Protecting Mekong Migrants: 3 – 9 January
Tearfund's work in the Mekong Sub Region (MSR) focuses on poor areas of China, Thailand and Laos. Vulnerable migrant communities live precariously and are at high risk of exploitation. Our partners work to ensure that basic human rights are upheld for these migrants.
Sunday 3 January
Bless China International has followed Jesus' example by engaging with outcast people and sharing a meal in the homes of people living with HIV. This has forced surrounding villages to recognise their misconceptions and re-engage with people living with HIV. Thank God for relationships that save people from isolation.
Monday 4 January
When she was 19, Tik lost both parents, dropped out of school and became unemployed. Through World Concern's youth programme, Tik has learnt a lot: ‘I knew about trafficking before but not the details, and the information about AIDS was new to me.’ Pray that Tik can use this knowledge to educate and protect others in her community.
Tuesday 5 January
With no land of their own, Mrs Jiam's family paid 40 bags of rice each year in rent. Their remaining income went mainly on medical treatment, which often left them in debt. Thanks to a Tearfund partner, the family built a latrine, improving their health and saving money. Mrs Jiam says, ‘My life has changed for the better.’ Thank God that simple solutions can bring huge change.
Wednesday 6 January
Khantin's friends left Laos to find work elsewhere. At the age of 18, her dream is to stay and support her family. Through World Concern Laos, Khantin has been trained as a hairdresser. ‘I want to open a salon in the future because there's no salon yet in our village,’ she says. Thank God for new opportunities and big dreams.
Thursday 7 January
Mr Nyoun struggled to provide for his family, until Tearfund's partner introduced a new rice variety, better suited to the local soil. Mr Nyoun tripled his rice yield within the first year. ‘We have so much more now,’ he says. ‘Before, I didn't know about this variety of rice. It has lots of benefits.’ Pray that more families will switch rice varieties and enjoy better yields.
Friday 8 January
After she lost her husband, Manichan and her son discovered they were both living with HIV. To avoid discrimination she moved away from her community and pulled her son out of school. Once World Concern Laos had delivered HIV-awareness training, Manichan joined a self-help group, learnt about healthy living and is now much happier. Pray for strength for all those who remain ostracised by their communities.
Saturday 9 January
Dear Lord, thank you for the example Jesus set of welcoming everyone into his company. We ask that you will forgive us for the times that we are not loving and pray that you will teach us to be more welcoming in our own communities. Show us the people around us who need to know your acceptance today. Amen.
Build Each Other Up: 10 – 16 January
In the spring edition of the Prayer Diary, we asked you email your prayers or encouraging Bible verses for our team in South Sudan. We had an overwhelming response, and this week we use some of these prayers to lead our devotions.
Sunday 10 January
‘Lord, while the world is looking at events elsewhere, thank you for continuing to pour out your Spirit on South Sudan,’ prays Geoff. ‘You never forget those on the margins. Build that country anew, through your people, so that when the world once again looks this way, it will see you have performed the impossible. Thank you that you never let go.’
Monday 11 January
‘May God our Father be ever-present with all who serve the people of South Sudan in his name, by his grace and power,’ prays Peter. ‘Take heart in his promise. Hebrews 13:6, 'So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?’'‘
Tuesday 12 January
‘Lord, please be with all those who are working in your name in South Sudan and give them courage, strength, wisdom and a clear understanding of what you would have them do, especially when times are hard and even dangerous,’ prays Gladys. ‘Please bless them and the people with whom they work and give them your peace and the assurance of your presence. In the name of Jesus, Amen.’
Wednesday 13 January
Let's join Janet in the prayer of Psalm 145:15–16: ‘The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.’
Thursday 14 January
‘We pray that you may have the wisdom to know his will for you and the people you serve; we also prayed for the strength and resilience to keep doing the amazing work that God has called you to in his service,’ write Peter and Chris. ‘Praise God for Tearfund's partners and the work that they do to support those in need.’
Friday 15 January
Let's join Susan in prayer, ‘for the people of South Sudan: that they may know something of the love of Christ through the bore holes dug by Tearfund workers.’ Christine adds, ‘I pray for those who have lost their crops through drought or floods; that with the help of Tearfund and partners they can rebuild their crops, put food on the table and enable their children to have a good education to get them out of the poverty trap.’
Saturday 16 January
‘My prayer is that all in South Sudan will come to know the Lord,’ prays Andrew. ‘I pray that peace will reign. And truces will be seen.’ Lord, we ask you to bring this into being.
