Guidelines in the Issuance and Usage of PEZA Accountable Forms
and Non-Accountable Forms in the Ecozone
as of Nov. 13, 2009
Tokeep a record of the transaction /movement of goods to and from the ecozone, the PEZA Zone Enterpriseis required to use the following PEZA accountable and non-accountable formswhich are subjected to PEZA Zone processing and approval prior to its utilization. These forms are as follows:
1.1PEZA Accountable Forms (PF)
1.1.18101 – Application for Import Permit (Manual and Electronic 1/
1.1.28104 – Export Tally
1.1.38105 – Application for Permit to Bring Goods from the Customs
Territory into the EcoZone 2/
1.1.48106 – Application for Permit to Bring Goods from the EcoZone
into the CustomsTerritory
1.1.58110 – Application to Withdraw Goods from the EcoZone for
Sample Purposes
1.1.68112 – Application for Permit to Sell EcoZone Made Goods and
for transfer of materials other than ecozone-made goods
within the EcoZone3/
1.1.7Boatnote - Transhipment Permit while Goods are in transit
1/ These guidelines only pertain to procedures for manual
application of PF 8101
2/ PF 8105 covers the bringing-in of the following goods into the
* machineries and equipment (including tools)
* production inputs [i.e. raw materials, packaging materials
supplied by other Ecozone enterprises (PEZA and other
Ecozone with own charter) and BOI registered export
3/ PF 8112 is also used for the transfer of materials other than
ecozone-made goods within the ecozone
1.2Non – Accountable forms
On the other hand, items which are considered waste generated from operations and with no commercial value shall bewithdrawn usingPEZAGatePass for Residual Wastes/Garbage Disposal for residual wastes and/or DENR’s Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Form for hazardous and toxic wastes. These forms are not accountable forms, therefore can be reproduced by the locator enterprises.
- PROCEDURE FOR USE (Manual Process)
2.1Application and filing
2.1.1All information as required in the form shall be provided and signed by the authorized signatory of the Zone Enterprise.
2.1.2Upon presentation of the form to the concerned PEZA zone office, all required attachments shall accompany the form, as PEZA zone office shall automatically reject/not accept an incomplete application.
2.1.3All applications for permit shall be acted upon and approved by the Zone Official within 20 minutes upon determination of the correctness of the entries and completeness of the documents.
2.2When to Apply for Permit
As a general rule, the Zone Enterprise shall apply the permit for movement of goods within the day of its declared date of deliveryor a day before their declared date of delivery. For deliveries falling on weekends and holidays(all types except withdrawal/disposal of wastes/scrap), filing of permit may be done during the last working day preceding the weekend and/or holiday, provided a valid Letter of Authority (LOA) covers such transaction.
As regards the filing of PF 8105, it shall be filed within two (2) days from receipt of goods by the enterprise, together with a duly stamped Delivery Receipt by PEZA.
2. 3 Usage of Approved Permit
The validity of approved permits (for PEZA accountable forms) shall primarily be based on the declared date of approval of the permit and the delivery date schedule, as follows:
2.3.1For application with delivery date on the day it was applied and approved, the permit is valid until 12:00 midnight of the same day.
2.3.2For application with delivery datefor the next day after it was applied, the permit is valid only until 12:00 midnight of the scheduled date of delivery indicated in the approved permit.
2.3.3For application with delivery date that is several days after it was applied (i.e., applied on a Friday for delivery on a weekend or holiday), the permit is valid only until 12:00 midnight of the scheduled delivery date indicated in the approved permit.
On the other hand, validity of approved permit for the withdrawal of waste and disposal of scrap are valid on the day it was applied and approved, and shall be withdrawn until 5:00PM only of the same day of application and approval.
2.4Unutilized Approved Permits
2.4.1Failure to use any approved permit, the Zone Enterprise shall notify the PEZA zone office of its non-utilization,immediately the following working day of the delivery date schedule indicated in the approved permit.
2.4.2The Zone Enterprise shall be given the option to reuse the same permit. In such case, the approved permit shall be surrendered to zone office and indicate the new date of delivery. Such date however, shall only be until the next day. This corrected date of delivery shall be initialed by the appropriate PEZA zone official. Accordingly, proper notations shall be made in the log book where the form was originally lodged.
2.4.3Non compliance of par. 2.4.2 above by the Zone Enterprise shall cause the cancellation of the approved permit. Any payment made on the cancelled permit may be applied to new application, provided, the particulars of the permit such as client, item and value are the same and provided further, the official receipt and the cancelled form shall be presented to the zone official for proper notation.