Export License Questionnaire for International Orders
DRS Commercial Uncooled Infrared Camera Products
Notice to purchaser and/or end user:
The DRS Commercial Uncooled Infrared Camera Products that you are purchasing require DRS to collect information related to the transaction to ensure we are in compliance with United States (US) Government export control regulations. Depending on the details of the proposed transaciton, it may additionally require an export license from the US Department of Commerce.
Determination of an export license is dependent upon several factors, including, framerate, resolution, end use, end-user, and ultimate destination. To learn more about export
regulations on DRS products, please go to:
If DRS believes an export license is required, we will additionally ask you to complete a Form BIS-711, which the US Government normally requires for export license applications. To help expedite the process, we recommend you complete the BIS-711 form now and return it with your responses to this questionnaie. A copy of the BIS-711 form is available at:
In order for DRS to make a determination on potential export restrictions and apply for an export license on your behalf, if necessary, all sections MUST be filled out thoroughly and completely.
1)Date:Click here to enter text.
2)Purchaser Name and Address:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
3)End user Name and Address (if different):
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
4)Please provide the names of all non-US parties who will be involved in this transaction, including their roles/responsibilities:
(Describe the flow of the transaction. Who will be the purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, end-user?)
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
5)Please also provide the names of all non-US parties who will have access to the product, including their roles/responsibilities:
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
6)End user business/industry: ☐commercial, ☐military, ☐both
7)Purchase Order/Letter of Intent/Contract Reference #: Click here to enter text.
8)Product(s) to be purchased: ☐Tamarisk® ☐Watchmaster® IP Elite/Ultra
9)Frame rate of purchased product: ☐60 Hz, ☐30 Hz, ☐9 Hz, ☐Other (specify frame rate): Click here to enter text.
10)Resolution of purchased product: ☐640x480, ☐320x240, ☐Other (specify resolution): Click here to enter text.
-If more than one camera model will be purchased, list the part number, frame rate, resolution and quantity for each model.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
Click here to enter text.
12)Why is this quantity of the item needed by the customer?
-For example: There are 4 surveillance stations positioned around the site for 24 hour observation.
[Note: If an export license is required, this question will be asked to us by the US Government,so, we appreciate as complete a response as is possible.]
Click here to enter text.
13)State the purpose of this purchase, describe the end-user’s product and the business or project plans.
-For example, demonstration, evaluation, engineering/development sample, production quantity, surveillance, etc.
Click here to enter text.
14)If the response to question 13, above, is not the ultimate end use, please clearly describe the end use of the product:
Click here to enter text.
15)If this purchase is for evaluation or engineering/development of a product, please describe the product in detail, including product name, and attach any reference materials that describe the product, including brochure, data sheet, etc., if available.
Click here to enter text.
16)Is thecamerato be embedded/integrated/installed into another product?
☐Yes, ☐No
17)If “Yes” to question 16, above, is this product a “military commodity” (see US definition below)?
☐Yes, ☐No
[Note: A “military commodity” means an article, material or supply that is described on the US Munitions List (22 CFR Part 121) or on the Wassenaar Arrangement Munitions List (WAML)). Ref. 15 CFR §744.9]
18)Will this product be sold to a military end-user (see below)?
☐Yes, ☐No
[Note: A “military end-user” means the national armed services (army, navy, marine, air force, or coast guard), as well as the national guard and national police, government intelligence or reconnaissance organizations, or any person or entity whose actions or functions are intended to support “military end-uses” (incorporation into an item described on the USML, WAML, or a dual use item with an ECCN ending in A018 or “600” series ECCNs. Ref. 15 CFR §§744.9 & 744.17]
We (insert your Company Name)do certify that the above responses are accurate and the products which we purchase from DRS Technologies, Inc. will be used as stated above. Additionally, in no way will these products be used for or in nuclear, chemical or biological weapons or missile technology or proliferation end applications. If there is a need for my company to purchase products from DRS Technologies, Inc., for such uses, we(Company Name)will notify you prior to submitting the order to DRS Technologies, Inc.
Full NameSignature
Form JAW_070114.00