Archdiocese of Kansas City In Kansas
Adult Award Nomination Form
Each year the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas recognizes adults in American Heritage Girls and Girl Scouting who serve Catholic Youth by awarding them the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton or St. Anne medals. If you know of an adult who is deserving of recognition because of his/her work with Scouts and the Catholic faith, please take a look at the following information on how to process a nomination. We need to be sure to recognize those who have been integral in the spiritual formation of Catholic girls through the American Heritage Girls and Girl Scout program.
Suggested General Candidate Qualifications:
-- The kind of person sought as a recipient of a national adult recognition should be one of excellent character.
-- Recipients should be adults currently active with scouting.
-- Awards may be given to clergy, religious, non-Catholics, laymen or women.
-- Catholic recipients should have the support of their respective pastors.
Specific Medal Desriptions and Qualifications:
THE SAINT ELIZABETH ANN SETON MEDAL: This medal affirms the work of those who help youth develop their spiritual lives within the context of girls’ organizations. It will ordinarily be received before the Saint Anne Medal is earned, but is not a requirement for reception of the Saint Anne Medal. Please review suggested guidelines.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Suggested Qualifications:
o Should have at least two – four years active service to youth as an adult member.
o Are recognized for notable contributions to serving the spiritual needs of Catholic members in American Heritage Girls and Girl Scouting, such as helping organize activities/retreats/religious emblems with a focus on our Catholic faith.
o Usually involved in a single Troop or Parish level.
THE SAINT ANNE MEDAL: The highest national recognition for adults who serve Catholic youth through girls’ organization. The purposes of the recognition are to honor the outstanding services of adults who contribute to the spiritual development of Catholic young people in girls’ organizations and to further Catholic adult leadership in youth ministry through national organizations serving girls.
St. Anne Suggested Qualifications:
Should have at least five or more years active service to youth as an adult member.
Are honored for outstanding service contributing to the spiritual development of Catholic members in American Heritage Girls and Girl Scouting.
Usually involved in servicing multiple troops or units and parishes.
If you know a worthy candidate for one of these awards, please take the time to nominate them for recognition. The deadline for submitting nominations is Feb 1st of each calendar year. Any questions, please email:
Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas
Adult Award Nomination Form
I hereby nominate ___________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________ City/State ____________________ Zip ________
Parish: _________________________ Home Telephone: _________________________
Registered position in American Heritage Girls/Girl Scouting: ________________________
Service Unit/Area/School: __________________________________________________
Record of candidate (on the back of this form or a separate sheet of paper):
A. Leadership in American Heritage Girls/Girl Scouting:
List troop(s), Service Unit, and dates.
B. Service to youth in other programs:
C. Service in Parish or Diocese (or other church body, if not Catholic):
D. Service and involvement in other community organizations.
On a separate sheet, please write a paragraph or two about this candidate and why you are making the recommendation for this award.
Has this candidate ever been awarded other awards by this or another diocese? If yes, please specify what award and date________________________________________________
(It is a tradition that if your nominee is awarded the medal, the nominator(s) or their units would cover the cost of the medal. Currently both medals are $25.00 each. ) Please make check payable to Youth Office/Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
Recommended by: __________________________________________ Date: ___/_____/____
Address: _____________________________ City/State ______________ Zip _________
Telephone: ___________________________ Work: ______________________________
Parish approval:
Signed: _______________________________________________ Date: ____/____/_____
Please send forms to: Religious Emblems Chair
Archdiocese Committee on Catholic Scouting
Youth Office/Archdiocese Committee on Catholic Scouting
12615 Parallel Parkway
Kansas City, KS 66109
Any questions, please email: