G.H.RaisoniCollege of Engineering, Nagpur

Department of Electronics Engineering

UHF & Microwave


Objective questions

  1. What is microwave?
  2. What is the frequency range of microwave?
  3. What is the frequency range of UHF?
  4. Give the applications of microwave.
  5. What is a waveguide?
  6. Where the waveguide is used?
  7. What are the types of waveguide?
  8. Name the microwave tubes.
  9. What is Klystron?
  10. How much power gain is possible with two-cavity klystron amplifier?
  11. What is reflex klystron?
  12. Give its applications.
  13. How can klystron amplifier be converted into an oscillator?
  14. What is Transit time?
  15. What is the problem with transit time in diode?
  16. What do you understand by Transit time in Triode?
  17. Give application of two cavity kystron?
  18. What do mean by Bunching cavity?
  19. What do you understand by catcher cavity?
  20. What is bunching parameter?

Subjective questions

  1. What can be done to improve power gain?
  2. How you convert a klystron amplifier into an oscillator? What is velocity modulation?
  3. Explain the principle of operation of two-cavity klystron?
  4. What is bunching process?
  5. Explain the principle of operation of multicavity klystron?
  6. What is the plasma frequency?
  7. Explain the principle of operation of reflex klystron?
  8. What is the power o/p of Two-cavity klystron?
  9. Derive the efficiency of two-cavity klystron?
  10. What is the power o/p of Reflex klystron?
  11. Derive the efficiency of Reflex klystron?
  12. Give difference between Two cavity klystron and Reflex klystron?
  13. Explain Electronic admittance spiral?
  14. Derive relationship between Beam voltage and reflector voltage?
  15. Explain characteristics of Reflex Kystron.


Objective questions

  1. Mention applications of TWT?
  2. What is BWO?
  3. On which principle does a BWO operate?
  4. Give applications of BWO.
  5. Is magnetron able to provide oscillations of very high peak power?
  6. State the types of magnetron?
  7. What is mode jumping in magnetrons?
  8. What is strapping?
  9. Where do you apply magnetron?
  10. How do you distinguish between TWT and klystron?
  11. What is Inverted co-axial magnetron?
  12. What are different types of strapping?
  13. What is the drawback of strapping?
  14. How this drawback of strapping can be overcome?
  15. What is the shot coming of negative resistance of magnetron?
  16. What is Cyclotron frequency magnetron?
  17. What is plasma frequency?

Subjective questions

  1. Explain the working principle of helix TWT?
  2. Explain different slow wave structures?
  3. What are the advantages of split anode magnetron?
  4. Explain the working principle of cylindrical magnetron?
  5. Explain the power o/p of cylindrical magnetron?
  6. Explain the efficiency of cylindrical magnetron?
  7. Explain the working principle of linear magnetron?
  8. Explain are the types of magnetron oscillators?
  9. Which tube is a wide band amplifier and Explain?
  10. Which diode is used as a microwave switch & what are the types of magnetron oscillators?
  11. Which tube is a wide band amplifier and Why?
  12. Which diode is used as a microwave switch and Why?
  13. Which cathode material is used in magnetron and Why?
  14. What are different types of strapping in cavity magnetron?
  15. Which cathode material is used in magnetron?
  16. What is the use of strapping in cavity magnetron?
  17. Which mode in a coaxial line has no cut off wavelength?
  18. What are O type tubes?
  19. What are M type tubes?
  20. State & explain the principle of operation of negative resistance type magnetron?
  21. State & explain the principle of operation of cyclotron frequency magnetron?
  22. State & explain the principle of operation of cavity magnetron


Objective questions

  1. Name any two properties of scattering matrix.
  2. What are the transmitting coefficients?
  3. What are the reflection coefficients?
  4. How do you form H-plane Tee?
  5. What is the advantage of Magic Tee?
  6. What is rat race junction?
  7. Define coupling factor of DC.
  8. Define directivity of DC?
  9. Define isolation of DC?
  10. Name any two DC?
  11. What are ferrites?
  12. What is Faraday rotation?
  13. Name the microwave devices that make use of Faraday rotation?
  14. What is Scattering matrix?

Subjective questions

  1. Differentiate between transmission line and wave-guide?
  2. Which tee is called as shunt tee and why?
  3. Which tee is called as series tee and why?
  4. Differentiate between circulator and isolator?
  5. Which medium is best for handling large microwave power and why?
  6. Which mode in a coaxial line has no cut off wavelength and Why?
  7. Differentiate between transmission line and wave-guide?
  8. Which tee is called as shunt tee and why?
  9. Which tee is called as series tee and why?
  10. Differentiate between circulator and isolator?
  11. What is directional coupler DC?
  12. Explain is gyrator?
  13. Explain is isolator?
  14. Explain is circulator?
  15. What is fixed attenuator?
  16. What is variable attenuator?


