Meeting Minutes

Phone 866-203-0920, Code 248 140 9825

A meeting of the 2014 Conference Committee was held on October 10, 2013 via teleconference.

Name: / Position: / Present/Absent:
Patty Hickok, SPHR, GPHR / Chair, Programs / Present
Sallie Stuvek, SPHR / Sponsors/Exhibitors / Absent
Alice Williams, PHR / Sponsors/Exhibitors / Absent
Nancy Miller, SPHR / Co-Chair, Volunteers / Present
Patty Billingsley, SPHR / Programs / Present
Karen Zemba, SPHR / SHRM Foundation / Absent
Barbara Burke, PHR / Catering / Absent
Kim McKinley, SPHR / Registration / Present
Cara Fairbanks, SPHR / Marketing / Present
Mary Tesch, SPHR / Programs / Present

Call to Order:

Patty Hickok, ASSC Director called the meeting to order at 12 NOON.

Committee Reports

Chair Report

Need to make a decision on the mailing list. This info is from last month’s minutes

We received an email from a company that can provide a mailing list of HR professionals in Alaska. The cost is 5 cents per name and they could provide 2,547 contacts in said list. Their lists contain Email Address, Phone Number, Company Name, Contact Name, Contact Title, Mailing Address, Fax Number, Revenue Size & No. of Employees Size, SIC Code, Industry Type. Some other information on this includes:

• Data update: Our lists are updated once every 75-90 days.

• Data delivery format: Excel spread sheet.

• Opt-in rate: 100% permission based contacts.

• Multi-Channel Marketing: The list can be used for Email Marketing, Direct Mail Marketing, and Tele Marketing.

• Legal Compliance: We are in compliance with the CAN SPAM Act, 2003.

Mary Tesch is going to approach a different company based here in Alaska and ask for similar information. We can then make a decision.

Treasurer Report

No report.


Cara sent in her report, and she has agreed to the following duties:

1)The draft “Save the Date” postcard was created and shared with the group. There were no suggestions to improve. A final version will be sent to Cara for quotes.


We are still working with HRCI for the Strategic credits as we have the Compensation topic still pending. Numerous emails have been sent to HRCI with no response. Another one will go out after the meeting.

Need to talk to Jon Petz re: book sale. We don’t want to purchase books in advance.


No report this month.


Kim shared the exhibitors/sponsorship report.


Report provided on registration.

SHRM Foundation

No report from Chair. However, we do have several suggestions (thanks Patty Billingsley!). Email to be sent to Karen asking for attendance at next meeting to make some decisions on what we want to do for the SHRM Foundation.

  • Ensure that iPod Shuffle gets requested from SHRM national.
  • Consultant Auction: We ask local consultants to donate "x" amount of FREE consulting addressing various topics (compensation, benefits, wellness, brown bag lunch topic, etc) and then do a live or silent auction for their service. We could probably get some vendors to donate some consulting time as well. This gives our local consultants some exposure and a different twist to the auction theme.
  • It’s a Bust – Sell balloons for $10 each and insert a number in each that corresponds to a raffle ticket given to the purchaser. Pop a balloon for each available prize and read off the winning number.
  • Reverse Raffle Fundraiser - A fundraising reverse raffle is one where you don't want to win. Give a free ticket to everyone attending a regular organization meeting or special event. Tell them they are automatically included in the drawing for a special prize. If they don't want to be eligible for the prize, they can "sell" their ticket for $1 to $10 - depending on your attendees.
  • Why would they want to get rid of their ticket? Consider prize options/activities that can be completed during the event itself such as ....singing a song standing on a table; wearing a silly hat or mask; having their face painted; wearing a funny costume; or ????? Be creative!
  • You will find very few spoil-sports who won't go along. If nothing else, they will "sell" their ticket to keep from looking foolish. Your only expense is the raffle tickets (a double ticket roll, a single ticket roll that you tear in half or a board with the numbers for sale).
  • All ticket stubs (or duplicate tickets or numbers, depending on your style of raffle tickets) are placed in a hat or other container from which one "lucky" number is drawn. The drawing is normally held early in the event to make sure that the "lucky" holder is present.
  • Alternate 1: Offer a prize such as a goat, pig, donkey, etc. You can be magnanimous and offer to purchase the prize back from the lucky winner for $10.
  • Alternate 2: Another alternative is to have a raffle with a "real"prize but rather than let the first number drawn win, you keep drawing until only one number is left. The winner is the last number drawn.
  • If time allows, we could still do the auction, but do it "live" rather than silent. We would need time during a lunch or at the evening social so not sure this is realistic.
  • We could also put change buckets on the tables in the main ballroom each day.

We need to discuss some of these ideas at the next meeting to see what is feasible and so we can start pursuing and getting organized on what we decide to do.


Nancy will use as a way to track volunteer needs and allow volunteers to sign up easily and reduce the admin burden.

Speed Networking

Need to figure out the details on this.

Action Items

Finalize Save the Date Card and send to Cara (Patty)

Review task list in the spreadsheet provided and create plan of action (committee members)

Find someone to help with speed networking (Patty and all)

Attend/research other fundraising alternatives to a silent auction (Karen)

Explore book sale/signing with Jon Petz (Patty, Patty and Mary)


The meeting was adjourned at 12:25 pm

Prepared by:

Patty Hickok, Director