Chapter 1 History

Spruce Creek, Woody Creek, Sherwood

Denver, Sherwood and Gypsum

______Notes on Chapter 1 at the end of Chapter 1.







John J. Flynn


Events as they


While walking

down the trail

of time













are told as near as

possible on the

pages of this book




(Homes) PLACES (Homes)


Spruce Creek, Colo.

Garfield County

Woody Creek, Colo.

Pitkin County

Sherwood, Colo.

Eagle County

Denver, Colo.

Denver County

Kent (Sherwood), Colo.

Eagle County




Born:December 23rd, 1897

Spruce Creek, Colorado

Miss Katie Flynn

Born:August 25th, 1899

Spruce Creek, Colorado

Miss Mary Flynn

Born:January 2nd,1901

Spruce Creek, Colorado

Moved to Woody Creek, Colorado

February, 1902

School DaysMarch, 1903

Mr. Jimmie Flynn

Born: October 7th, 1903

Woody Creek, Colorado

Moved to Sherwood, Eagle County,

ColoradoNovember 5th, 1904





Father's Death

March 3rd, 1905

To Denver, Colorado

September 18th, 1910

Returned to Sherwood, Colorado

April 11th, 1911

Graduated from Grade School

July 8th, 1913

Miss Mary's Death

February 10th, 1914

Graduated from High School

E.C.H.S., Gypsum, Colorado

May 16th, 1917




December 23rd, 1897

On this greatest of all days my Mother and Father received a "Christmas Present" too great to be valued. The beginning of a life with untold fortunes and adventures made into problems that no one but the "Unit of Time" can solve. In this stage of civilization thanks to the "Guiding Hand" we are able to exchange pictures of "Ideas" or "The Life" as we see it through the arts of "Speaking and "Writing". Although "Telling" about



"Something" is not like "Seeing" with your own "Eyes". But this "Life" the "Ruler" loaned me is mine and I must see what there is in it through the "Events" that time reveals. With an "Instinct" always for the "Better" and "Climbing" to the top this is the trail I took. On the pages of this book you will find a "Copy" of the "Footprints" that I leave on the "Sands of Time". (Not great but average.)

John Joseph Flynn



Thursday, December 23rd, 1897


February 1902

My "brain" being in proportion to my body, small of course, I could not remember or realize what occurred. Therefore I take the word of the "Seniors" that Miss Katie was born at Spruce Creek(1) on August 25, 1899. Miss Mary was born at Spruce Creek on January 2nd, 1901. Father was injured by engine on October 1900. A trip to Salida, Colorado. Some attempts at fishing in the Grand River(2) with Nora, Willie and Dan. Preparations to move to Woody Creek on account of school.



February 1902


Tuesday, November 1st, 1904

The new house. So they say I lived and grew like a weed. My first school days in the Spring of 1903. Summer spent catching butterflies and picking the beautiful flowers. The first automobile. Jimmie Flynn born in Woody Creek on October 7th, 1903. Another attempt at going to school. Miss. M. F. Haurrich as teacher. Unsuccessful. Summer of 1904 spent "mining' in the ditch bank. Willie and the cats. "Molly" fell in the well.






Woody School Dist. No. 5

Pitkin County

1902 - 1903

Miss Clara C. Oberdorfer


School Officers

Pres. Mr. Gerbaz

Sect. Mr. Steinberg

Treas. Mrs. Gagnon


Bellore VagneurLewis Vagneur

Percis Gavin Henry Clavel

Ben VagneurSullivan Vagneur

Fred GagnonSam Vevey

Charles GavinEd Johnson

Frank VeveyLewis Clavel

Ray GavinDuncan McLean

Auzel GerbazDan McLean

Olize GerbazWm Flynn



Dan FlynnJack Hatch

Hester Gerbaz

Hope AshbyMyrtle Gavin

Eva BourgNettie Dolan

Mary VeveyCassie Cerise

Stata DolanMay Gagnon

Hattie ClavelJulia Usel

Virginia UselAnna McLean

Angnus McLeanNora Flynn


Last but not leastJack Flynn


On the ponds rafting. Putting spikes and nails on the rail. At the old deserted house while picnicking in the meadows. At Gannon's ranch. In the water tank. Etc. Ha Ha.