Objective questions

  1. What is gyrator?
  2. What is isolator?
  3. What is circulator?
  4. Name two applications of circulator?
  5. What is the difference between microwave filters and low frequency filters?
  6. What are the factors that affect the microwave filter characteristics?
  7. What are the ways to obtain phase shifts in waveguide?
  8. What is the function microwave attenuator?
  9. Give common use of attenuator?
  10. State types of attenuator?
  11. Which attenuator do you use in rectangular waveguide?
  12. Which attenuator do you use in circular waveguide?

Subjective questions

  1. Which medium is best for handling large microwave power?
  2. What do you understand by the term microwave junction?
  3. What is the significance of S-matrix?
  4. What do you meant by T-junction?
  5. Explain the types of T-junction?
  6. Why do we call it H-plane Tee derive matrix?
  7. What is the reason to treat H plane Tee as Current junction?
  8. How do you form E-plane Tee derive matrix?
  9. Why do we call it E plane Tee derive matrix?
  10. How you use magic Tee for measuring impendence?
  11. How you use magic Tee as a duplexer?
  12. Derive the scattering matrix of rat race junction?


Objective questions

  1. Which is the dominant mode in rectangular waveguides?
  2. Name the parameters that can be measured at microwave frequencies?
  3. What is VSWR?
  4. What is the relation between VSWR and reflection coefficient?
  5. What is slotted line?
  6. What are the types of bolometer?
  7. Compare between barraters and thermistor?
  8. What is the limitation of thermistor and barrater?
  9. How can it be overcome?
  10. Specify range for low power measurement?
  11. Specify range for high power measurement?
  12. What are types of calorimetric wattmeters?
  13. Name the two methods for measuring attenuation?
  14. State drawback of power ratio method?
  15. How can drawback of power ratio method be overcome?
  16. Define VSWR?
  17. What is double minimum method?
  18. State the three methods for measuring impedance?
  19. How do you distinguish between slotted line method and reflectometer method for measuring impedance?

Subjective questions

  1. For measurement of low power which technique do we use and How?
  2. For measurement of medium power which technique do we use and How?
  3. For measurement of high power which technique do we use and How?
  4. What is Calorimeter how we can use it as a power measurement device??
  5. Explain noise factor?
  6. How do you measure noise factor?
  7. List the methods for measuring Q of a cavity resonator and explain any one among them?


Objective questions

  1. List the reasons for not using conventional devices at frequencies >100MHz?
  2. What is parametric amplifier?
  3. Why is parametric amplifier called as low noise amplifier?
  4. Give the applications of parametric amplifier?
  5. What is degenerate parametric amplifier or oscillator?
  6. Give the applications of PIN diode?
  7. Differentiate between PIN diode and P-N junction diode?
  8. Can a PIN diode act as variable resistance?
  9. Can a PIN diode act as amplitude modulator?
  10. Can a PIN diode act as phase shifter?
  11. What are the modes of oscillation for Gunn effect oscillator?
  12. Give applications of gunn diode?
  13. Give the advantage of gunn diode over IMPATT diode?
  14. State disadvantage of gunn diode?
  15. Give types of planner transmission lines?
  16. What do you mean by strip lines?
  17. What do you understand by symmetrical strip lines?
  18. What is micro strip line?
  19. What are advantages of micro strip lines?
  20. State limitations of micro strip?
  21. What is characteristic impedance of micro strip?
  22. On what factors does the radiation loss of micro strip lines depend?
  23. Give the relation for Q of micro strip line.
  24. State the advantage of co-planner strip line over conventional parallel strip lines.
  25. Is it possible to design microwave components using strip lines?
  26. List the design consideration of micro strip line.
  27. List the advantages of microwave over low frequencies.
  28. Give the frequency range for HF band.
  29. Give the frequency range for VHF band.
  30. Give the frequency range for UHF band.
  31. Give the frequency range for L band.
  32. Give the frequency range for S band.

33. Give the frequency range for C band.

Subjective questions

  1. Differentiate between PIN diode and P-N junction diode?
  2. Derive efficiency of gunn diode?
  3. What is CW power gunn diode?
  4. What is pulsed power?
  5. How can gunn diode be used as an amplifier?
  6. List the performance characteristics of Gunn diode amplifier and explain?
  7. What does MASER stand for and why?
  8. What is MASER?
  9. List and explain two performance characteristics of MASER.
  10. Explain two applications of masers.
  11. What is difference between MASER and LASER?
  12. What is MASER?
  13. List and explain two performance characteristics of MASER.
  14. Explain two applications of masers.
  15. Explain disadvantages of MASER?
  16. What are planner transmission lines?
  17. Explain advantages of MASER?
  18. What are planner transmission lines?
  19. What do you mean by strip lines?
  20. What do you understand by symmetrical strip lines?
  21. What is micro strip line?
  22. What is a smith chart?
  23. What is stub matching?
  24. What is phase velocity?
  25. What is group velocity?
  26. Derive Give the equation for cut off frequency (fc).
  27. Derive the equation for phase shift constant (Bg).
  28. Derive the equation for cut off Wavelength.
  29. Derive relation between them?

30. What co you mean by the dominant mode?

31.Explain the characteristic impedance of micro strip lines?

32. Explain the different losses in micro strip lines?