Justice for Poor Communities: 17–23 January
This week we pray for the many Tearfund partners who are speaking out in advocacy, holding their governments to account for creating and implementing laws that protect and provide for people living in poverty. We're calling on leaders to be transparent and accountable in how they spend public money allocated to development work. and encouraging them to spend public money wisely.
Sunday 17 January
Thank God for the perseverance of our partner, Mopawi, in Honduras. For more than 25 years, they have called for justice for the indigenous people in the La Mosquitia region, who have been at risk of being forcibly removed from their land. As a result of Mopawi's ongoing advocacy work, the National Congress has finally agreed to give all the indigenous people in La Mosquitia the right to own the title to their land. Please pray for smooth and swift implementation of this agreement.
Monday 18 January
Tearfund partner Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia has persuaded its government to tackle corruption, by reforming the way that the central government budget is channelled to constituencies across the country. Pray for wisdom for church and community members in each constituency, as they participate in local decision-making processes to determine how this constituency development funding should be spent.
Tuesday 19 January
With support from our partner Warmis, church leaders from Luz Resplandeciente (‘Shining Light’) Church in Cajamarca, Peru, spoke repeatedly with their local council officials about the need for provision of drinking water and sanitation. Their determination paid off and everyone in the community is now benefiting from these services. Pray that this example will inspire more communities to speak out.
Wednesday 20 January
In coalition with other organisations, Serve, a Tearfund partner in Afghanistan, successfully convinced the Ministry of Education of the need for a new national law on inclusive education. Pray that this will richly benefit marginalised children all over Afghanistan, including those with visual and hearing impairment, who will now have the opportunity to attend government-funded schools.
Thursday 21 January
In Brazil, our partner, Instituto Solidare, has been running Escuela de Fe e Politica (‘School of Faith and Politics’) to train church leaders to understand the rights of people living in poverty in their communities and the responsibilities of the government towards them. Pray that communities will be blessed through this training.
Friday 22 January
Our partner, Christian Council of Tanzania (CCT), regularly trains community members in how to track government budget expenditure and challenge irregularities. Praise God for the courage of community members in Chibelela District who, with support from CCT, exposed the misuse of funds intended for local educational needs and managed to get the money redirected.
Saturday 23 January
‘Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!’ (Amos 5:24) Give thanks for all Tearfund's partners whose passion for justice and righteousness motivates all that they do. Ask God to give them courage, wisdom and perseverance as they speak out for – and with – people who live in poor communities.
The Central African Republic (CAR) was plunged into crisis in December 2013 when a rebel group seized power in a violent coup. Then came the country’s descent into ethnic and sectarian violence and nearly a quarter of the population was displaced. About 2.5 million people are still in urgent need of humanitarian aid. Join with us this week in praying for one of the world’s poorest nations and Tearfund’s work there.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
Matthew 5:9
Pray that God will use the church in CAR as a force for peace and pray that church leaders are able to break cycles of violence as they encourage their congregations to be reconciled and to forgive one another.
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19
Isidore Kote was unable to produce crops to provide for his family of six after rebel groups entered his village, killed his livestock and stole his farming tools. Pray for the Tearfund team in CAR, who help farmers like Isidore restart their agricultural activities by providing farming supplies.
The extreme violence people have witnessed and been subject to in CAR has left many young children deeply traumatised. Pray that the children we are providing with psychosocial support will experience deep healing in their hearts and minds and be able to enjoy learning and playing again.
More than 400,000 people remain in displacement camps in CAR, many on church compounds. The conditions are very poor with about 80 people sharing each dirt-floor tent. Pray that in the midst of these harsh environments, people will know they are not forgotten, as churches and humanitarian agencies provide comfort and meet basic needs.
Pray for Tearfund staff living far from their family and friends in this hostile environment. Pray for protection, encouragement, strength and courage as they follow Jesus where the need is greatest in CAR. Pray that they will reveal God’s love through the lifesaving work they do.
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18
Militia groups have perpetrated horrific acts of sexual violence in ongoing fighting across the country. Tearfund is supporting the local church to create a movement of survivors. Pray that survivors will find strength and encouragement in working together and pray for an end to this form of violence in CAR.
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Dear Lord, today we pray for decision-makers involved in CAR at every level – from community leaders to national and international governments. Instil in them wisdom and use them to establish lasting peace. Amen.
Tearfund Prayer Diary January 2016 – tearfund.org/praying