Thurrock Disability Partnership Board Minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2014

Thurrock Disability Partnership Board
Tuesday 18th March 2014
10am to 12 noon
The Beehive

/ People at the meeting
Anne White, Co-Chair
Les Billingham – Co-Chair – Head Of Adult Services, Thurrock Council
Kelly Jenkins - Board Facilitator – Commissioning Officer, Thurrock Council
Catherine Wilson, Service Manager, Commissioning
Carole Cecil – Chief Executive, BATIAS
Christine Ludlow – Independent Representative Carers
Graham Carey – Independent Adult Safeguarding Champion
Ian Evans – Programme Co-ordinator, Thurrock Coalition
Neil Woodbridge – CEO, Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions CIC (TLS)
Celia Thomas – Thurrock Diversity Network
Sheila Talbot – Team Manager, SEPT LD Comm.Team
Fran Leddra – Thurrock Council – Fieldwork Service Manager
Mark Garwood – Thurrock Diversity Network
Sarah Turner – Commissioning Officer – Thurrock Council
Gill Haines – Thurrock Council
1. Introductions and welcome
Anne welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
2.Traffic lights and rules of the meeting
The rules of the meeting were read out by Anne White and agreed by the Board.
/ 3. Apologies
Mark Fraser – Independent Member
Mandy Ansell – Thurrock CCG
Sunni Saini – Director TLS, Thurrock Diversity Network
Jemma Sharples – Basildon & Thurrock University Hospital
Sarah Pope – Basildon & Thurrock University Hospital
Jane Foster-Taylor – Executive Nurse, Thurrock Clinical Commissioning Group
Anita McArthur-Worbey- Community Manager, Pohwer
Elspeth Clayton – Associate Director of LD,
South Essex Partnership Trust (SEPT)
Angela Clarke – Service Manager, Thurrock Council
/ Minutes of our last meeting held on 17th December 2013
Above minutes were agreed
/ 4. Matters arising
No matters arising
/ 5. Safeguarding
Neil - Staying safe – Hate crime report – Sunni wanted to bring the report to the board but it was previously restricted. The report relates to hate crime reported to Essex Police between 1st April 2013 and 31st August 2013.
What is a Hate crime? These are any crimes that are targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice towards that person’s, disability, race/ethnicity, religion/belief, sexual orientation or transgender identity and they can be committed against a person or property.
/ The Hate Crime Statistics were tabled on the day. Information and statistics about Hate Crime in Thurrock appear below
/ It is encouraging that reporting of disability hate crime has increased from 1 to 7 reports, although in some respects you want it to go down but it’s good that people are reporting the crimes. Les asked the question on what is an expectable level of reporting, are we doing work on what is a good level? Neil said that Michelle Cunningham has been looking into this and what risk you are in possibly 25-35% of disabled people are at risk. Les asked is it about hate crime or are they just victims of crime anyway but if our efforts have helped an increase in reporting that is good. We need to make people more aware of how to report hate crime. You can do this by: talking to you advocate or support worker, call Essex Police on 101 and ask for hate crime officer or go to
/ Report It To Sort It - Hate Crime Reporting Centres:
Neil Woodbridge tabled a booklet on the day, entitled: Stop the Hate “Reported it to sort it” Working in partnership to tackle Hate Crime.
Neil and Sunny to a ‘Sort it Report it’ event where the police are looking to train people to become Hate Crime Ambassadors, to be able to be an ambassador you would need to do 2 events a year to make people aware of what hate crime is. Looking to have hate incident reporting centres, 2 people need to be in the building to be able to listen to people and write down the report. Crime Commissioner said that this was the way forward although there was no money available... Carole said that to advertise, get resources, space for privacy and to have the staff to help people, money was needed. Mark asked where do you get the training? Graham said if you contact Michelle Cunningham for information. Les pointed out that the Local Area Co-ordinators will be doing the training.
