CNGS GROUP successfully completed EPC project for two 10kV subsea powerand fiber-optic combined cables and three strings of data cable layin the Northern Part of the Caspian Sea. The project covered engineering, procurement, cable lay and commissioning of cable lines connecting offshore wellhead drilling platforms. In general, scope of work involved subsea cable route survey, engineering, cable lay and burial to 1.8m, cable pull-in, termination and commissioning of two-10kV cable lines combined with fiber-optic components.
The length of each line onstituted of 6,100 meter. In addition to the power cables installation the project tincorporated installation of four hydrological and geodynamic sensors on the sea bottom including related data cables laying, burial to 1.5m depth, termination and commissioning on the platforms operations.
Three hydrological monitoring system datacables with a length of 2,050meachand one 150m geodynamic system data cable have been installed byCNGS GROUP. Recently acquired by the CNGS GROUP DP classed CLV EAST RIVER, former FLINT RIVER owned by Maritech International Ltd., has been utilized to execute the project.
CNGS GROUP have heavily invested to make sure operations are safely and smoothly completed, thus, the vessel has been significantly refurbished and upgraded, re-classed under the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, new set of Cable Laying Spread installed with respect to the project and potential market requirements and operational conditions in the Caspian Sea. The cable burial has been executed using ST-2 subsea trencher. All the specified equipment are in-house assets owned by CNGS GROUP.
In the course of works execution, CNGS GROUP dredged subsea ditches near the offshore platforms and installed subsea pipe spools jointed to the J-tubes for cable protection and pull-in onto the platform. Upon completion of installation, all subsea trenches and ditches have been backfilled. The project was executed under the supervision and in accordance with the standards of theRussian Maritime Register of Shipping and DNV GL.
DNV GL also acted as the Marine Warranty Surveyor under the project. All the subsea surveys and cable burial operations within the scope of the project have been successfully completed by Trident East, the CNGS GROUP member. Maritech International Ltd. participated in the project as the supplier and consultant to CNGS GROUP. Possessing the significant experience in the cable construction activities, Maritech designed and supplied Cable Laying Spread. Training of CNGS GROUP personnel, technical assistance with respect to the cable load-out and laying in the field were provided by Maritech International Ltd. The project was completed ontime and on budget, with proven quality, with no risk to both Client and Contractor and with no Lost Time Incident.
This first experience has laid the foundation for further development of subsea cable projects and there is another project for subsea power cables installation in Caspian Sea is currently being executed byCNGS GROUP.