Welcome to the RiverWorks
Emergency Food Shelf
Serving the Rockford/Greenfield Area
8230 Cedar Street * Rockford, MN 55373 * 763-477-6098
Web Site: www.riverworksonline.org Email:
We are glad we can help supplement your food needs while you are in a crisis. We are a faith-based non-profit organization that is mainly supported by donations from the community. We serve the Rockford/Greenfield area. If you are from a different area, the desk volunteer can give you information about the food shelf near your home.
Our food shelf is what we call “client choice”, meaning you choose the food you and your family could use. Once you have a number, a volunteer from the desk area will call you to help you with the paperwork. You will be asked for a photo ID and provide proof of residence by presenting a current (utility) bill showing your current address. You will then be asked to wait for a volunteer to call you by name to follow them as they assist you in shopping. If you would rather have a volunteer gather your groceries while you wait in the waiting room, just let us know. After your items are weighed, you may take the cart with your groceries out to your car. Please return the cart back into the food shelf when you are finished.
We are an emergency food shelf and you are welcome to come once a month. If there is a crisis please do not hesitate to call and ask about a return visit. If you need information on other agencies that may assist you while you are experiencing your crisis, just ask the desk volunteer.
We ask that you closely supervise your children while at the food shelf. They must be with you at all times. If you would rather wait with your children in the waiting room, a volunteer can gather groceries for you.
Hours of operations:
Monday & Thursday 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Doors will be open at 5:15 – do not come any earlier.
Tuesday 9:00 - 11:00 am
Please ask a volunteer if you have any questions, we are here to help!