Tuesday, November 1st, 1904


Monday, January 1st, 1906

Left school at Woody Creek under teacher, Miss Lal Bourg. Arrived Sherwood, Eagle County, Colorado, November 5th, 1904. First sight of famous Wolcott town. Future. Winter with its "fury". Father injured with a "spike" in February. Went to Salida and (died) passed away on Friday, March 3rd, 1905

"Gone but not forgotten."

Started to school under Miss Blanche Mahoney in grade 0. Summer spent climbing the hills and fishing. Started to school under Miss Ida Chamberlain as teacher.





Willie stabbed in knee with knife by Bob Smith. One real heavy snow. Cousin "Ted" and Uncle "Jim" arrive in Aug. Panic in Fall of 1905.

Monday, January 1st, 1906


Tuesday, January 1st, 1907

Awful heavy snow 4 ft. Willie takes sick and goes to Salida for an operation for appendicitis - 17 days. I took sick three days after Bill left. (Latter part of January and was in bed 21 days with pleurisy.) Willie or I did not attend school that spring. Nora's last year at school. Summer spent in pleasure. Aunt "Mary" Hartigan (1) arrives in July. School. Miss Louise K. Stein.


August 1905

A strike proclaimed by the track men. A genuine tie up of every thing except trains. John Osborne goes to work for Morris on Sherwood ranch. Wm. Foley goes over on the first division and gets into a shooting scrape. Returns home. Jim Hartigan and cousin Ted arrive from Canada. Jim goes to Denver and "Ted" stays with us and goes to school. John Osborn goes back to work on track also a number of other men - strike called off. Mike Creeden as Road Master.


Spring and Summer of 1906

Willie and I take life easy after being sick. "Nora's" last term at school. Miss Thelma Morris as a playmate. Mr. Morris as a great fisherman. A visit extended by "Twenty" dollar Frenchy. Aunt Mary comes on a visit for a while and returns to Denver taking Ted along with her. Cousin "Denny" comes on a fishing trip. The invention of "Knuckles" and "Nosy". Also arguments concerning England and America. The underground railroad Ha Ha.


Tuesday, January 1st, 1907


Wednesday, January 1st, 1908

Attended school part of Fall and Spring. Absent on account of effects of pleurisy. John Osborne leaves Sherwood in March. Nora attends school in Denver at St. Mercy. She returned June, 1907. A fish story about catching a 5 1/4 pound mountain trout. Fishing. School beginning September with Miss Agnes Quinlan. Glen Moore goes to Rifle. Willie, Dan, Katie, Mary and I attend school. Christmas program and how we liked it. A great deal of arguing going and coming. Nora as boss and Willie as straw- boss.



Wednesday, January 1st, 1908


Friday, January 1st, 1909

Made two grades during the term - 2nd and 3rd. "Some class". Ha. A glorious picnic - end - Dan and I play hookey. Willie as a real man begins work with Foley. "Dennis" comes out for a vacation and visit. The Flynns have their picture snapped by Frank McCarum. First in history. (Katie has the picture at present.) Mother goes to Denver with Willie and "Dennis" and returns with "Ted". Then on taking Dan to school and returning with "Ted" I went along on the trip. "A cry baby" I will say. School again. Miss Lili Cole.


Friday, January 1st, 1909


Saturday, January 1st, 1910

Jimmie just big "enuff" to navigate real good. Counting the days until school would be out. Dan and Willie return home from Denver in June - some class. Willie returns to Denver and started work at postal job. The big "wash out" in August. School began early but lasted only three months. Miss Bovel as teacher. Winter spent sliding off the hill and under the fence - racing with death but we beat him. Hunting "cotton tails" and "jack rabbits" for sport - just began to realize. -


Saturday, January 1st, 1910


Sunday, September 18th, 1911

Nothing to do but eat, sleep and build air castles. The real locomotive and the manufacture of cars - the babbitt metal "blow up" and how "Jack" looked (1). Wait a minute - school again. Miss Bovel as teacher. Nora goes to Denver. Three months of school - June, July and August. A picnic - Dan and I play hookey. Nora and Willie come home - summer vacation. Mother decides to move to Denver. "Boss" sold to Watson's. Austin's take the house. A visit to Mrs. Hauscome's. Left on train No. 16 September 18th. Morrises moves to Glenwood. Watsons take the ranch.


Sunday, September 18th, 1910


Saturday, April 8th, 1911

A glorious trip with such a crowd of kids as the Flynns numbered. A few days spent at Hartigan's until the household goods arrive. The new home at 850 Jason St. A small store - candies and ice cream. Attended the Evan's school. Moving a country chap into the city - quarrels and fights every day. Tried to put a finish touch on a plate glass with a brick - cowardly. The first aeroplanes. Molly takes sick with the measles. Decided to move to Mariposa St.



