Lab Safety Contract
Druid Hills Middle School
Science classes involve a hands-on laboratory component. To ensure a safe place to learn, students are required to follow the safety rules listed below.
Science Laboratory Expectations and Rules:
1. Students must satisfactorily complete all pre-lab and/or pre-requisite classroom assignments. If the required work has not been completed, the student will not be allowed to participate in the lab activity.
2. Students must conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory. Do not wander around the room, distract other students or interfere with the work of others. Jokes, pranks (horseplay) are dangerous and prohibited. They are not tolerated in lab at any time.
3. When first entering a science room, do not touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials in the laboratory area until instructed to do so.
4. Carefully follow all instructions. If you do not understand a direction or a part of a procedure, ask the instructor before proceeding.
5. Unauthorized experiments or use of materials is prohibited. Perform only those activities authorized by the instructor. Students may not work in the laboratory without an instructor present.
6. Students are not permitted in storage rooms or in preparation areas unless accompanied by an instructor.
7. Eating, drinking or chewing gum during a laboratory activity is prohibited.
8. Dress properly—long hair must be tied back, no dangling jewelry, and no loose or baggy clothing. No open-toed shoes will be permitted in the lab. Wear aprons when instructed.
9. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Do not play around with any chemicals in the lab. Keep hands away from the face, eyes, mouth and body while using chemicals or preserved specimens.
10. Preserved biological materials are to be treated with respect and disposed of properly according to instructor directions.
11. Wear safety glasses or goggles when instructed. Never remove safety glasses or goggles during an experiment.
12. Keep your work area and the science room neat and clean. Bring only your lab instructions, lab books and writing instrument to the work area.
13. Clean all work areas and equipment at the end of the experiment. Return all equipment clean and in working order to the proper storage area.
14. Follow your teacher’s instructions to dispose of any waste materials generated in an experiment.
15. Report an incident (fire, spill, breakage, etc.), injury (cut, burn, etc.) or hazardous condition (broken equipment, etc.) to the teacher immediately.
16. Treat all preserved specimens and dissecting supplies with care and respect; do not remove preserved specimens from the science room.
17. Use scalpels, scissors, and other sharp instruments only as instructed. Never cut any material toward you—always cut away from your body. Report any cut or scratch from sharp instruments to the teacher immediately.
18. Do not remove chemicals, equipment, supplies or animals from the science room without permission from the teacher.
I, ______(print student's name) have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to insure my own safety, that of my fellow students and my instructors. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my instructor and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the instructor. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part may result in the following consequences:
v Immediate removal from the lab activity and a zero on the assignment.
v Loss of procedure points for the lab activity.
v Loss of lab privileges.
v Disciplinary documentation.
v Parent/guardian notification.
v Referral to grade level Principal.
v Payment for any damaged equipment
Student’s Signature ______Date: ______
Dear Parent or Guardian: We feel that you should be informed of the school’s effort to create and maintain a safe science classroom/laboratory environment. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform science activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is on file with the teacher. Your signature indicates that you have read this Science Safety Contract, reviewed it with your child, and are aware of the possible consequences for non-compliance to the rules outlined in this contract. For your convenience, this safety contract will also be posted on the teacher’s web page for reference.
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______