Zechariah 12:1-3: “See, I am making Jerusalem a cup of trembling to all the people all around, and also against Judah--it is in the siege against Jerusalem. And in that day, it shall be that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all people – all lifting it are severely injured. And all nations of the earth shall be gathered against it”.

The reeling, the trembling, has begun. Abba is beginning to shake everything that can be shaken, so that only those things that cannot be shaken may remain (Hebrews 12:25-28) We seek an unshakable Kingdom! Hebrews 11: Read the characteristics of those that will be in it!

Please read over again the articles “East Jerusalem” and “The Rocks That Nearly Hit Me”, both 2010. Everything from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 and throughout eternity is about East Jerusalem (Yerushalyim).

Please be sure also to read the current news in “Purim 2012”, sent March 6, 2012. It is up-to-date, and will help you prepare for Purim!

We are moving fast-forward into the black storm cloud that will engulf the entire world. Are you prepared? Do you know Yahuweh and Yahushua well enough to trust Them with EVERYTHING? The bigger question remains: Do They know you well enough to trust you? Don’t answer quickly.

The world has never seen the horrors that are soon upon us. No generation on earth has ever, or will ever be, tested to such a great extent as we will be. The word of Eliyahu (Elijah) rings clear: “How long will you hop between two opinions – if Yahuweh is Elohim follow Him, if Ba’al follow him”. We are either a friend of this world with Yahuweh as our enemy, or a friend of Yahuweh with this hostile world out to get us. (Ya’cob 4:4) Think eternity!

That means cutting ties with anything that is not of Yahuweh in radical set-apartness, dying to self-will, and taking up our own execution stake to follow Him absolutely! Personal close relationship with Him on a moment-by-moment basis, a deep knowledge and understanding of His Word as taught by Him and not man, understanding His nature, ways, and thinking, and instant obedience, will go a long way to making sure of your eternal reward as well as the state of your present life.

Purim is a major time of turning of world events, as I wrote in “Purim 2012”.

I hope you have listened to the YouTube video I suggested: Daylight: The Story of Obama and Israel. It is continuing to play out day by day.

His comments to Netanyahu on March 5th, and in his press meeting on March

6th, reinforce what this video brings out. We have a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is taking off the sheep suit. The wise are taking note!

What is amazing is that the three Republican candidates on Super Tuesday

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all made harsh remarks against Obama for his Iran and anti-Israel policies.

So, it comes down to the “cup of trembling”.

What the news is NOT only not saying, but lying about, is that Iran HAS “THE BOMB”! They HAVE nuclear warheads. They HAVE chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. They have had them for a long time, no thanks to North Korea, Russia, China and Pakistan. Thus, these nations vote pro-Iran and pro-Syria in the U.N., which is blatantly pro-Palestinian.

Russia and China made a pact several years ago to unite against Israel, and have been getting Iran weapons, including nuclear weapons for years, as well as arming Hamas--a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood--Hezbollah and Syria, Venezuela, Egypt, and other Muslim nations.

So this presidential debate is dividing the pro-Israel candidates from the apparent anti-Israel candidate. The deceiving news says it will be a year before Iran gets the bomb, or even two years, making Israel look like a crazy fool if they go ahead with a pre-emptive strike. The let’s negotiate rhetoric of Obama is simply a stall-ploy. All of the “peace talk” has been stall-ploy strategy—holding out hope, when they know it won’t work.

Remember that Yahuweh has always ordered pre-emptive strikes against His enemies. Remember that our personal spiritual warfare is either a pre-emptive offensive strike against the enemy or a better than 50% possibility of defeat in a defensive stance.

Israel knows this well. Remember their “Raid on Entebbe”? Rent that movie! It is accurate. This is Israel at its Scriptural best. But, be sure to read Judges 7 and II Chronicles 20 also – for these are examples of Yahuweh’s pre-emptive strikes. He ordered King Saul to make a pre-emptive strike against Amalek’s descendant, King Agag. He didn’t do it. He spared Agag. Thus Haman, a descendant of Agag, plotted to kill all Jews in Persia. (Esther)

As I wrote in the update “Qom”, found under “The Mikvah of Our Eternal Inheritance” on, Iran is moving, or has moved, their uranium enrichment and bomb making to deep underground facilities like at Qom – near where the Maudi (Iranian messiah) hides in a deep well, waiting for the chaos that will bring him out. Re-read that update for more details...

The underground facility at Qom is beyond reach of even “bunker-buster”

bombs. Logically, Israel should have made a hit before they moved their enrichment so deep in the ground, which began last October. In the natural

it is impossible for Israel to strike all of the facilities – since they are spread

out, and now in changed locations. Therefore, there is the very real possibility that they won’t be able to eliminate the whole arsenal.

