanking him for his work over the years. June Pratt advised that the Church would carry on as previously using stand in vicars. The post will not be advertised till, possibly January 2017.

b)  Parish Liaison Meeting 19th September 2016. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk.

c)  NCC highway Improvements in Partnership. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk.

d)  NCC Hazardous Waste Amnesty. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk.

e)  Email of public surgery by Brandon Lewis at the King’s Arms public house. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk. June Pratt and Haydn Thirtle had attended

f)  Email that John Clements would be attending the Parish Liaison Meeting. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk.

g)  NCC Third River Crossing approved.

h)  NALC – GY Area Meeting 28th September. The Councillors had received an emailed copy from the Clerk.

Campaign to Protect Rural England, Norfolk branch. The Councillors had received an emailed copy of this letter from the Clerk but it had been omitted from the Agenda by error. A short discussion on this matter as to whether the Parish Council should return the attached Pledge supporting the campaign. This matter will be itemised on the Agenda for the meeting on 24th November 2016.

Any Other Business:

The Council cannot lawfully decide anything that is raised under this item and are only matters for consideration at a future meeting.

a)  The Chairman asked Borough Councillor Haydn Thirtle (who had not been at the meeting when this was discussed) to explain about the plot of land with bench from the development of 9 houses on Rollesby Road. He said “I took it upon myself to negotiate it for us to have some land”. He added it is now under discussion by the Planning Department and to be part of the conditions of Planning Permission. There followed a lengthy discussion as to how it would be maintained, and how large it would be, cause a nuisance/danger from the pit by children playing on/near it. Councillor Thirtle said he was looking into the cost of maintenance and if necessary would pay to maintain it himself. It was agreed 5 for – 2 against that we accept the land on behalf of the Parish. However, this will need to be itemised on the next meeting as this was discussed in Any Other Business.

b)  Councillor Thirtle updated the meeting on the changes to management of GYBC.

The Meeting ended at 9.20pm

The next Meeting is on 24th November 2016 (Barry Hall gave his apologies)


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