Marshall Academy Board of Directors
Regular Meeting
May 10, 2017 6:00 P.M.
Proposed Minutes
I Meeting Call to Order
Called to order at 6:04P.M.
II Roll Call
Present: Mary Kempinski, Carrie Knobloch, Patti Cornwell, Laura Koziarski, Christine Brundage: Absent: Heather Weberling
Also Present: Leslie Katz, Stephanie Kimball, Don Haist
Public: Deb Palmer, Lacy Ferro, John Miller, Kristen McDowell, Alana Smith, Marissa Voke, John Miller, Cyd Dean, Cindy Johnston, Jordon Patterson, Jermon Patterson, Sabrina Patterson, Willard Smith, Alaina Smith, Dana Dicken, Lynn Meikle, Brian Tschirhart, Ann Tschirhart, Marcy Rader.
Public Comment Agenda Items
1. None
IV. Approval of Consent Calendar
Motion made by Koziarski supported by Knobloch that the consent calendar including the April 12, 2017 regular meeting minutes and the April 12, 2017 closed meeting minutes and the May 10th, 2017 meeting agenda be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
V. Oath of office for Christine Brundage and Patti Cornwell were administered.
VI. Correspondence
VII. Treasurer's Report
A. April financials
• Nothing out of the ordinary
• Unpaid bills better are better than last year at this time.
The Board reviewed theApril Financial Statement. It was moved by Cornwell and supported by Koziarski that the treasurer’s report be approved. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Resolution to purchase computers from CDI computers
• Cost would be around $10,000
A motion was made by Knobloch and seconded by Cornwell to approve the purchase of computers from CDI computers. The Motions passed unanimously.
C. Resolution for Headmaster and Midwest Schools to bid for audit services, legal services and construction including parking lot and roof.
• The headmaster and Midwest will take bids.
• There is a capital fund that the school has that has to be spent on building improvements.
A motion was made by Knobloch and seconded by Cornwell to approve the bidding for audit services, legal services and construction including parking lot and roof. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Lease agreement on farm land
· The headmaster would like to continue the lease with the current family.
· There is currently no formal lease.
A motion was made by Knobloch and seconded by Koziarski to approve continuing with the current family. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Copiers
• The copiers will need to be replaced soon.
VIII. New Business
1. Disciplinary Hearing
At 6:25 p.m., it was moved by Koziarski and supported by Cornwell that the Board go into closed session for the purpose of discussing student behavior. On a roll call vote of 5-0, the motion carried. (“Yes:” Brundage, Knobloch, Cornwell, Kempinski, Koziarski.) Weberling not present.
At 6:40 the board returned to open session.
The board proposed to put a 3rd grade student on probation for the remainder of the school year. The case will be revisited prior to the start of the 17-18 school year to determine if enrollment should continue.
Motion to accept the proposal was made by Koziarski and seconded by Cornwell. The motion carried unanimously.
a. Motion to suspend rules for public hearing
Moved by Koziarski, supported by Cornwell, and unanimously carried by those present, to suspend rules for public hearing at 6:46p.m.
1. The purpose of this portion of the meeting is to provide the public with the opportunity to review and comment on the 2017-2018 budget.
a. Reviewed the budget
b. Budget is in really good shape
c. Tech support amount jumped up because the academy employed a full day tech support person through the ISD.
d. Salaries for teachers went up to allow for merit based raises.
e. Discussed getting another smaller bus for career center and sports.
2. Open floor to public comment regarding 2017-2018 budget.
a. none
b. Motion to End Public Hearing and Resume Meeting of Board of Directors
Moved by Cornwell supported by Koziarski, and unanimously carried by those present, to resume the meeting of the board of directors at 7:00p.m.
c. Approval of 2017-2018 Operating Budget
Moved by Knobloch, supported by Cornwell, and unanimously carried by those present, to approve the 2017-2018 Operating Budget
3. Online dual enrollment
A. Headmaster Katz has been looking at an online program through Schoolcraft College in Livonia. She was intrigued by their curriculum.
B. Many Marshall Academy students are hindered by transportation. Online courses could be a solution to this.
C. Katz would like to pilot these classes with next year’s Senior class
D. Katz feels this would prepare kids for college
E. Pricing was reasonable. $102 per credit hr.
F. Students need to learn how to do online classes. Most colleges are moving in that direction.
A motion was made by Cornwell and seconded by Koziarski to move forward with the online dual enrollment. The motion passed unanimously.
IX. Old Business
A. None
X. Business/Management Report
1. Headmaster
A. There is a review of Educational Service provider (Midwest Management) due this November.
• Strategic planning meeting is going to review the contract
2. Enrollment
A. Enrollment is currently at 288 285
B. Current enrollment for next year is 277. The school is aiming for 297.
C. The Kindergarten class is only half full. Most students enroll over the summer.
D. There will be 2 fourth grades and possibly 2 sixth grades next year.
E. 3rd, 5th and & 7th grades are closed for next year. 6TH is very close to being closed unless a second class is opened.
F. There is a marketing meeting on Friday. Will discuss recruiting more from Battle Creek. That bus is only half full.
G. The school needs to decide if they want to stay small and continue with the small family school or grow to be bigger.
3. Committee reports
A. Curriculum committee still trying to find a history curriculum
B. Having a hard time deciding which is the best one without being pricey
C. Marketing meeting on Friday
D. ILA long term planning
• Had training in April
• Katz asked teachers to volunteer for committees
E. Summer school plans are underway
• ILA summer camp has been planned
F. Charter School Day at the Capital
• Katz attended last Wednesday
• Talked to lawmakers and learned a lot about charter schools.
XI. Midwest School Service
• None
XII. Ferris State University
• Welcome to Chris Brundage as new board member
• Compliments on moving on the Education Service Provider review.
XIII. Extended Public Comment
1. A teacher thanked MCCU for computers and supported dual enrollment.
2. Parents voiced concerns about 2nd grade class and its behavior. Parents feel Mrs. Burtis and Mrs. Katz are doing a great job but want to know what the action plan is for this class. Parents want to continue to uphold the high values.
3. A parent and staff member voiced concerns about future of the school. It was suggested that a parent advisory board be put in place.
4. Parents discussed other behavior issues and consistency. They also discussed the virtues.
5. A parent and staff member encouraged parents to be a part of the Starr Resilient Communities program.
6. Another parent voiced concerns about how behavioral issues are affecting the teachers.
XIV. Extended Board Comments
1. Kempenski thanked everyone for coming and stated that the board is listening to parent concerns.
2. Koziarski stated the Albion Marshall Resilient Communities Project helps with the acclamation period of the changing school culture.
XV. Reconfirmation of Next Meeting Date: Wednesday June 14th, 2017 at 6:00 P.M.
Budget meeting at 5:00
A Strategic planning meeting was scheduled for July 24th.
A motion was made at 7:43 to adjourn the meeting by Cornwell and seconded by Knobloch. The motion carried unanimously.
Proposed minutes respectfully submitted,
__ /s/Stephanie Kimball______Date: May 10, 2017
Stephanie Kimball, recording secretary
Approved by the Board of Directors at its June 14th meeting.
Board Secretary /s/ Laura Koziarski Date: June 14, 2017