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Scripture does not tell us that Iran will be hit by Israel in these days, and score a victory, stopping Iran’s nuclear program. No--but it does tell us that Russia and Iran will lead the Muslim world to battle against Israel, and America – Ezekiel 38-39; Jeremiah 50 and 51 and Revelation 18.

The fire that ignites nuclear war is an attack on Iran, used by Yahuweh to put “a hook in the jaw” of Russia, China, their Communist and Muslim forces, to come down on Israel and America, giving excuse for the rise of a world ruler.

The only nation on earth that Yahuweh says He will protect and fight to defend is Israel! The only city is Jerusalem. He tells His set-apart ones in America to flee for their lives, because His wrath will burn against America, and He will destroy it utterly because they have turned against Israel. [Refer to the Scripture study: “End Time Babylon” and the article “Ezekiel 38”]

The debate between the Republican candidates and Obama is getting hotter over his obvious stance on Iran, against his weak-kneed approach to standing with Israel, and against his weak-kneed stance on Syria, no matter what his rhetoric. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth.

But, like Obama said in his press conference last night, if these Republican candidates think that war is necessary to stop Iran, then in their speeches they need to tell the American people their stand and what the American people should expect and prepare for. He’s right on that.

Because for most of the 20th century both party’s candidates – Republican and Democrat – have been chosen four to eight years in advance by “think tanks” like the Bilderberger Group, all candidates are players on the same side. Therefore, we’re watching a “good cop/bad cop” routine. It’s all staged.

But, what is happening is that Americans as individuals are being forced to take a side – either pro-Israel or anti-Israel. And this is what Yahuweh is forcing – a decision. We’re back to Mount Carmel in I Kings 18. But each person is now being taken back to Mount Carmel to decide for their own life.

Since Iran is in the forefront of news, we’re close to the launching of the Mazzini/Pike Plan Part III. Iran’s allies will back Iran. Obama has purposely destabilized the Middle East, from January 2011. [Refer to: “Launching the Chaos”, January 2011]

In John Brannan’s new book The Israel Omen II, he outlines the stance of Obama from the beginning of his presidency regarding Israel, showing that

the judgment of Yahuweh is soon to hit hard on America--great information.

But, the video I suggested will also give some of that information, too.

Yahuweh has pleaded with the America people through His watchmen for

years, and still is, but this is the year when all decisions must be finalized,

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as we go into the last 3½ years of the final seven before Messiah comes. [Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy” and related articles]

We must be sober, mature, set-apart, and solid as a rock in personality, with the nature of Yahuweh/Yahushua operating from our spirit, with our mind and emotions under the power of the Spirit. If you are not filled with the Spirit, hearing from Him, operating in His manifestations under His control, then you will have a difficult time discerning the real from the deception.

Go to under “The Mikvah of the Spirit” and read articles one and two at least to learn what being filled with the Spirit actually means. It has nothing to do with charismatic hocus pocus!

I’ve written a lot about what to do when the mind shuts down – how to live out of a re-born transformed spirit. Sadly most only have a head-belief-religion, and have no concept of living out of a “new creation” transformed spirit that is an open portal to Yahuweh’s realm of eternity. So, most, along with the world’s people, will resort to living out of their head-reasoning, and emotional fears, or listen to an opinion by a deceived human, and run smack dab into chaos, into deception, and into death. Remember the old cliché: “It is not what you know but Who you know that matters!”

Keep a close watch on the news. Check daily with or The Jerusalem Post online. Read the Prophets – Isaiah to Malachi and Revelation – their prophecies are happening.

Get rid of everything you don’t need. I’ve lived in the “third world” most of the last 12 years. I’ve learned that we need about 1% of what we think we need. Quite a few people can live in a small apartment, a mud hut, a concrete block structure, a tin lean-to, or in tents. Get real!

The word in Israel is that they are soon going to war. I must be there. Abba is also sending me to Patmos (Revelation 1:9) once again. Please pray for right timing, and for wisdom as I arrange the many logistics for that trip from Israel. It is not easy to get to Patmos. It involves 2 plane trips, ship and/or boat trips, hotels, and other transportation. I live with a lot of pain from pinched nerves and injuries in joints, back, and hips. It is becoming harder to walk. A cataract is making one eye very sore. I travel alone also, which is very difficult. I praise Abba for the friends I have in north Israel.

Even though I live very frugally--just on what Abba sends in, which I use to pay off my one bill each month for travel expenses, and for groceries--this trip will cost between $3,500.00 and $4,000.00 for 2 months in Israel, and the Patmos trip. I thank you for praying for that too.

Also, as some of you know, I never know if I will return from overseas to see my family again. I must be prepared in all ways to stay in that region if necessary.

Blessings and Shalom, with love,

Yedidah, March 7, 2012

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