Ms. O’Hara’s Healthy Hints
October is here- a great month to celebrate fall foliage, pumpkin picking, raking leaves and …Walk Your Child to School Day. On October 5th, enjoy the morning by walking with your child to Brookside. There are so many documented health benefits to walking. Beginning the day with activity starts you off on the right foot(no pun intended!). Below are 5 good reasons to walk to school each day.
- It’s good for the environment.Reducing the exhaust from cars helps keep the neighbor cleaner. There is an anti idling law in NJ in order to minimize our children’s exposure to toxic chemicals. Less cars around school means less exhaust our children breathe!
- It saves money on gas.It may not seem like much but with the price of gas, every little bit helps.
- It gives you an opportunity to talk with your child.Away from TV and computers, you can find out about their friends and their class. Walking home, you can get a recap of their day. It is amazing how a walk around the park helps them talk out their problems with me.
- It is a teachable moment. Talk to them about pedestrian safety and the rules for walking to school. You can plan out their route to school- which side of the street has sidewalks, where are the crosswalks? What is the crossing guard’s name?
- And last but not least- it’s healthy!Studies have shown that along with helping with weight control, walking lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your muscle, increases your bone density, maintains flexible joints, improves concentration, memory and test scores, and improves your mood! We all know that happy kids make happy parents/guardians!!
It would be helpful to review the safe route for BPS on the website in order to teach your child the safest route to and from school. I hope Walk Your Child to School starts a healthy tradition for your school year.
Just a few additional reminders:
*If your Child will be absent or late, please leave a message on the absentee call line: 908 709 6246.
*All medications given during the school day, including over the counter medications, must be accompanied by a doctor’s order. Forms are in my office.
*As long as the weather cooperates, students go outside for recess. So as the weather cools, please send children with weather appropriate clothing. They should also wear shoes that are safe for climbing on the play equipment.