New residence at 1359 Mariposa St.. A visit by Glen Moore and also Mr. Yates. The first event to fall down the cellar - good I called it. Our friends next door - the Blake family - Herbert as my pal. Lincoln park where most of leisure time was spent. Jimmie and Mollie get over the measles fine. Attend Franklin school. Hartigans move to next house near the school. Yes and I went to church at St. Leo. Dan taken by typhoid pneumonia and nearly goes to heaven - in bed for 9 weeks. Doctor advises Mother to move from Denver. Back to Sherwood. (By luck.)


Sunday, April 9th, 1911


Monday, January 1st 1912

Arrived at Eagle Sunday morning and camped at Thomas Collins's for a few days until the household goods arrived. Nora as a convoy goes to Sherwood and returns. Thomas C. brought us home sweet Sherwood. Foley still here on Sec. 12. Watsons on the ranch. "Boss" the cow still tame. Visiting old familiar places and meet familiar faces. School June, July and August under Miss Turney - 6th grade. Concrete bridge built in Fall - Taylor, Mac Agee and Fritz Glazier - Lester and Leon Watson run the Big-4. Mr. and Mrs. Day's and also Jim's first appearance. Gill as road master when we returned.


Monday, January 1st, 1912


Wednesday, January 1st, 1913

Willie working for J. McGann. Goes to Glenwood and works on Aspen branch. He returns later and relieves J. McG. - Sec. 13. Dan goes to work. P. Kilgallon Earnest Cooks and Kilfoy. (1913 A visit by Mrs. Kilfoy and Harry. Harry's greatest pleasure was to fall into Milk Creek.) School under Miss May Bedell during May, June, July, August and September - Katie, Mary, Jimmie and I. Hamscome's as a feed and water spot especially during strawberry time. Foley returns. First "job" under Foley - Sec. 12. First grouse hunt.



Wednesday, January 1st, 1913


Thursday, January 1st, 1914

"School right off the bat" under Miss Josie Cunningham - January, February, March, April, May, June. The final year and finished the 8th grade. Diploma received July 8, 1913. Decided to go to high school at Gypsum, Colorado. Mrs. Kilfoy and Harry Kilfoy extend a visit. Katie, Mary and I make our First Communion during Easter time. Stayed Kilfoy's. Miss Lucy Copper makes her appearance. George Collette makes love. Keen. "Mollie" goes to Glenwood for two months - July and August. A start in high school. Mr. and Mrs. Kilgallon(1) first acquaintances. Meeting of my "pal", Bill McHatton, on a trip to Glenwood.



Thursday, January 1st, 1914


Friday, January 1st, 1915

Gee what a awful job it was to overcome a part of the awkwardness. Miss Ella Harris, Florine Zactman and "Joe" Schyrack also Leo Carey at the Strouse's hotel. Katie, Mary and Jimmie going to school at Wolcott - Miss Eva Forest. Miss Mary Flynn returns her life to the loaner and leaves this world behind -

Tuesday, February 10th, 1914

"Gone but not forgotten."

Summer vacation spent at home working. Returned to high school with a little more knowledge. School life with Sinclair. The real class of 1917.


High School

Eagle County High School

Gypsum, Colorado

First Term 1913-1914

Mr. Archibald Taylor


Miss Eujene Auld

Ass't Principal

Miss Wolfe

Com Teacher


Football team(1) takes a trip to Glenwood. (I as center.) Meeting of "Bill" McHatton. Miss Florine Zartman has a row with Miss Wolfe and leaves school. The awful time I had at the Strouse's hotel. A "flag" fight and Walter Spangler burns at the stake. Miss Ella Harris about to commit "murder" on L. Casey. Seniors - Freshies and Sophmores - Juniors.



Life On Attending E.C.H.S.

Second Term 1914-1915

Mr. Sinclair


Miss Eujene Auld

Ass't Principal

Miss Myrtle Camp

Com Teacher


A "nut" of a principal - truth. "Bill" swipes the lunch from the Noble boy. Athletics a failure. A petition to kick the "old" boy out unsuccessful. A fire scare at Sinclair's house. The plug hat. "Walter Spangler" runs the "old" scout wild around the school. "Bill" and "Walter start west. The weenie fry in the meadow. The track and field meet at Rifle. Name of Sherwoood changed to Kent.