Celia said that she had a fireman turn up on her doorstep, as she was cooking in her kitchen but had set her fire alarm off but was unaware as her sensory call box is in her lounge and said that there should be something in the kitchen as well. Anne said that Celia should highlight this at the sensory event

/ Anne mentioned the upcoming Thurrock Stay Safe Training at Grays Fire station Hogg Lane on Monday 24th March 10am to 3pm. I suggest that if you know someone with a learning difference living in ThurrockPlease remember to book your place
Graham mentioned the Sensory Stay Safe Event taking place on 7th April at Frederick Andrews Court, Grays (see attached flyer)
6. Autism Strategy Update – Catherine Wilson(Verbal Update)
The Autism Strategy was taken to the Health & Wellbeing board for approval; they suggested the group should be monitored. There is support from Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions and there have been enquiries for parents to be involved. Event in February was unable to happen but it will happen by the end of April and Catherine will report back at the next meeting. Report needs to be refreshed, on achievements and how to move forward, key areas diagnosis for adults and children. Catherine will keep the board informed and send an invite to the steering group. / ACTION:
Catherine to report back to the June meeting
  1. Service Review – Les Billingham(Verbal Update)
One of the things to look at is the extra care housing, Collins House, assessments and other care houses. Field work services review of commissioned services to make sure they get the best service and not doubling up. There is a need to save money and be efficient. We need to lose in the region of 600 staff at our current position by 2018 across the whole Council. Service Managers to focus on the review and devise an implementation plan. It will be radical including stopping delivery of services. There has been a 50% reduction in senior management so far but staffing levels below this grade needs to be looked at. The implementation plan will need to go out to consultation first. There needs to be a substantial amount of savings made over the next 3 years, although we have growing demand we need to do things differently like the Building Positive Futures project. A discussion was then had around people moving into Thurrock to access services.
/ Respite review update – Catherine Wilson (Verbal Update)
The external state of quality and choice, review short break types, the block contract with east living, looking over the next year how that contract works. It’s not just about residential but holidays, family and in their own home. Use the carers partnership board for input and have a more open meeting on how to give more choice and control. Anne asked if the carers had been consulted and Catherine said they had. / ACTION: Catherine to provide an update at the TDPB in September 2014
/ 8. Coffee Break
/ 9. Health Matters -
Primary Care Strategy - postponed until the next meeting as Jane and Mandy not able to make the meeting.
Health Checks– Anne brought an information sheet on health checks (see attached) a discussion was then had around the lack of uptake of health checks and GP’s taking the money for but not doing the work. Catherine has talked to the ClinicalCommissioning Group CCG about naming and shaming GP’s that do this, which they were in agreement with. South Essex Partnership Trust teams have gone out to help do the checks. There is also difficulties around who is meant to have the checks as they are for people with disabilities not learning disabilities i.e. dyslexia. / ACTION:Primary Care Strategy at the TDPB in June 2014
/ Anne tableda paper on Thurrock’s update about Annual Health Checks March 2014 for the Eastern Region Forum that will be taking place on 25th March 2014
National Health Service
NHS Constitution
Anne – Received an easy read version of the NHS constitution for all, it is still in draft form. The document is called: “National Health Service You're rights”, these are the National Health Service promises The National Health Service is for all of us.
NHS England have produced it, along with “Inspired Services”
Anne and others from Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions were one of the groups looking at the draft. Anne will look out for the final version after 26 March 2014 / ACTION: Anne to find out how the EasyRead document # will be distributed.
Hospital Passports to be finalised on 21st March. The passports have been sent to different organisation for feedback, a discussion was then had about whether they were a good idea, what risk there were and who would benefit. It was pointed out that it’s a choice and not mandatory.
  1. Board Members Updates(including Anne’s Update & Thurrock Coalition – both were emailed out with the minutes)
Royal Opera House Thurrock
Anne also mentioned that she had attended an event at the Royal Opera House in Thurrock, where Thurrock Council were shortlisted for ‘Most Improved Council’ but were unsuccessful and Norfolk won. The same venue but different date was the Civic Awards where Kristina Jackson and Kim James won awards.
/ 10.1. Thurrock Coalition Update - Ian Evans.ThurrockCoalition and Healthwatch Thurrock worked together to run an event to ask people who use services and service providers for their views and ideas on the new system for inspections that has been announced by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). There were 45 people and organisations that attended and we are gathering all the feedback at the moment, which will then go back to the CQC and the Contract Compliance Team in Thurrock Council.
Sport for you activity afternoon took place in January at Frederick Andrews Court in Grays, which is a great opportunity to meet with friends and try out some different activities. The next one is planned for 4th April 2014.
Meals on Wheels consultation was held on Thursday 13th March at the Beehive, where people could come and give their views in person. Thurrock Adult Social Care is having to review the current arrangements for Meals on Wheels services. This is because:
Less people are using the service.
The current arrangements do not offer choice to people
The amount of Government funding is being reduced and council needs to make savings.
/ Thurrock Coalition Update (continued) - Ian Evans.
