CEM’s recent publications are:
- Potschin, M.; Klug, H. and R. Haines-Young (2010): From Vision to Action: Framing the Leitbild Concept in the context of Landscape Planning. Futures 42(7): 656-667 (and editorial for this special issue). Paper[M1] and Editorial[M2]
- Haines-Young, R. & M. Potschin (2010): The links between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. In: Raffaelli, D.G & C.L.J. Frid (eds.): [M3]Ecosystem Ecology: A New /synthesis. Cambridge University Press, British Ecological Society, pp. 110-139 Pdf[M4]
- EEA (2010): Ecosystem Accounting and the Cost of Biodiversity Losses: The Case of Coastal Mediterranean Wetlands. Edited by Haines-Young, R.; Potschin, M. Kumar, P. and JL Weber. EEA Technical Report No3/2010.
- Royal Society (2009): Ecosystem Services and biodiversity in Europe: building science into policy at EU level. EASAC Policy Report 09. With Contributions from Marion Potschin and Roy Haines-Young (Nottingham), Annex 1, p. 33-65.
- Kienast, F.; Bolliger, J.; Potschin, M.; deGroot, R.S.; Verburg, P.H. ;Wascher, W. and R. Haines-Young (2009): Assessing landscape functions at the continental scale: a methodological framework. Environmental Management. 44:1099-1120 pdf[M5]
- Haines-Young, R (2009): Land Use and Biodiversity Relationships, Land Use Policy. 26(1): S178-S186. pdf[M6]
- Potschin, M. (2009): Land use and the state of the natural environment, Land Use Policy. 26(1): S170-S177. pdf[M7]
- Haines-Young, R.; Fish, R. (2009): Hypothesis Testing. In: Kitchen, R. & Trift, N. (eds): International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography, Vol 5: 264-270. Oxford: Elsevier pdf[M8]
- Haines-Young, R., Langanke, T. & M. Potschin (20082007): Landscape character as a framework for environmental assessment. – In: Petrosillo I., Müller, F., Jones K.B., Zurlini, G., Krauze K., Victorov, S., Li, B.-L. andKepner G.W. (Eds.): Use of Landscape Sciences for the Assessment of Environmental Security. Springer, p. 165-174. pdf[M9]
- Potschin, M. & R. Haines-Young (2008): Sustainability Impact Assessments: Limits, Thresholds and the Sustainability Choice Space. In: Helming, K.; Tabbush, P. and M. Perez-Soba (Eds): Sustainability Impact Assessment of Land Use Policies. Springer pdf[M10]
- Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R. (2006): ‘Rio + 10’, sustainability science and the landscape agenda. Landscape and Urban Planning 75(3-4): 162-174. pdf[M11]
- Haines-Young, R. Watkins, C.; Wale, C. and A Murdock (2006): Modelling natural capital: The case of Landscape Restoration on the South Downs, Landscape and Urban Planning 75(3-4): 244-264 pdf[M12]
- Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R. (2006): Landscapes and Sustainability. Landscape and Urban Planning 75(3-4): 155-161. editorial[M13]
- Potschin, M., Haines-Young, R. (2003): Improving the quality of environmental assessments using the concept of Natural Capital: a case study from Southern Germany, Landscape and Urban Planning, 63: 93-108. pdf[M14]
[M1]Attachment Potschin et al. 2010
[M2]2nd attachment Potschin and Klug_2010_editorial
[M3]Link this to the book?
[M4]Attachment 3: Haines-Young&POtschin_2010
[M5]Kienast et al.2010
[M8]Haines-Young_Fish_2009_hyposthesis testing
[M9]Haines-Young et al. 2007_CQC_Springer
[M10]19_potschin_Sensor book
[M12]Haines-Young et al._2006