Life In The E.C.H.S.

Third Term 1915-1916

Mr. A. Johnson


Miss Maude Chamberlain

Ass't Principal

Mrs. Myrtle Allen

Com Teacher


The break in 1917 class. The S.M.F.s at their climax. Basketball invented. A Literacy Society acquired. (1916 The trips to Leadville, Carbondale and Buena Vista.) A play "The School Mam". Tennis (invented). A number of marshmallow toasts and weenie fries. "George" and Ivts love affair. Stanley and I camp in the hay stack on spying for the colors. A real flag fight.



Life As A Senior E.C.H.S.

4th Term 1916-1917

Mr. A. C. Johnson


Miss Maude Chamberlain

Ass't Principal

Mr. R. C. Staley

Com Teacher


Tuning our voices daily. A quarrel with the bachelor. Climbing porch posts at 5 am. Studious with stereoptican slides and playing hookey. Coasting on Stein's hill. A boycott on Lundgren's store - account of words - false. Marshmallow toast. Playing music in the dark - E.C.H.S.. Preparation for commencement exercise. Graduates - Miss Ruth Anderson, Harriet Nelson, William McHatton and John Flynn.


Friday, January 1st, 1915


Saturday, January 1st, 1916

Sinclair gets worse instead of better. The "trio" Fritz Borah, Bill McHatton, Walter Spangler -two of them start for California. The first "Track Meet". A real auto ride through the Grand River Canyon. Vacation spent working on the farm and "jumping counters" for Simpson at Hugus store Wolcott, Colorado. September calls around. Prospects for a better year - A. C. Johnson, principal. The 1917 class is about ready to break in to halves. Starting of basketball. Moved to Staup Hotel. Miss Nora Changes her name to Mrs. Debaud November 7th. Willie gets canned. Goes to Eagle.


Saturday, January 1st, 1916


Monday, January 1st, 1917

The real scrap between members of 1917 class.

Miss Clarine Tracy's death.

(1) Quit reigned over all until training for Track and Field meet - a trip to Rifle also Glenwood. Vacation spent working for Simpson at Hugus store. Fourth of July celebration at Eagle - Herman Stein. A. C. Johnson again principal at E.C.H.S.. The final and best year began with high spirits. Basketball one of the main points. The "Famous Four" class of 1917 - Ruth, Harriet, Bill and I.


Monday, January 1st, 1917


Tuesday, January 1st, 1918

Preparations for the end of a good thing. Training for "Track Meet" at its glory. A great haul at Glenwood Springs, Colorado. The Final Touches.



Summer spent working at Hugus store also riding in a "ford" with Roy and J. McDougal(1) to every dance in the country as well as in town. "Keen". Miss Esther Baley gleams up during this period. A visit or two to Gypsum to see Miss Helen Wells. Ditched. Never to be forgotten. E.W.'s meeting at Avon dance. Bill McHatton enlists. A keen Fall for weather.



Tuesday, January 1st, 1918


Sunday, September 29th, 1918

Worked at Hugus and Co. at Wolcott under G. C. Cannarn until January 15th then went to Glenwood Springs, Colorado and worked as cashier at the Freight Depot under F. W. Drake. Miss Katie attends school and makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Whitney. A glorious summer. Spent half of the time swimming in the pool. Hundreds of pretty girls. Registered on September 11th. Decided to move and try to enter army - September 27th. At home hunting grouse the 28th and 29th. A visit by Bill McHatton on a furlough.

Chapter 1 Notes and Sources

9-1 The only picture of Mr. William Flynn known to the family to exit was taken of Mr. Flynn when he was in the hospital shortly before his leg was cut off in an effort to save his life. This picture was lost. The Frontier Historical Museum in Glenwood Springs has pictures of men working to clear an avalanche that occurred in the Glenwood Canyon just east of Shoshone on Wednesday evening, February 1, 1899. This avalanche and an additional avalanche which occurred while men were trying to clear away the debris from the first avalanche blocked railway traffic from Wednesday to Saturday. Mr. Flynn was railroad section foreman and living in the section foreman's house at Spruce Creek in the Glenwood Canyon at this time. Since Spruce Creek is only approximately 6 miles from the avalanche site surely Mr. Flynn was called to help clear the site. It is not possible to identify individuals in the pictures but perhaps one of the men pictured is Mr. William Flynn.