Observation of Training Sessions – Thurrock Coalition are continuing to work closely with Workforce Planning Team at Thurrock Council by running a series of training observation with people who use services.
To help to make sure that the “6 Outcomes” identified by people who use services that highlight the types of skills knowledge and experience people want their Social Work Staff to have, are shown in the training that staff receive.
Anyone who uses Adult Social Care services and is interested in joining the Observation Team contact Ian on
Voices for Choices is a independent consultation group for anyone who has experience of using Adult Social Care, it has dialogue with heads of service, service managers and social work staff in the council, in order to bring about positive changes and service improvements for disabled people.
Thurrock Diversity Networklookedat the issue of whether there is a need to set up a “fairness commission”. Thurrock Council has set up a review into Fairness in Thurrock to see whether it would be a good idea to set up a Fairness Commission or an alternative to build on the work already being undertaken to help to ensure the best health, well-being and quality of life for local people – particularly those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged,
Welfare reforms update – There are problems with the delivery of the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) the new benefit to replace the disability living allowance (DLA). In some areas of the Country there have been reports that disabled people have been left waiting months for an assessment with providers Capita and Atos along with the DWP running at long delays.
New claims for PIP started in Thurrock in June 2013.
Anyone who currently receiving DLA will have to apply for PIP when they report a change in circumstances.
People on “indefinite” awards of DLA will not start to be addressed for PIP until 2015 or later.
You can check how PIP affects you by visiting the online checker at
11.Transition Strategy Update – Fran Leddra(Verbal Update)
Steering group was attended by Jemma and Sarah
from Basildon Hospital. Children coming into the borough from outside the UK, some are disabled, they know there are 2 good schools in the borough and are going to Basildon Hospital, which will then causes problems for the future. We have 3 sub groups up and running now. Neil has been working with Beacon Hill around work experience. There has been difficulty getting young people involved in the shadow group but we found this is a problem across the borough with young people not attending after school clubs. The government need to have in place a one plan by September, education and one plan put together. Young people just want a simple plan about what they want for the future, this doesn’t quite match the professional plan.
12. Advocacy & Form Filling Update Kelly Jenkins (Verbal Update)
There is a big issue at the moment due to a gap in the support for Personal Independence Payments, spoken to Pohwer who are taking on new staff and training them about benefits. It was stated that Pohwer are not contracted to fill in benefit forms but are about supporting someone to help them understand the benefits. Anne asked how is it going to be monitored when people fill in these forms. Kelly said that there should be a joined up approach with different areas depending on the need of the individual where advocacy can play a part. It was stated that some people had been turned away from Pohwer as not their job to form fill but they should be signposting. The contract will be looked at and a solution to the gap in service to be addressed as soon as possible and the outcome brought back to this meeting.
Form Filling
A discussion was then had around form filling and the difficulty some people have with this and getting the support to be able to do this when they either don’t have the comprehension or experience to be able to do it well. Pohwer are not able to complete forms for people but do sign post. It was then discussed that the council commission Pohwer as an advocacy service. Ian said that this could be brought to The Thurrock Diversity Network. It was also mention that Citizens Advice Bureau used to assist with form filling and DIAL are oversubscribed with reconsiderations and appeals.
/ 13. Peer Review Update – Les Billingham
Action plan will be brought back to next meeting / ACTION:
Action plan will be brought back to next meeting
/ 14. BSL Update – Christine Ludlow (Verbal Update)
Len Green (Clinical Reference Group) knows there had been discussions with Thurrock Health and get a unified supply of different providers, as it would be cheaper but doesn’t’ think the meeting has taken place yet. NHS England has been providing the service in the meantime. There was a lady that wanted to take part in a participation group but NHS England would fund as they have said it is only for health issues.
/ 15. AOB
Meals on Wheels - Sarah Turner (papers tabled on the day)
Sarah gave an overview of the consultation for meals of wheels which has been going on and finishes on 11th April, and to say there is an easy read version of the consultation. If you would like to take part contact Sarah -
Graham stated that Cariads has been approached about the safe restraint of young people in their care. There is a problem with self defence and parents dealing with their loved ones without hurting them or getting hurt themselves. It was suggested that Sept at Runwell hospital have acceptable ways of restraint and escape without injuring yourself or the other person and to contact them for possible courses.
/ Date and time of next meeting:
17th June 2014
6pm – 8pm
The Beehive
West Street, Grays
Please note – the June 2014 meeting is an evening meeting